Loading packages
## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ──
## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.2 ✓ purrr 0.3.4
## ✓ tibble 3.0.3 ✓ dplyr 1.0.1
## ✓ tidyr 1.1.1 ✓ stringr 1.4.0
## ✓ readr 1.3.1 ✓ forcats 0.5.0
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
Importing review data
review_data <- read_csv("Roomba Reviews.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## date = col_character(),
## product = col_character(),
## stars = col_double(),
## title = col_character(),
## review = col_character()
## )
## # A tibble: 1,833 x 5
## date product stars title review
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 2/28/15 iRobot Roomba… 5 Five Stars "You would not believe how w…
## 2 1/12/15 iRobot Roomba… 4 Four Stars "You just walk away and it d…
## 3 12/26/… iRobot Roomba… 5 Awesome love it. "You have to Roomba proof yo…
## 4 8/4/13 iRobot Roomba… 3 Love-hate this va… "Yes, it's a fascinating, al…
## 5 12/22/… iRobot Roomba… 5 This vacuum is fa… "Years ago I bought one of t…
## 6 12/27/… iRobot Roomba… 5 Wow! "Wow.Wow. I never knew my f…
## 7 8/17/15 iRobot Roomba… 1 Terrible Product … "Wow.. I don't know what to …
## 8 12/28/… iRobot Roomba… 5 Super-impressed b… "Wow, wow, WOW! I wanted to…
## 9 1/19/14 iRobot Roomba… 5 LOVE THIS "Wow, the Roomba is the best…
## 10 7/2/15 iRobot Roomba… 5 Stress is bad; Ro… "Wow, it changes your life. …
## # … with 1,823 more rows
Using filter() and summarize()
review_data %>%
filter(product == "iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets") %>%
summarize(stars_mean = mean(stars))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
## stars_mean
## <dbl>
## 1 4.49
review_data %>%
group_by(product) %>%
summarize(stars_mean = mean(stars))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## product stars_mean
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 4.49
## 2 iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 4.42
review_data %>%
group_by(product) %>%
summarize(review_mean = mean(review))
## Warning in mean.default(review): argument is not numeric or logical: returning
## NA
## Warning in mean.default(review): argument is not numeric or logical: returning
## NA
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## product review_mean
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets NA
## 2 iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies NA
# Load the tidyverse packages
# Print twitter_data
## # A tibble: 7,044 x 6
## tweet_id date complaint_label tweet_text usr_followers_c…
## <dbl> <dttm> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:07:25 Non-Complaint 1. Haneda… 152
## 2 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:12:30 Non-Complaint My plane … 184
## 3 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:13:56 Complaint So appare… 136
## 4 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:16:09 Non-Complaint Je suppor… 1
## 5 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:17:37 Non-Complaint Dear @Ceb… 67
## 6 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:18:49 Complaint Boo @Delt… 138
## 7 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:26:42 Non-Complaint #PALFlies… 21
## 8 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:31:08 Complaint @JetBlue … 133
## 9 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:35:27 Non-Complaint Celebrati… 607
## 10 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:46:47 Non-Complaint Don't do … 165
## # … with 7,034 more rows, and 1 more variable: usr_verified <lgl>
# Print just the complaints in twitter_data
twitter_data %>%
filter(complaint_label == "Complaint")
## # A tibble: 1,676 x 6
## tweet_id date complaint_label tweet_text usr_followers_c…
## <dbl> <dttm> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:13:56 Complaint So appare… 136
## 2 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:18:49 Complaint Boo @Delt… 138
## 3 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:31:08 Complaint @JetBlue … 133
## 4 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:49:18 Complaint @TheRealK… 221
## 5 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:54:32 Complaint @American… 10
## 6 4.77e17 2014-06-12 00:58:36 Complaint I strongl… 158
## 7 4.77e17 2014-06-12 01:08:40 Complaint @doncliff… 55
## 8 4.77e17 2014-06-12 01:27:36 Complaint @USAirway… 995
## 9 4.77e17 2014-06-12 02:17:21 Complaint Just aske… 7005
## 10 4.77e17 2014-06-12 02:18:16 Complaint @migs647 … 919
## # … with 1,666 more rows, and 1 more variable: usr_verified <lgl>
# Start with the data frame
twitter_data %>%
# Group the whether or not the tweet is a complaint
group_by(complaint_label) %>%
# Compute the mean, min, and max follower counts
avg_followers = mean(usr_followers_count),
min_followers = min(usr_followers_count),
max_followers = max(usr_followers_count)
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
## complaint_label avg_followers min_followers max_followers
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Complaint 3234. 0 1259803
## 2 Non-Complaint 4487. 0 2200851
Column types
## # A tibble: 1,833 x 5
## date product stars title review
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 2/28/15 iRobot Roomba… 5 Five Stars "You would not believe how w…
## 2 1/12/15 iRobot Roomba… 4 Four Stars "You just walk away and it d…
## 3 12/26/… iRobot Roomba… 5 Awesome love it. "You have to Roomba proof yo…
## 4 8/4/13 iRobot Roomba… 3 Love-hate this va… "Yes, it's a fascinating, al…
## 5 12/22/… iRobot Roomba… 5 This vacuum is fa… "Years ago I bought one of t…
## 6 12/27/… iRobot Roomba… 5 Wow! "Wow.Wow. I never knew my f…
## 7 8/17/15 iRobot Roomba… 1 Terrible Product … "Wow.. I don't know what to …
## 8 12/28/… iRobot Roomba… 5 Super-impressed b… "Wow, wow, WOW! I wanted to…
## 9 1/19/14 iRobot Roomba… 5 LOVE THIS "Wow, the Roomba is the best…
## 10 7/2/15 iRobot Roomba… 5 Stress is bad; Ro… "Wow, it changes your life. …
## # … with 1,823 more rows
Summarize with n()
review_data %>%
summarize(number_rows = n())
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
## number_rows
## <int>
## 1 1833
review_data %>%
group_by(product) %>%
summarize(number_rows = n())
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## product number_rows
## <chr> <int>
## 1 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 633
## 2 iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 1200
Summarize with count()
review_data %>%
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## product n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 633
## 2 iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 1200
review_data %>%
