cd ~/Desktop
mkdir myproject # create a project directory
git --version # check to make sure git is installed on local computer
git init # initiatilize git
ls -la # check for .git directory
vim # create test script
git status # look at current status of git repository
git add # add script to git repository
git commit # add comment to top of document
vim .gitignore # create gitignore file to specify files in directory that should NOT be included in push/pull
# main.pyc
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "added and .gitignore files" # use -m tag to include commit in command line
git status
git checkout -b dev # make a new branch for current state of code (ex: frustrated with code and need to step away)
git add
git commit -m "code is busted"
git checkout master # return to master branch... still has original script (without latest updates that were pushed to dev branch)
git branch --list # list branches that exist in repository
git reset --hard # erases EVERY change since the last commit ****BE CAREFUL WITH THIS COMMAND****
git checkout dev
vim ~/.gitconfig
email =
name = Jaclyn Noshay
vim ~/.vimrc
syntax on
set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set expandtab
set number
set showcmd
set cursorline
filetype indent on
set wildmenu
set lazyredraw
set showmatch
set incsearch
set hlsearch
# when in vim if want numbers removed...
# :set nonumber
# to remove full line
# dd
# to remove X lines below cursor
# dX[down]
Set-up connection between github profile and command line
Github online: make new repository [titled: git_practice]
# Add ssh to github account
cd ~/.ssh
cat config # look at current defined ssh commands
mkdir githubkey
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
mv id* githubkey/.
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
cd githubkey
ssh-add ./id_ed25519
# Push existing repository from local computer
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
git checkout master
vim # make adjustment to file
git push # git push --set-upstream origin master
# on Andes
git clone # clone existing repository onto olcf
git log # see git commit history
git checkout ba76527cdb2334b145cb3d5f0cbfe21ef0249ecc # going "back in time" to a previous state of updates --> 'detached HEAD' state
vim # look at state of script
# make adjustments to
git checkout -b testbranch # create new branch with state of scripts
git add
git commit -m "back in time plus things"
git push # git push --set-upstream origin testbranch
git checkout main # go back to main branch (does not include the updates that were pushed to testbranch)
vim # make changes in from main branch
git add
git commit -m "update in main"
git push # push to repository
git status
# back on local computer
# adjustment made and pushed to repository... update on local
git pull
# You can fetch all branches from all remotes like this:
git fetch --all
# To update local branches which track remote branches:
git pull --all
# To track all remote branches execute this oneliner BEFORE git pull --all:
git branch -r | grep -v '\->' | sed "s,\x1B\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z],,g" | while read remote; do git branch --track "${remote#origin/}" "$remote"; done