kidiq %>% head(5)
## kid_score mom_hs mom_iq mom_age
## 1 65 1 121.11753 27
## 2 98 1 89.36188 25
## 3 85 1 115.44316 27
## 4 83 1 99.44964 25
## 5 115 1 92.74571 27
summary(lm(kid_score~ mom_iq, data=kidiq))
## Call:
## lm(formula = kid_score ~ mom_iq, data = kidiq)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -56.753 -12.074 2.217 11.710 47.691
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 25.79978 5.91741 4.36 1.63e-05 ***
## mom_iq 0.60997 0.05852 10.42 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 18.27 on 432 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.201, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1991
## F-statistic: 108.6 on 1 and 432 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
tidy(lm(kid_score~ mom_iq, data=kidiq))
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## term estimate std.error statistic p.value
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) 25.8 5.92 4.36 1.63e- 5
## 2 mom_iq 0.610 0.0585 10.4 7.66e-23
artist_name <- c("Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé","Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé","Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé","Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé","Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele",
"Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé","Beyoncé", "Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele",
"Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé","Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé","Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé",
"Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Beyoncé", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Adele", "Adele", "Adele",
"Adele", "Adele","Adele", "Adele","Adele", "Adele", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift",
"Taylor Swift","Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift", "Taylor Swift")
song_age <- c(5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351, 5351,
5351,4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4186,
4186, 4186,4186, 4186, 4186, 4186, 4132, 4132, 4132, 4132, 4132, 4132, 4132, 4132, 4132,
4132, 4132, 4132,4132, 4132, 3671, 3671, 3671, 3671, 3671, 3671, 3671, 3671, 3671, 3671,
3671, 3671, 3383, 3383,3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383,
3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383,3380, 3380, 3380, 3380, 3380, 3380, 3380, 3380, 3380, 3380,
3380, 3380, 3380, 3380, 3380, 3380,3380, 3380, 3380, 2670, 2670, 2670, 2670, 2670, 2670,
2670, 2670, 2670, 2670, 2670, 2670, 2670,2670, 2670, 2670, 2670, 2584, 2584, 2584, 2584,
2584, 2584, 2584, 2584, 2584, 2584, 2584, 2428,2428, 2428, 2428, 2428, 2428, 2428, 2428,
2428, 2428, 2428, 2428, 2428, 2428, 2428, 1942, 1942,1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942,
1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942,1942, 1525, 1525, 1525, 1525,
1525, 1525, 1525, 1525, 1525, 1525, 1525, 1525, 1525, 1525, 1207,1207, 1207, 1207, 1207,
1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 818,818, 818, 818, 818,
818, 818, 818, 818, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97)
tempo <- c( 99.259, 99.973, 91.039, 166.602, 74.934, 83.615, 112.439, 74.283, 112.726, 84.200, 116.153,
99.947, 133.173, 93.615,173.954, 89.889, 91.977, 175.868, 107.045, 157.992, 124.821, 84.547,
151.947,92.161, 96.540, 94.922, 98.960, 93.852, 105.253, 169.673, 197.431, 122.394, 167.875,
122.868, 175.861,91.962, 152.175, 105.587, 115.012, 175.662, 112.979, 146.172, 131.646,
167.974, 150.802, 177.874,143.983, 96.052, 156.035, 100.021, 108.959, 105.181, 80.072,
109.959, 85.892, 80.758, 81.405, 137.202,72.416, 126.381, 96.997, 122.574, 79.985, 199.965,
143.952, 85.953, 81.921, 100.029, 95.407, 119.004,115.972, 185.776, 129.987, 147.988, 99.990,
133.927, 160.884, 128.046, 126.075, 96.034, 193.438, 146.118, 78.798, 78.454, 89.946, 95.026,
121.969, 83.413, 86.959, 115.025, 97.526, 135.734, 155.881, 136.901,135.990,116.966, 109.888,
78.294, 76.380, 121.066, 114.979, 141.886, 118.993, 119.524, 163.945,139.970, 124.872,
81.994, 145.862, 134.029, 162.090, 97.957, 203.824, 159.853, 147.857, 131.974,104.945,
120.041, 79.830, 115.082,108.003, 159.824, 137.801, 160.009, 51.660, 116.925, 135.109,63.345,
86.934, 167.963, 99.099, 160.979, 72.032,150.006, 94.100, 167.349, 117.999, 110.992, 127.086,
116.010, 124.040, 110.005, 129.958, 124.966, 109.980,154.031, 93.040, 104.012, 145.977,
172.095, 100.114, 93.987, 157.005, 129.974, 117.920, 79.539, 125.997,79.055, 125.941, 79.876,
125.070, 129.935, 140.030, 120.065, 111.580, 185.571, 133.970, 140.415, 170.085,140.553,
80.334, 102.601, 90.567, 136.024, 98.011, 117.008, 95.995, 95.036, 92.001, 96.949,