count(product) %>%
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## product n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 1200
## 2 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 633
# Load the tidyverse package
twitter_data %>%
# Filter for just the complaints
filter(complaint_label == "Complaint") %>%
# Count the number of verified and non-verified users
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## usr_verified n
## <lgl> <int>
## 1 FALSE 1650
## 2 TRUE 26
twitter_data %>%
# Group by whether or not a user is verified
group_by(usr_verified) %>%
# Compute the average number of followers
avg_followers = mean(usr_followers_count),
# Count the number of users in each category
n = n()
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
## usr_verified avg_followers n
## <lgl> <dbl> <int>
## 1 FALSE 1999. 6927
## 2 TRUE 133849. 117
Tokenizing Text
Using unnest_tokens()
tidy_review <- review_data %>%
unnest_tokens(word, review)
## # A tibble: 229,481 x 5
## date product stars title word
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 2/28/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Five Stars you
## 2 2/28/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Five Stars would
## 3 2/28/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Five Stars not
## 4 2/28/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Five Stars believe
## 5 2/28/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Five Stars how
## 6 2/28/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Five Stars well
## 7 2/28/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Five Stars this
## 8 2/28/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Five Stars works
## 9 1/12/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 4 Four Stars you
## 10 1/12/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 4 Four Stars just
## # … with 229,471 more rows
Counting words
tidy_review %>%
count(word) %>%
## # A tibble: 10,310 x 2
## word n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 the 11785
## 2 it 7905
## 3 and 6794
## 4 to 6440
## 5 i 6034
## 6 a 5884
## 7 is 3347
## 8 of 3229
## 9 have 2470
## 10 that 2410
## # … with 10,300 more rows
Using anti_join()
tidy_review2 <- review_data %>%
unnest_tokens(word, review) %>%
## Joining, by = "word"
## # A tibble: 78,868 x 5
## date product stars title word
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1/12/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 4 Four Stars walk
## 2 1/12/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 4 Four Stars rest
## 3 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Awesome love it. roomba
## 4 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Awesome love it. proof
## 5 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Awesome love it. house
## 6 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Awesome love it. awesome
## 7 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Awesome love it. pet
## 8 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 Awesome love it. cleans
## 9 8/4/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 3 Love-hate this vaccuum fascinating
## 10 8/4/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 3 Love-hate this vaccuum albeit
## # … with 78,858 more rows
Counting words again
tidy_review2 %>%
count(word) %>%
## # A tibble: 9,672 x 2
## word n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 roomba 2286
## 2 clean 1204
## 3 vacuum 989
## 4 hair 900
## 5 cleaning 809
## 6 time 795
## 7 house 745
## 8 floors 657
## 9 day 578
## 10 floor 561
## # … with 9,662 more rows
# Load the tidyverse and tidytext packages
tidy_twitter <- twitter_data %>%
# Tokenize the twitter data
unnest_tokens(word, tweet_text)
tidy_twitter %>%
# Compute word counts
count(word) %>%
# Arrange the counts in descending order
## # A tibble: 18,600 x 2
## word n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 to 2834
## 2 the 2212
## 3 a 1989
## 4 i 1752
## 5 t.co 1405
## 6 http 1361
## 7 for 1356
## 8 you 1345
## 9 on 1289
## 10 and 1153
## # … with 18,590 more rows
tidy_twitter <- twitter_data %>%
# Tokenize the twitter data
unnest_tokens(word, tweet_text) %>%
# Remove stop words
## Joining, by = "word"
tidy_twitter %>%
# Filter to keep complaints only
filter(complaint_label == "Complaint") %>%
# Compute word counts and arrange in descending order
count(word) %>%
## # A tibble: 3,863 x 2
## word n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 flight 459
## 2 united 362
## 3 americanair 294
## 4 usairways 207
## 5 time 167
## 6 delta 141
## 7 service 137
## 8 2 129
## 9 delayed 123
## 10 british_airways 121
## # … with 3,853 more rows
Starting with tidy text
tidy_review <- review_data %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
unnest_tokens(word, review) %>%
## Joining, by = "word"
## # A tibble: 78,868 x 6
## date product stars title id word
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr>
## 1 1/12/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for P… 4 Four Stars 2 walk
## 2 1/12/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for P… 4 Four Stars 2 rest
## 3 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for P… 5 Awesome love it. 3 roomba
## 4 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for P… 5 Awesome love it. 3 proof
## 5 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for P… 5 Awesome love it. 3 house
## 6 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for P… 5 Awesome love it. 3 awesome
## 7 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for P… 5 Awesome love it. 3 pet
## 8 12/26/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for P… 5 Awesome love it. 3 cleans
## 9 8/4/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for P… 3 Love-hate this vacc… 4 fascinati…
## 10 8/4/13 iRobot Roomba 650 for P… 3 Love-hate this vacc… 4 albeit
## # … with 78,858 more rows
Visualizing count with geom_col()
word_counts <- tidy_review %>%
count(word) %>%
word_counts, aes(x = word, y = n)
) + geom_col()
filter() before visualizing
word_counts2 <- tidy_review %>%
count(word) %>%
filter(n > 300) %>%
## # A tibble: 25 x 2
## word n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 roomba 2286
## 2 clean 1204
## 3 vacuum 989
## 4 hair 900
## 5 cleaning 809
## 6 time 795
## 7 house 745
## 8 floors 657
## 9 day 578
## 10 floor 561
## # … with 15 more rows
And flip coordinates
ggplot(word_counts2, aes(x = word, y = n)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
ggtitle("Review Word Counts")
word_counts <- tidy_twitter %>%
filter(complaint_label == "Complaint") %>%
count(word) %>%
# Keep words with count greater than 100
filter(n > 100)
# Create a bar plot using word_counts with x = word
ggplot(word_counts, aes(x = word, y = n)) +
geom_col() +
# Flip the plot coordinates
word_counts <- tidy_twitter %>%
# Only keep the non-complaints
filter(complaint_label == "Non-Complaint") %>%
count(word) %>%
filter(n > 150)
# Create a bar plot using the new word_counts
ggplot(word_counts, aes(x = word, y = n)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
# Title the plot "Non-Complaint Word Counts"
ggtitle("Non-Complaint Word Counts")
Custom stop words
## word lexicon
## 1 a SMART
## 2 a's SMART
## 3 able SMART
## 4 about SMART
## 5 above SMART
## 6 according SMART
## 7 accordingly SMART
## 8 across SMART
## 9 actually SMART
## 10 after SMART
## 11 afterwards SMART
## 12 again SMART
## 13 against SMART
## 14 ain't SMART
## 15 all SMART
## 16 allow SMART
## 17 allows SMART
## 18 almost SMART
## 19 alone SMART
## 20 along SMART
## 21 already SMART
## 22 also SMART
## 23 although SMART
## 24 always SMART
## 25 am SMART
## 26 among SMART
## 27 amongst SMART
## 28 an SMART
## 29 and SMART
## 30 another SMART
## 31 any SMART
## 32 anybody SMART
## 33 anyhow SMART
## 34 anyone SMART
## 35 anything SMART
## 36 anyway SMART
## 37 anyways SMART
## 38 anywhere SMART
## 39 apart SMART
## 40 appear SMART
## 41 appreciate SMART
## 42 appropriate SMART
## 43 are SMART
## 44 aren't SMART
## 45 around SMART
## 46 as SMART
## 47 aside SMART
## 48 ask SMART
## 49 asking SMART
## 50 associated SMART
## 51 at SMART
## 52 available SMART
## 53 away SMART
## 54 awfully SMART
## 55 b SMART
## 56 be SMART
## 57 became SMART
## 58 because SMART
## 59 become SMART
## 60 becomes SMART
## 61 becoming SMART
## 62 been SMART
## 63 before SMART
## 64 beforehand SMART
## 65 behind SMART
## 66 being SMART
## 67 believe SMART
## 68 below SMART
## 69 beside SMART
## 70 besides SMART
## 71 best SMART
## 72 better SMART
## 73 between SMART
## 74 beyond SMART
## 75 both SMART
## 76 brief SMART
## 77 but SMART
## 78 by SMART
## 79 c SMART
## 80 c'mon SMART
## 81 c's SMART
## 82 came SMART
## 83 can SMART
## 84 can't SMART
## 85 cannot SMART
## 86 cant SMART
## 87 cause SMART
## 88 causes SMART
## 89 certain SMART
## 90 certainly SMART
## 91 changes SMART
## 92 clearly SMART
## 93 co SMART
## 94 com SMART
## 95 come SMART
## 96 comes SMART
## 97 concerning SMART
## 98 consequently SMART
## 99 consider SMART
## 100 considering SMART
## 101 contain SMART
## 102 containing SMART
## 103 contains SMART
## 104 corresponding SMART
## 105 could SMART
## 106 couldn't SMART
## 107 course SMART
## 108 currently SMART
## 109 d SMART
## 110 definitely SMART
## 111 described SMART
## 112 despite SMART
## 113 did SMART
## 114 didn't SMART
## 115 different SMART
## 116 do SMART
## 117 does SMART
## 118 doesn't SMART
## 119 doing SMART
## 120 don't SMART
## 121 done SMART
## 122 down SMART
## 123 downwards SMART
## 124 during SMART
## 125 e SMART
## 126 each SMART
## 127 edu SMART
## 128 eg SMART
## 129 eight SMART
## 130 either SMART
## 131 else SMART
## 132 elsewhere SMART
## 133 enough SMART
## 134 entirely SMART
## 135 especially SMART
## 136 et SMART
## 137 etc SMART
## 138 even SMART
## 139 ever SMART
## 140 every SMART
## 141 everybody SMART
## 142 everyone SMART
## 143 everything SMART
## 144 everywhere SMART
## 145 ex SMART
## 146 exactly SMART
## 147 example SMART
## 148 except SMART
## 149 f SMART
## 150 far SMART
## 151 few SMART
## 152 fifth SMART
## 153 first SMART
## 154 five SMART
## 155 followed SMART
## 156 following SMART
## 157 follows SMART
## 158 for SMART
## 159 former SMART
## 160 formerly SMART
## 161 forth SMART
## 162 four SMART
## 163 from SMART
## 164 further SMART
## 165 furthermore SMART
## 166 g SMART
## 167 get SMART
## 168 gets SMART
## 169 getting SMART
## 170 given SMART
## 171 gives SMART
## 172 go SMART
## 173 goes SMART
## 174 going SMART
## 175 gone SMART
## 176 got SMART
## 177 gotten SMART
## 178 greetings SMART
## 179 h SMART
## 180 had SMART
## 181 hadn't SMART
## 182 happens SMART
## 183 hardly SMART
## 184 has SMART
## 185 hasn't SMART
## 186 have SMART
## 187 haven't SMART
## 188 having SMART
## 189 he SMART
## 190 he's SMART
## 191 hello SMART
## 192 help SMART
## 193 hence SMART
## 194 her SMART
## 195 here SMART
## 196 here's SMART
## 197 hereafter SMART
## 198 hereby SMART
## 199 herein SMART
## 200 hereupon SMART
## 201 hers SMART
## 202 herself SMART
## 203 hi SMART
## 204 him SMART
## 205 himself SMART
## 206 his SMART
## 207 hither SMART
## 208 hopefully SMART
## 209 how SMART
## 210 howbeit SMART
## 211 however SMART
## 212 i SMART
## 213 i'd SMART
## 214 i'll SMART
## 215 i'm SMART
## 216 i've SMART
## 217 ie SMART
## 218 if SMART
## 219 ignored SMART
## 220 immediate SMART
## 221 in SMART
## 222 inasmuch SMART
## 223 inc SMART
## 224 indeed SMART
## 225 indicate SMART
## 226 indicated SMART
## 227 indicates SMART
## 228 inner SMART
## 229 insofar SMART
## 230 instead SMART
## 231 into SMART
## 232 inward SMART
## 233 is SMART
## 234 isn't SMART
## 235 it SMART
## 236 it'd SMART
## 237 it'll SMART
## 238 it's SMART
## 239 its SMART
## 240 itself SMART
## 241 j SMART
## 242 just SMART
## 243 k SMART
## 244 keep SMART
## 245 keeps SMART
## 246 kept SMART
## 247 know SMART
## 248 knows SMART
## 249 known SMART
## 250 l SMART
## 251 last SMART
## 252 lately SMART
## 253 later SMART
## 254 latter SMART
## 255 latterly SMART
## 256 least SMART
## 257 less SMART
## 258 lest SMART
## 259 let SMART
## 260 let's SMART
## 261 like SMART
## 262 liked SMART
## 263 likely SMART
## 264 little SMART
## 265 look SMART
## 266 looking SMART
## 267 looks SMART
## 268 ltd SMART
## 269 m SMART
## 270 mainly SMART
## 271 many SMART
## 272 may SMART
## 273 maybe SMART
## 274 me SMART
## 275 mean SMART
## 276 meanwhile SMART
## 277 merely SMART
## 278 might SMART
## 279 more SMART
## 280 moreover SMART
## 281 most SMART
## 282 mostly SMART
## 283 much SMART
## 284 must SMART
## 285 my SMART
## 286 myself SMART
## 287 n SMART
## 288 name SMART
## 289 namely SMART
## 290 nd SMART
## 291 near SMART
## 292 nearly SMART
## 293 necessary SMART
## 294 need SMART
## 295 needs SMART
## 296 neither SMART
## 297 never SMART
## 298 nevertheless SMART
## 299 new SMART
## 300 next SMART
## 301 nine SMART
## 302 no SMART
## 303 nobody SMART
## 304 non SMART
## 305 none SMART
## 306 noone SMART
## 307 nor SMART
## 308 normally SMART
## 309 not SMART
## 310 nothing SMART
## 311 novel SMART
## 312 now SMART
## 313 nowhere SMART
## 314 o SMART
## 315 obviously SMART
## 316 of SMART
## 317 off SMART
## 318 often SMART
## 319 oh SMART
## 320 ok SMART
## 321 okay SMART
## 322 