160.040,118.014, 170.167, 140.024, 120.001, 72.817, 159.986, 103.973, 183.803, 85.026,
121.946, 164.023, 143.860,165.398, 94.982, 81.723, 109.812, 105.846, 141.961, 155.875,
160.015, 159.073, 82.989, 135.917, 95.045,128.070, 74.957, 92.027, 172.054, 110.010,
160.024, 120.085,163.960, 163.954, 94.922)
popularity <- c(72,59,57,39,42,54,43,41,41,42,43,52, 0,35,45,11,65,78,50,48,45,66,50,42,53,43,52,45,
duration_ms <- c(235933,208600,244867,222533,260160,301173,259093,298533,360440,219160,297800,293107,
songs <- data.frame(artist_name, song_age, tempo, popularity, duration_ms)
## artist_name song_age tempo popularity duration_ms
## 1 Beyoncé 5351 99.259 72 235933
## 2 Beyoncé 5351 99.973 59 208600
## 3 Beyoncé 5351 91.039 57 244867
## 4 Beyoncé 5351 166.602 39 222533
## 5 Beyoncé 5351 74.934 42 260160
## 6 Beyoncé 5351 83.615 54 301173
lm_model <- lm(popularity~song_age, data=songs)
## Call:
## lm(formula = popularity ~ song_age, data = songs)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -38.908 -2.064 2.936 7.718 34.627
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 68.6899499 2.2619577 30.367 < 2e-16 ***
## song_age -0.0058526 0.0007327 -7.988 8.52e-14 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 14.9 on 213 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.2305, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2269
## F-statistic: 63.81 on 1 and 213 DF, p-value: 8.516e-14
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## term estimate std.error statistic p.value
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) 68.7 2.26 30.4 2.45e-79
## 2 song_age -0.00585 0.000733 -7.99 8.52e-14
# call summary of estimates
## Model Info:
## function: stan_glm
## family: gaussian [identity]
## formula: popularity ~ song_age
## algorithm: sampling
## priors: see help('prior_summary')
## sample: 4000 (posterior sample size)
## observations: 215
## predictors: 2
## Estimates:
## mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 68.7 2.2 64.3 67.2 68.7 70.2 73.0
## song_age 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
## sigma 15.0 0.7 13.6 14.5 14.9 15.4 16.5
## mean_PPD 52.5 1.5 49.7 51.6 52.5 53.5 55.4
## log-posterior -894.5 1.3 -897.7 -895.1 -894.1 -893.6 -893.1
## Diagnostics:
## mcse Rhat n_eff
## (Intercept) 0.0 1.0 4133
## song_age 0.0 1.0 3701
## sigma 0.0 1.0 3762
## mean_PPD 0.0 1.0 4219
## log-posterior 0.0 1.0 1603
## For each parameter, mcse is Monte Carlo standard error, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size, and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence Rhat=1).
# call coefficient estimates
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
## term estimate std.error
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) 68.7 2.21
## 2 song_age -0.00586 0.000718
# 95% credible intervals
posterior_interval(stan_model, pars = "song_age", prob=.95)
## 2.5% 97.5%
## song_age -0.00728249 -0.004434891
confint(lm_model, parm = "song_age", level=.95)
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## song_age -0.0072968 -0.004408318
posterior <- spread_draws(stan_model, song_age)
mean(between(posterior$song_age, -.006, -.005))
## [1] 0.463
## Priors for model 'stan_model'
## ------
## Intercept (after predictors centered)
## ~ normal(location = 0, scale = 10)
## **adjusted scale = 169.51
## Coefficients
## ~ normal(location = 0, scale = 2.5)
## **adjusted scale = 0.03
## Auxiliary (sigma)
## ~ exponential(rate = 1)
## **adjusted scale = 16.95 (adjusted rate = 1/adjusted scale)
## ------
## See help('prior_summary.stanreg') for more details
10 * sd(songs$popularity)
## [1] 169.5062
(2.5/ sd(songs$song_age)) * sd(songs$popularity)
## [1] 0.03047504
## Priors for model 'stan_model_no_scale'
## ------
## Intercept (after predictors centered)
## ~ normal(location = 0, scale = 10)
## Coefficients
## ~ normal(location = 0, scale = 2.5)
## Auxiliary (sigma)
## ~ exponential(rate = 1)
## ------
## See help('prior_summary.stanreg') for more details
## Priors for model 'stan_model'
## ------
## Intercept (after predictors centered)
## ~ flat
## Coefficients
## ~ flat
## Auxiliary (sigma)
## ~ flat
## ------
## See help('prior_summary.stanreg') for more details
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
## term estimate std.error
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) 67.3 2.30
## 2 song_age -0.00535 0.000773
## Priors for model 'stan_model'
## ------
## Intercept (after predictors centered)
## ~ flat
## Coefficients
## ~ cauchy(location = -0.004, scale = 0.001)
## Auxiliary (sigma)
## ~ flat
## ------
## See help('prior_summary.stanreg') for more details
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
## term estimate std.error
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) 68.6 2.25