old SMART
## 323 on SMART
## 324 once SMART
## 325 one SMART
## 326 ones SMART
## 327 only SMART
## 328 onto SMART
## 329 or SMART
## 330 other SMART
## 331 others SMART
## 332 otherwise SMART
## 333 ought SMART
## 334 our SMART
## 335 ours SMART
## 336 ourselves SMART
## 337 out SMART
## 338 outside SMART
## 339 over SMART
## 340 overall SMART
## 341 own SMART
## 342 p SMART
## 343 particular SMART
## 344 particularly SMART
## 345 per SMART
## 346 perhaps SMART
## 347 placed SMART
## 348 please SMART
## 349 plus SMART
## 350 possible SMART
## 351 presumably SMART
## 352 probably SMART
## 353 provides SMART
## 354 q SMART
## 355 que SMART
## 356 quite SMART
## 357 qv SMART
## 358 r SMART
## 359 rather SMART
## 360 rd SMART
## 361 re SMART
## 362 really SMART
## 363 reasonably SMART
## 364 regarding SMART
## 365 regardless SMART
## 366 regards SMART
## 367 relatively SMART
## 368 respectively SMART
## 369 right SMART
## 370 s SMART
## 371 said SMART
## 372 same SMART
## 373 saw SMART
## 374 say SMART
## 375 saying SMART
## 376 says SMART
## 377 second SMART
## 378 secondly SMART
## 379 see SMART
## 380 seeing SMART
## 381 seem SMART
## 382 seemed SMART
## 383 seeming SMART
## 384 seems SMART
## 385 seen SMART
## 386 self SMART
## 387 selves SMART
## 388 sensible SMART
## 389 sent SMART
## 390 serious SMART
## 391 seriously SMART
## 392 seven SMART
## 393 several SMART
## 394 shall SMART
## 395 she SMART
## 396 should SMART
## 397 shouldn't SMART
## 398 since SMART
## 399 six SMART
## 400 so SMART
## 401 some SMART
## 402 somebody SMART
## 403 somehow SMART
## 404 someone SMART
## 405 something SMART
## 406 sometime SMART
## 407 sometimes SMART
## 408 somewhat SMART
## 409 somewhere SMART
## 410 soon SMART
## 411 sorry SMART
## 412 specified SMART
## 413 specify SMART
## 414 specifying SMART
## 415 still SMART
## 416 sub SMART
## 417 such SMART
## 418 sup SMART
## 419 sure SMART
## 420 t SMART
## 421 t's SMART
## 422 take SMART
## 423 taken SMART
## 424 tell SMART
## 425 tends SMART
## 426 th SMART
## 427 than SMART
## 428 thank SMART
## 429 thanks SMART
## 430 thanx SMART
## 431 that SMART
## 432 that's SMART
## 433 thats SMART
## 434 the SMART
## 435 their SMART
## 436 theirs SMART
## 437 them SMART
## 438 themselves SMART
## 439 then SMART
## 440 thence SMART
## 441 there SMART
## 442 there's SMART
## 443 thereafter SMART
## 444 thereby SMART
## 445 therefore SMART
## 446 therein SMART
## 447 theres SMART
## 448 thereupon SMART
## 449 these SMART
## 450 they SMART
## 451 they'd SMART
## 452 they'll SMART
## 453 they're SMART
## 454 they've SMART
## 455 think SMART
## 456 third SMART
## 457 this SMART
## 458 thorough SMART
## 459 thoroughly SMART
## 460 those SMART
## 461 though SMART
## 462 three SMART
## 463 through SMART
## 464 throughout SMART
## 465 thru SMART
## 466 thus SMART
## 467 to SMART
## 468 together SMART
## 469 too SMART
## 470 took SMART
## 471 toward SMART
## 472 towards SMART
## 473 tried SMART
## 474 tries SMART
## 475 truly SMART
## 476 try SMART
## 477 trying SMART
## 478 twice SMART
## 479 two SMART
## 480 u SMART
## 481 un SMART
## 482 under SMART
## 483 unfortunately SMART
## 484 unless SMART
## 485 unlikely SMART
## 486 until SMART
## 487 unto SMART
## 488 up SMART
## 489 upon SMART
## 490 us SMART
## 491 use SMART
## 492 used SMART
## 493 useful SMART
## 494 uses SMART
## 495 using SMART
## 496 usually SMART
## 497 uucp SMART
## 498 v SMART
## 499 value SMART
## 500 various SMART
## 501 very SMART
## 502 via SMART
## 503 viz SMART
## 504 vs SMART
## 505 w SMART
## 506 want SMART
## 507 wants SMART
## 508 was SMART
## 509 wasn't SMART
## 510 way SMART
## 511 we SMART
## 512 we'd SMART
## 513 we'll SMART
## 514 we're SMART
## 515 we've SMART
## 516 welcome SMART
## 517 well SMART
## 518 went SMART
## 519 were SMART
## 520 weren't SMART
## 521 what SMART
## 522 what's SMART
## 523 whatever SMART
## 524 when SMART
## 525 whence SMART
## 526 whenever SMART
## 527 where SMART
## 528 where's SMART
## 529 whereafter SMART
## 530 whereas SMART
## 531 whereby SMART
## 532 wherein SMART
## 533 whereupon SMART
## 534 wherever SMART
## 535 whether SMART
## 536 which SMART
## 537 while SMART
## 538 whither SMART
## 539 who SMART
## 540 who's SMART
## 541 whoever SMART
## 542 whole SMART
## 543 whom SMART
## 544 whose SMART
## 545 why SMART
## 546 will SMART
## 547 willing SMART
## 548 wish SMART
## 549 with SMART
## 550 within SMART
## 551 without SMART
## 552 won't SMART
## 553 wonder SMART
## 554 would SMART
## 555 would SMART
## 556 wouldn't SMART
## 557 x SMART
## 558 y SMART
## 559 yes SMART
## 560 yet SMART
## 561 you SMART
## 562 you'd SMART
## 563 you'll SMART
## 564 you're SMART
## 565 you've SMART
## 566 your SMART
## 567 yours SMART
## 568 yourself SMART
## 569 yourselves SMART
## 570 z SMART
## 571 zero SMART
## 572 i snowball
## 573 me snowball
## 574 my snowball
## 575 myself snowball
## 576 we snowball
## 577 our snowball
## 578 ours snowball
## 579 ourselves snowball
## 580 you snowball
## 581 your snowball
## 582 yours snowball
## 583 yourself snowball
## 584 yourselves snowball
## 585 he snowball
## 586 him snowball
## 587 his snowball
## 588 himself snowball
## 589 she snowball
## 590 her snowball
## 591 hers snowball
## 592 herself snowball
## 593 it snowball
## 594 its snowball
## 595 itself snowball
## 596 they snowball
## 597 them snowball
## 598 their snowball
## 599 theirs snowball
## 600 themselves snowball
## 601 what snowball
## 602 which snowball
## 603 who snowball
## 604 whom snowball
## 605 this snowball
## 606 that snowball
## 607 these snowball
## 608 those snowball
## 609 am snowball
## 610 is snowball
## 611 are snowball
## 612 was snowball
## 613 were snowball
## 614 be snowball
## 615 been snowball
## 616 being snowball
## 617 have snowball
## 618 has snowball
## 619 had snowball
## 620 having snowball
## 621 do snowball
## 622 does snowball
## 623 did snowball
## 624 doing snowball
## 625 would snowball
## 626 should snowball
## 627 could snowball
## 628 ought snowball
## 629 i'm snowball
## 630 you're snowball
## 631 he's snowball
## 632 she's snowball
## 633 it's snowball
## 634 we're snowball
## 635 they're snowball
## 636 i've snowball
## 637 you've snowball
## 638 we've snowball
## 639 they've snowball
## 640 i'd snowball
## 641 you'd snowball
## 642 he'd snowball
## 643 she'd snowball
## 644 we'd snowball
## 645 they'd snowball
## 646 i'll snowball
## 647 you'll snowball
## 648 he'll snowball
## 649 she'll snowball
## 650 we'll snowball
## 651 they'll snowball
## 652 isn't snowball
## 653 aren't snowball
## 654 wasn't snowball
## 655 weren't snowball
## 656 hasn't snowball
## 657 haven't snowball
## 658 hadn't snowball
## 659 doesn't snowball
## 660 don't snowball
## 661 didn't snowball
## 662 won't snowball
## 663 wouldn't snowball
## 664 shan't snowball
## 665 shouldn't snowball
## 666 can't snowball
## 667 cannot snowball
## 668 couldn't snowball
## 669 mustn't snowball
## 670 let's snowball
## 671 that's snowball
## 672 who's snowball
## 673 what's snowball
## 674 here's snowball
## 675 there's snowball
## 676 when's snowball
## 677 where's snowball
## 678 why's snowball
## 679 how's snowball
## 680 a snowball
## 681 an snowball
## 682 the snowball
## 683 and snowball
## 684 but snowball
## 685 if snowball
## 686 or snowball
## 687 because snowball
## 688 as snowball
## 689 until snowball
## 690 while snowball
## 691 of snowball
## 692 at snowball
## 693 by snowball
## 694 for snowball
## 695 with snowball
## 696 about snowball
## 697 against snowball
## 698 between snowball
## 699 into snowball
## 700 through snowball
## 701 during snowball
## 702 before snowball
## 703 after snowball
## 704 above snowball
## 705 below snowball
## 706 to snowball
## 707 from snowball
## 708 up snowball
## 709 down snowball
## 710 in snowball
## 711 out snowball
## 712 on snowball
## 713 off snowball
## 714 over snowball
## 715 under snowball
## 716 again snowball
## 717 further snowball
## 718 then snowball
## 719 once snowball
## 720 here snowball
## 721 there snowball
## 722 when snowball
## 723 where snowball
## 724 why snowball
## 725 how snowball
## 726 all snowball
## 727 any snowball
## 728 both snowball
## 729 each snowball
## 730 few snowball
## 731 more snowball
## 732 most snowball
## 733 other snowball
## 734 some snowball
## 735 such snowball
## 736 no snowball
## 737 nor snowball
## 738 not snowball
## 739 only snowball
## 740 own snowball
## 741 same snowball
## 742 so snowball
## 743 than snowball
## 744 too snowball
## 745 very snowball
## 746 a onix
## 747 about onix
## 748 above onix
## 749 across onix
## 750 after onix
## 751 again onix
## 752 against onix
## 753 all onix
## 754 almost onix
## 755 alone onix
## 756 along onix
## 757 already onix
## 758 also onix
## 759 although onix
## 760 always onix
## 761 among onix
## 762 an onix
## 763 and onix
## 764 another onix
## 765 any onix
## 766 anybody onix
## 767 anyone onix
## 768 anything onix
## 769 anywhere onix
## 770 are onix
## 771 area onix
## 772 areas onix
## 773 around onix
## 774 as onix
## 775 ask onix
## 776 asked onix
## 777 asking onix
## 778 asks onix
## 779 at onix
## 780 away onix
## 781 back onix
## 782 backed onix
## 783 backing onix
## 784 backs onix
## 785 be onix
## 786 became onix
## 787 because onix
## 788 become onix
## 789 becomes onix
## 790 been onix
## 791 before onix
## 792 began onix
## 793 behind onix
## 794 being onix
## 795 beings onix
## 796 best onix
## 797 better onix
## 798 between onix
## 799 big onix
## 800 both onix
## 801 but onix
## 802 by onix
## 803 came onix
## 804 can onix
## 805 cannot onix
## 806 case onix
## 807 cases onix
## 808 certain onix
## 809 certainly onix
## 810 clear onix
## 811 clearly onix
## 812 come onix
## 813 could onix
## 814 did onix
## 815 differ onix
## 816 different onix
## 817 differently onix
## 818 do onix
## 819 does onix
## 820 done onix
## 821 down onix
## 822 down onix
## 823 downed onix
## 824 downing onix
## 825 downs onix
## 826 during onix
## 827 each onix
## 828 early onix
## 829 either onix
## 830 end onix
## 831 ended onix
## 832 ending onix
## 833 ends onix
## 834 enough onix
## 835 even onix
## 836 evenly onix
## 837 ever onix
## 838 every onix
## 839 everybody onix
## 840 everyone onix
## 841 everything onix
## 842 everywhere onix
## 843 face onix
## 844 faces onix
## 845 fact onix
## 846 facts onix
## 847 far onix
## 848 felt onix
## 849 few onix
## 850 find onix
## 851 finds onix
## 852 first onix
## 853 for onix
## 854 four onix
## 855 from onix
## 856 full onix
## 857 fully onix
## 858 further onix
## 859 furthered onix
## 860 furthering onix
## 861 furthers onix
## 862 gave onix
## 863 general onix
## 864 generally onix
## 865 get onix
## 866 gets onix
## 867 give onix
## 868 given onix
## 869 gives onix
## 870 go onix
## 871 going onix
## 872 good onix
## 873 goods onix
## 874 got onix
## 875 great onix
## 876 greater onix
## 877 greatest onix
## 878 group onix
## 879 grouped onix
## 880 grouping onix
## 881 groups onix
## 882 had onix
## 883 has onix
## 884 have onix
## 885 having onix
## 886 he onix
## 887 her onix
## 888 here onix
## 889 herself onix
## 890 high onix
## 891 high onix
## 892 high onix
## 893 higher onix
## 894 highest onix
## 895 him onix
## 896 himself onix
## 897 his onix
## 898 how onix
## 899 however onix
## 900 i onix
## 901 if onix
## 902 important onix
## 903 in onix
## 904 interest onix
## 905 interested onix
## 906 interesting onix
## 907 interests onix
## 908 into onix
## 909 is onix
## 910 it onix
## 911 its onix
## 912 itself onix
## 913 just onix
## 914 keep onix
## 915 keeps onix
## 916 kind onix
## 917 knew onix
## 918 know onix
## 919 known onix
## 920 knows onix
## 921 large onix
## 922 largely onix
## 923 last onix
## 924 later onix
## 925 latest onix
## 926 least onix
## 927 less onix
## 928 let onix
## 929 lets onix
## 930 like onix
## 931 likely onix
## 932 long onix
## 933 longer onix
## 934 longest onix
## 935 made onix
## 936 make onix
## 937 making onix
## 938 man onix
## 939 many onix
## 940 may onix
## 941 me onix
## 942 member onix
## 943 members onix
## 944 men onix
## 945 might onix
## 946 more onix
## 947 most onix
## 948 mostly onix
## 949 mr onix
## 950 mrs onix
## 951 much onix
## 952 must onix
## 953 my onix
## 954 myself onix
## 955 necessary onix
## 956 need onix
## 957 needed onix
## 958 needing onix
## 959 needs onix
## 960 never onix
## 961 new onix
## 962 new onix
## 963 newer onix
## 964 newest onix
## 965 next onix
## 966 no onix
## 967 nobody onix
## 968 non onix
## 969 noone onix
## 970 not onix
## 971 nothing onix
## 972 now onix
## 973 nowhere onix
## 974 number onix
## 975 numbers onix
## 976 of onix
## 977 off onix
## 978 often onix
## 979 old onix
## 980 older onix
## 981 oldest onix
## 982 on onix
## 983 once onix
## 984 one onix
## 985 only onix
## 986 open onix
## 987 opened onix
## 988 opening onix
## 989 opens onix
## 990 or onix
## 991 order onix
## 992 ordered onix
## 993 ordering onix
## 994 orders onix
## 995 other onix
## 996 others onix
## 997 our onix
## 998 out onix
## 999 over onix
## 1000 part onix
## 1001 parted onix
## 1002 parting onix
## 1003 parts onix
## 1004 per onix
## 1005 perhaps onix
## 1006 place onix
## 1007 places onix
## 1008 point onix
## 1009 pointed onix