## 2 song_age -0.00583 0.000744
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
## term estimate std.error
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) 68.6 2.26
## 2 song_age -0.00584 0.000734
## [1] 0.2305064
ss_res <- var(residuals(stan_model))
ss_total <- var(fitted(stan_model)) + var(residuals(stan_model))
1 - (ss_res/ss_total)
## [1] 0.2295941
predictions <- posterior_linpred(stan_model)
predictions[1:10, 1:5] # print first 10 iterations for songs 1 through 5
## iterations 1 2 3 4 5
## [1,] 37.39273 37.39273 37.39273 37.39273 37.39273
## [2,] 38.40191 38.40191 38.40191 38.40191 38.40191
## [3,] 37.67996 37.67996 37.67996 37.67996 37.67996
## [4,] 39.02225 39.02225 39.02225 39.02225 39.02225
## [5,] 38.86703 38.86703 38.86703 38.86703 38.86703
## [6,] 36.22995 36.22995 36.22995 36.22995 36.22995
## [7,] 38.42025 38.42025 38.42025 38.42025 38.42025
## [8,] 38.17125 38.17125 38.17125 38.17125 38.17125
## [9,] 35.55546 35.55546 35.55546 35.55546 35.55546
## [10,] 35.64800 35.64800 35.64800 35.64800 35.64800
iter1 <- predictions[1,]
iter2 <- predictions[2,]
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## [1,] 0.00000 47.50000 56.00000 52.54884 62.00000 85.00000
## [2,] 37.39273 47.23476 53.09897 52.58368 58.58531 68.17250
## [3,] 38.40191 47.64808 53.15726 52.67317 58.31145 67.31822
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 39.60 43.54 44.51 44.50 45.45 51.69
r2_posterior <- bayes_R2(stan_model)
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.04953 0.19993 0.22959 0.22931 0.25966 0.38640
quantile(r2_posterior, probs=c(.025, .975))
## 2.5% 97.5%
## 0.1465685 0.3082826
r2_posterior <- data.frame(r2_posterior)
ggplot(data=r2_posterior, aes(x=r2_posterior)) + geom_histogram()
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
# the dark blue line represents our data.
pp_check(stan_model, "dens_overlay")
# the dark blue line represents our data.
pp_check(stan_model, "stat")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
###### Note. our observed mean falls within our predicted posterior distribution range, the model fits.
pp_check(stan_model, "stat_2d")
## Computed from 4000 by 215 log-likelihood matrix
## Estimate SE
## elpd_loo -888.0 13.0
## p_loo 3.2 0.4
## looic 1776.1 25.9
## ------
## Monte Carlo SE of elpd_loo is 0.0.
## All Pareto k estimates are good (k < 0.5).
## See help('pareto-k-diagnostic') for details.
compare(loo(stan_model), loo(stan_model_2))
## elpd_diff se
## 0.7 2.1
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
## term estimate std.error
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) 68.7 2.31
## 2 song_age -0.00587 0.000747
## [1] 68.72257
## [1] -0.005866562
ggplot(songs, aes(x=song_age, y=popularity)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept=model_intercept, slope=model_slope)
draws <- spread_draws(stan_model, `(Intercept)`, song_age)
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## .chain .iteration .draw `(Intercept)` song_age
## <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 1 1 68.5 -0.00565
## 2 1 2 2 70.9 -0.00649
## 3 1 3 3 67.0 -0.00512
## 4 1 4 4 70.6 -0.00629
## 5 1 5 5 67.1 -0.00558
## 6 1 6 6 69.6 -0.00581
ggplot(songs, aes(x=song_age, y=popularity)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(data=draws, aes(intercept=`(Intercept)`, slope=song_age),
size=.1, alpha=.2, color="skyblue") +
geom_abline(intercept=model_intercept, slope=model_slope)
posteriors <- posterior_predict(stan_model)
posteriors[1:10, 1:5]
## 1 2 3 4 5
## [1,] 19.22087 33.621913 36.696973 30.38532 8.051973
## [2,] 59.81539 53.360151 38.751336 27.25390 7.674771
## [3,] 40.04493 27.925747 34.313162 42.16199 57.464111
## [4,] 35.03974 39.546218 35.988896 35.52850 34.867065
## [5,] 27.39924 5.308039 17.386039 24.83862 2.785586
## [6,] 37.46735 25.465261 21.656415 45.95478 13.686074
## [7,] 37.58420 41.673328 -2.011426 17.20164 57.471732
## [8,] 43.01953 29.303537 23.715073 33.28803 32.348840
## [9,] 34.09349 37.979895 39.037511 27.15901 71.799770
## [10,] 46.54097 11.704264 54.742663 57.11819 26.145158
predict_data <- data.frame(song_age = 663, artist_name = "Beyoncé")
## song_age artist_name
## 1 663 Beyoncé
new_predictions <- posterior_predict(stan_model, newdata = predict_data)
## [1] 37.21357 69.61744 48.08095 65.40637 66.58972 58.41120 56.01635
## [8] 58.26399 35.47280 56.17266
summary(new_predictions[, 1])
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 8.875 43.110 52.345 52.191 61.507 101.136
# Convert to data frame and rename variables
new_predictions <-
colnames(new_predictions) <- c("Adele", "Taylor Swift", "Beyoncé")
# Create tidy data structure
plot_posterior <- gather(new_predictions, key = "artist_name", value = "predict")
ggplot(plot_posterior, aes(x=predict)) +
facet_wrap(~artist_name, ncol=1) +