## 1010 pointing onix
## 1011 points onix
## 1012 possible onix
## 1013 present onix
## 1014 presented onix
## 1015 presenting onix
## 1016 presents onix
## 1017 problem onix
## 1018 problems onix
## 1019 put onix
## 1020 puts onix
## 1021 quite onix
## 1022 rather onix
## 1023 really onix
## 1024 right onix
## 1025 right onix
## 1026 room onix
## 1027 rooms onix
## 1028 said onix
## 1029 same onix
## 1030 saw onix
## 1031 say onix
## 1032 says onix
## 1033 second onix
## 1034 seconds onix
## 1035 see onix
## 1036 seem onix
## 1037 seemed onix
## 1038 seeming onix
## 1039 seems onix
## 1040 sees onix
## 1041 several onix
## 1042 shall onix
## 1043 she onix
## 1044 should onix
## 1045 show onix
## 1046 showed onix
## 1047 showing onix
## 1048 shows onix
## 1049 side onix
## 1050 sides onix
## 1051 since onix
## 1052 small onix
## 1053 smaller onix
## 1054 smallest onix
## 1055 some onix
## 1056 somebody onix
## 1057 someone onix
## 1058 something onix
## 1059 somewhere onix
## 1060 state onix
## 1061 states onix
## 1062 still onix
## 1063 still onix
## 1064 such onix
## 1065 sure onix
## 1066 take onix
## 1067 taken onix
## 1068 than onix
## 1069 that onix
## 1070 the onix
## 1071 their onix
## 1072 them onix
## 1073 then onix
## 1074 there onix
## 1075 therefore onix
## 1076 these onix
## 1077 they onix
## 1078 thing onix
## 1079 things onix
## 1080 think onix
## 1081 thinks onix
## 1082 this onix
## 1083 those onix
## 1084 though onix
## 1085 thought onix
## 1086 thoughts onix
## 1087 three onix
## 1088 through onix
## 1089 thus onix
## 1090 to onix
## 1091 today onix
## 1092 together onix
## 1093 too onix
## 1094 took onix
## 1095 toward onix
## 1096 turn onix
## 1097 turned onix
## 1098 turning onix
## 1099 turns onix
## 1100 two onix
## 1101 under onix
## 1102 until onix
## 1103 up onix
## 1104 upon onix
## 1105 us onix
## 1106 use onix
## 1107 used onix
## 1108 uses onix
## 1109 very onix
## 1110 want onix
## 1111 wanted onix
## 1112 wanting onix
## 1113 wants onix
## 1114 was onix
## 1115 way onix
## 1116 ways onix
## 1117 we onix
## 1118 well onix
## 1119 wells onix
## 1120 went onix
## 1121 were onix
## 1122 what onix
## 1123 when onix
## 1124 where onix
## 1125 whether onix
## 1126 which onix
## 1127 while onix
## 1128 who onix
## 1129 whole onix
## 1130 whose onix
## 1131 why onix
## 1132 will onix
## 1133 with onix
## 1134 within onix
## 1135 without onix
## 1136 work onix
## 1137 worked onix
## 1138 working onix
## 1139 works onix
## 1140 would onix
## 1141 year onix
## 1142 years onix
## 1143 yet onix
## 1144 you onix
## 1145 young onix
## 1146 younger onix
## 1147 youngest onix
## 1148 your onix
## 1149 yours onix
Using tribble()
~word, ~lexicon,
"roomba", "CUSTOM",
"2", "CUSTOM"
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## word lexicon
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 roomba CUSTOM
## 2 2 CUSTOM
Using bind_rows()
custom_stop_words <- tribble(
~word, ~lexicon,
"roomba", "CUSTOM",
"2", "CUSTOM"
stop_words2 <- stop_words %>%
## word lexicon
## 1 a SMART
## 2 a's SMART
## 3 able SMART
## 4 about SMART
## 5 above SMART
## 6 according SMART
## 7 accordingly SMART
## 8 across SMART
## 9 actually SMART
## 10 after SMART
## 11 afterwards SMART
## 12 again SMART
## 13 against SMART
## 14 ain't SMART
## 15 all SMART
## 16 allow SMART
## 17 allows SMART
## 18 almost SMART
## 19 alone SMART
## 20 along SMART
## 21 already SMART
## 22 also SMART
## 23 although SMART
## 24 always SMART
## 25 am SMART
## 26 among SMART
## 27 amongst SMART
## 28 an SMART
## 29 and SMART
## 30 another SMART
## 31 any SMART
## 32 anybody SMART
## 33 anyhow SMART
## 34 anyone SMART
## 35 anything SMART
## 36 anyway SMART
## 37 anyways SMART
## 38 anywhere SMART
## 39 apart SMART
## 40 appear SMART
## 41 appreciate SMART
## 42 appropriate SMART
## 43 are SMART
## 44 aren't SMART
## 45 around SMART
## 46 as SMART
## 47 aside SMART
## 48 ask SMART
## 49 asking SMART
## 50 associated SMART
## 51 at SMART
## 52 available SMART
## 53 away SMART
## 54 awfully SMART
## 55 b SMART
## 56 be SMART
## 57 became SMART
## 58 because SMART
## 59 become SMART
## 60 becomes SMART
## 61 becoming SMART
## 62 been SMART
## 63 before SMART
## 64 beforehand SMART
## 65 behind SMART
## 66 being SMART
## 67 believe SMART
## 68 below SMART
## 69 beside SMART
## 70 besides SMART
## 71 best SMART
## 72 better SMART
## 73 between SMART
## 74 beyond SMART
## 75 both SMART
## 76 brief SMART
## 77 but SMART
## 78 by SMART
## 79 c SMART
## 80 c'mon SMART
## 81 c's SMART
## 82 came SMART
## 83 can SMART
## 84 can't SMART
## 85 cannot SMART
## 86 cant SMART
## 87 cause SMART
## 88 causes SMART
## 89 certain SMART
## 90 certainly SMART
## 91 changes SMART
## 92 clearly SMART
## 93 co SMART
## 94 com SMART
## 95 come SMART
## 96 comes SMART
## 97 concerning SMART
## 98 consequently SMART
## 99 consider SMART
## 100 considering SMART
## 101 contain SMART
## 102 containing SMART
## 103 contains SMART
## 104 corresponding SMART
## 105 could SMART
## 106 couldn't SMART
## 107 course SMART
## 108 currently SMART
## 109 d SMART
## 110 definitely SMART
## 111 described SMART
## 112 despite SMART
## 113 did SMART
## 114 didn't SMART
## 115 different SMART
## 116 do SMART
## 117 does SMART
## 118 doesn't SMART
## 119 doing SMART
## 120 don't SMART
## 121 done SMART
## 122 down SMART
## 123 downwards SMART
## 124 during SMART
## 125 e SMART
## 126 each SMART
## 127 edu SMART
## 128 eg SMART
## 129 eight SMART
## 130 either SMART
## 131 else SMART
## 132 elsewhere SMART
## 133 enough SMART
## 134 entirely SMART
## 135 especially SMART
## 136 et SMART
## 137 etc SMART
## 138 even SMART
## 139 ever SMART
## 140 every SMART
## 141 everybody SMART
## 142 everyone SMART
## 143 everything SMART
## 144 everywhere SMART
## 145 ex SMART
## 146 exactly SMART
## 147 example SMART
## 148 except SMART
## 149 f SMART
## 150 far SMART
## 151 few SMART
## 152 fifth SMART
## 153 first SMART
## 154 five SMART
## 155 followed SMART
## 156 following SMART
## 157 follows SMART
## 158 for SMART
## 159 former SMART
## 160 formerly SMART
## 161 forth SMART
## 162 four SMART
## 163 from SMART
## 164 further SMART
## 165 furthermore SMART
## 166 g SMART
## 167 get SMART
## 168 gets SMART
## 169 getting SMART
## 170 given SMART
## 171 gives SMART
## 172 go SMART
## 173 goes SMART
## 174 going SMART
## 175 gone SMART
## 176 got SMART
## 177 gotten SMART
## 178 greetings SMART
## 179 h SMART
## 180 had SMART
## 181 hadn't SMART
## 182 happens SMART
## 183 hardly SMART
## 184 has SMART
## 185 hasn't SMART
## 186 have SMART
## 187 haven't SMART
## 188 having SMART
## 189 he SMART
## 190 he's SMART
## 191 hello SMART
## 192 help SMART
## 193 hence SMART
## 194 her SMART
## 195 here SMART
## 196 here's SMART
## 197 hereafter SMART
## 198 hereby SMART
## 199 herein SMART
## 200 hereupon SMART
## 201 hers SMART
## 202 herself SMART
## 203 hi SMART
## 204 him SMART
## 205 himself SMART
## 206 his SMART
## 207 hither SMART
## 208 hopefully SMART
## 209 how SMART
## 210 howbeit SMART
## 211 however SMART
## 212 i SMART
## 213 i'd SMART
## 214 i'll SMART
## 215 i'm SMART
## 216 i've SMART
## 217 ie SMART
## 218 if SMART
## 219 ignored SMART
## 220 immediate SMART
## 221 in SMART
## 222 inasmuch SMART
## 223 inc SMART
## 224 indeed SMART
## 225 indicate SMART
## 226 indicated SMART
## 227 indicates SMART
## 228 inner SMART
## 229 insofar SMART
## 230 instead SMART
## 231 into SMART
## 232 inward SMART
## 233 is SMART
## 234 isn't SMART
## 235 it SMART
## 236 it'd SMART
## 237 it'll SMART
## 238 it's SMART
## 239 its SMART
## 240 itself SMART
## 241 j SMART
## 242 just SMART
## 243 k SMART
## 244 keep SMART
## 245 keeps SMART
## 246 kept SMART
## 247 know SMART
## 248 knows SMART
## 249 known SMART
## 250 l SMART
## 251 last SMART
## 252 lately SMART
## 253 later SMART
## 254 latter SMART
## 255 latterly SMART
## 256 least SMART
## 257 less SMART
## 258 lest SMART
## 259 let SMART
## 260 let's SMART
## 261 like SMART
## 262 liked SMART
## 263 likely SMART
## 264 little SMART
## 265 look SMART
## 266 looking SMART
## 267 looks SMART
## 268 ltd SMART
## 269 m SMART
## 270 mainly SMART
## 271 many SMART
## 272 may SMART
## 273 maybe SMART
## 274 me SMART
## 275 mean SMART
## 276 meanwhile SMART
## 277 merely SMART
## 278 might SMART
## 279 more SMART
## 280 moreover SMART
## 281 most SMART
## 282 mostly SMART
## 283 much SMART
## 284 must SMART
## 285 my SMART
## 286 myself SMART
## 287 n SMART
## 288 name SMART
## 289 namely SMART
## 290 nd SMART
## 291 near SMART
## 292 nearly SMART
## 293 necessary SMART
## 294 need SMART
## 295 needs SMART
## 296 neither SMART
## 297 never SMART
## 298 nevertheless SMART
## 299 new SMART
## 300 next SMART
## 301 nine SMART
## 302 no SMART
## 303 nobody SMART
## 304 non SMART
## 305 none SMART
## 306 noone SMART
## 307 nor SMART
## 308 normally SMART
## 309 not SMART
## 310 nothing SMART
## 311 novel SMART
## 312 now SMART
## 313 nowhere SMART
## 314 o SMART
## 315 obviously SMART
## 316 of SMART
## 317 off SMART
## 318 often SMART
## 319 oh SMART
## 320 ok SMART
## 321 okay SMART
## 322 old SMART
## 323 on SMART
## 324 once SMART
## 325 one SMART
## 326 ones SMART
## 327 only SMART
## 328 onto SMART
## 329 or SMART
## 330 other SMART
## 331 others SMART
## 332 otherwise SMART
## 333 ought SMART
## 334 our SMART
## 335 ours SMART
## 336 ourselves SMART
## 337 out SMART
## 338 outside SMART
## 339 over SMART
## 340 overall SMART
## 341 own SMART
## 342 p SMART
## 343 particular SMART
## 344 particularly SMART
## 345 per SMART
## 346 perhaps SMART
## 347 placed SMART
## 348 please SMART
## 349 plus SMART
## 350 possible SMART
## 351 presumably SMART
## 352 probably SMART
## 353 provides SMART
## 354 q SMART
## 355 que SMART
## 356 quite SMART
## 357 qv SMART
## 358 r SMART
## 359 rather SMART
## 360 rd SMART
## 361 re SMART
## 362 really SMART
## 363 reasonably SMART
## 364 regarding SMART
## 365 regardless SMART
## 366 regards SMART
## 367 relatively SMART
## 368 respectively SMART
## 369 right SMART
## 370 s SMART
## 371 said SMART
## 372 same SMART
## 373 saw SMART
## 374 say SMART
## 375 saying SMART
## 376 says SMART
## 377 second SMART
## 378 secondly SMART
## 379 see SMART
## 380 seeing SMART
## 381 seem SMART
## 382 seemed SMART
## 383 seeming SMART
## 384 seems SMART
## 385 seen SMART
## 386 self SMART
## 387 selves SMART
## 388 sensible SMART
## 389 sent SMART
## 390 serious SMART
## 391 seriously SMART
## 392 seven SMART
## 393 several SMART
## 394 shall SMART
## 395 she SMART
## 396 should SMART
## 397 shouldn't SMART
## 398 since SMART
## 399 six SMART
## 400 so SMART
## 401 some SMART
## 402 somebody SMART
## 403 somehow SMART
## 404 someone SMART
## 405 something SMART
## 406 sometime SMART
## 407 sometimes SMART
## 408 somewhat SMART
## 409 somewhere SMART
## 410 soon SMART
## 411 sorry SMART
## 412 specified SMART
## 413 specify SMART
## 414 specifying SMART
## 415 still SMART
## 416 sub SMART
## 417 such SMART
## 418 sup SMART
## 419 sure SMART
## 420 t SMART
## 421 t's SMART
## 422 take SMART
## 423 taken SMART
## 424 tell SMART
## 425 tends SMART
## 426 th SMART
## 427 than SMART
## 428 thank SMART
## 429 thanks SMART
## 430 thanx SMART
## 431 that SMART
## 432 that's SMART
## 433 thats SMART
## 434 the SMART
## 435 their SMART
## 436 theirs SMART
## 437 them SMART
## 438 themselves SMART
## 439 then SMART
## 440 thence SMART
## 441 there SMART
## 442 there's SMART
## 443 thereafter SMART
## 444 thereby SMART
## 445 therefore SMART
## 446 therein SMART
## 447 theres SMART
## 448 thereupon SMART
## 449 these SMART
## 450 they SMART
## 451 they'd SMART
## 452 they'll SMART
## 453 they're SMART
## 454 they've SMART
## 455 think SMART
## 456 third SMART
## 457 this SMART
## 458 thorough SMART
## 459 thoroughly SMART
## 460 those SMART
## 461 though SMART
## 462 three SMART
## 463 through SMART
## 464 throughout SMART
## 465 thru SMART
## 466 thus SMART
## 467 to SMART
## 468 together SMART
## 469 too SMART
## 470 took SMART
## 471 toward SMART
## 472 towards SMART
## 473 tried SMART
## 474 tries SMART
## 475 truly SMART
## 476 try SMART
## 477 trying SMART
## 478 twice SMART
## 479 two SMART
## 480 u SMART
## 481 un SMART
## 482 under SMART
## 483 unfortunately SMART
## 484 unless SMART
## 485 unlikely SMART
## 486 until SMART
## 487 unto SMART
## 488 up SMART
## 489 upon SMART
## 490 us SMART
## 491 use SMART
## 492 used SMART
## 493 useful SMART
## 494 uses SMART
## 495 using SMART
## 496 usually SMART
## 497 uucp SMART
## 498 v SMART
## 499 value SMART
## 500 various SMART
## 501 very SMART
## 502 via SMART
## 503 viz SMART
## 504 vs SMART
## 505 w SMART
## 506 want SMART
## 507 wants SMART
## 508 was SMART
## 509 wasn't SMART
## 510 way SMART
## 511 we SMART
## 512 we'd SMART
## 513 we'll SMART
## 514 we're SMART
## 515 we've SMART
## 516 welcome SMART
## 517 well SMART
## 518 went SMART
## 519 were SMART
## 520 weren't SMART
## 521 what SMART
## 522 what's SMART
## 523 whatever SMART
## 524 when SMART
## 525 whence SMART
## 526 whenever SMART
## 527 where SMART
## 528 where's SMART
## 529 whereafter SMART
## 530 whereas SMART
## 531 whereby SMART
## 532 wherein SMART
## 533 whereupon SMART
## 534 wherever SMART
## 535 whether SMART
## 536 which SMART
## 537 while SMART
## 538 whither SMART
## 539 who SMART
## 540 who's SMART
## 541 whoever SMART
## 542 whole SMART
## 543 whom SMART
## 544 whose SMART
## 545 why SMART
## 546 will SMART
## 547 willing SMART
## 548 wish SMART
## 549 with SMART
## 550 within SMART
## 551 without SMART
## 552 won't SMART
## 553 wonder SMART
## 554 would SMART
## 555 would SMART
## 556 wouldn't SMART
## 557 x SMART
## 558 y SMART
## 559 yes SMART
## 560 yet SMART
## 561 you SMART
## 562 you'd SMART
## 563 you'll SMART
## 564 you're SMART
## 565 you've SMART
## 566 your SMART
## 567 yours SMART
## 568 yourself SMART
## 569 yourselves SMART
## 570 z SMART
## 571 zero SMART
## 572 i snowball
## 573 me snowball
## 574 my snowball
## 575 myself snowball
## 576 we snowball
## 577 our snowball
## 578 ours snowball
## 579 ourselves snowball
## 580 you snowball
## 581 your snowball
## 582 yours snowball
## 583 yourself snowball
## 584 yourselves snowball
## 585 he snowball
## 586 him snowball
## 587 his snowball
## 588 himself snowball
## 589 she snowball
## 590 her snowball
## 591 hers snowball
## 592 herself snowball
## 593 it snowball
## 594 its snowball
## 595 itself snowball
## 596 they snowball
## 597 them snowball
## 598 their snowball
## 599 theirs snowball
## 600 themselves snowball
## 601 what snowball
## 602 which snowball
## 603 who snowball
## 604 whom snowball
## 605 this snowball
## 606 that snowball
## 607 these snowball
## 608 those snowball
## 609 am snowball
## 610 is snowball
## 611 are snowball
## 612 was snowball
## 613 were snowball
## 614 be snowball
## 615 been snowball
## 616 being snowball
## 617 have snowball
## 618 has snowball
## 619 had snowball
## 620 having snowball
## 621 do snowball
## 622 does snowball
## 623 did snowball
## 624 doing snowball
## 625 would snowball
## 626 should snowball
## 627 could snowball
## 628 ought snowball
## 629 i'm snowball
## 630 you're snowball
## 631 he's snowball
## 632 she's snowball
## 633 it's snowball
## 634 we're snowball
## 635 they're snowball
## 636 i've snowball
## 637 you've snowball
## 638 we've snowball
## 639 they've snowball
## 640 i'd snowball
## 641 you'd snowball
## 642 he'd snowball
## 643 she'd snowball
## 644 we'd snowball
## 645 they'd snowball
## 646 i'll snowball
## 647 you'll snowball
## 648 he'll snowball
## 649 she'll snowball
## 650 we'll snowball
## 651 they'll snowball
## 652 isn't snowball
## 653 aren't snowball
## 654 wasn't snowball
## 655 weren't snowball
## 656 hasn't snowball
## 657 haven't snowball
## 658 hadn't snowball
## 659 doesn't snowball
## 660 don't snowball
## 661 didn't snowball
## 662 won't snowball
## 663 wouldn't snowball
## 664 shan't snowball
## 665 shouldn't snowball
## 666 can't snowball
## 667 cannot snowball
## 668 couldn't snowball
## 669 mustn't snowball
## 670 let's snowball
## 671 that's snowball
## 672 who's snowball
## 673 what's snowball
## 674 here's snowball
## 675 there's snowball
## 676 when's snowball
## 677 where's snowball
## 678 why's snowball
## 679 how's snowball
## 680 a snowball
## 681 an snowball
## 682 the snowball
## 683 and snowball
## 684 but snowball
## 685 if snowball
## 686 or snowball
## 687 because snowball
## 688 as snowball
## 689 until snowball
## 690 while snowball
## 691 of snowball
## 692 at snowball
## 693 by snowball
## 694 for snowball
## 695 with snowball
## 696 about snowball
## 697 against snowball
## 698 between snowball
## 699 into snowball
## 700 through snowball
## 701 during snowball
## 702 before snowball
## 703 after snowball
## 704 above snowball
## 705 below snowball
## 706 to snowball
## 707 from snowball
## 708 up snowball
## 709 down snowball
## 710 in snowball
## 711 out snowball
## 712 on snowball
## 713 off snowball
## 714 over snowball
## 715 under snowball
## 716 again snowball
## 717 further snowball
## 718 then snowball
## 719 once snowball
## 720 here snowball
## 721 there snowball
## 722 when snowball
## 723 where snowball
## 724 why snowball
## 725 how snowball
## 726 all snowball
## 727 any snowball
## 728 both snowball
## 729 each snowball
## 730 few snowball
## 731 more snowball
## 732 most snowball
## 733 other snowball
## 734 some snowball
## 735 such snowball
## 736 no snowball
## 737 nor snowball
## 738 not snowball
## 739 only snowball
## 740 own snowball
## 741 same snowball
## 742 so snowball
## 743 than snowball
## 744 too snowball
## 745 very snowball
## 746 a onix
## 747 about onix
## 748 above onix
## 749 across onix
## 750 after onix
## 751 again onix
## 752 against onix
## 753 all onix
## 754 almost onix
## 755 alone onix
## 756 along onix
## 757 already onix
## 758 also onix
## 759 although onix
## 760 always onix
## 761 among onix
## 762 an onix
## 763 and onix
## 764 another onix
## 765 any onix
## 766 anybody onix
## 767 anyone onix
## 768 anything onix
## 769 anywhere onix
## 770 are onix
## 771 area onix
## 772 areas onix
## 773 around onix
## 774 as onix
## 775 ask onix
## 776 asked onix
## 777 asking onix
## 778 asks onix
## 779 at onix
## 780 away onix
## 781 back onix
## 782 backed onix
## 783 backing onix
## 784 backs onix
## 785 be onix
## 786 became onix
## 787 because onix
## 788 become onix
## 789 becomes onix
## 790 been onix
## 791 before onix
## 792 began onix
## 793 behind onix
## 794 being onix
## 795 beings onix
## 796 best onix
## 797 better onix
## 798 between onix
## 799 big onix
## 800 both onix
## 801 but onix
## 802 by onix
## 803 came onix
## 804 can onix
## 805 cannot onix
## 806 case onix
## 807 cases onix
## 808 certain onix
## 809 certainly onix
## 810 clear onix
## 811 clearly onix
## 812 come onix
## 813 could onix
## 814 did onix
## 815 differ onix
## 816 different onix
## 817 differently onix
## 818 do onix
## 819 does onix
## 820 done onix
## 821 down onix
## 822 down onix
## 823 downed onix
## 824 downing onix
## 825 downs onix
## 826 during onix
## 827 each onix
## 828 early onix
## 829 either onix
## 830 end onix
## 831 ended onix
## 832 ending onix
## 833 ends onix
## 834 enough onix
## 835 even onix
## 836 evenly onix
## 837 ever onix
## 838 every onix
## 839 everybody onix
## 840 everyone onix
## 841 everything onix
## 842 everywhere onix
## 843 face onix
## 844 faces onix
## 845 fact onix
## 846 facts onix
## 847 far onix
## 848 felt onix
## 849 few onix
## 850 find onix
## 851 finds onix
## 852 first onix
## 853 for onix
## 854 four onix
## 855 from onix
## 856 full onix
## 857 fully onix
## 858 further onix
## 859 furthered onix
## 860 furthering onix
## 861 furthers onix
## 862 gave onix
## 863 general onix
## 864 generally onix
## 865 get onix
## 866 gets onix
## 867 give onix
## 868 given onix
## 869 gives onix
## 870 go onix
## 871 going onix
## 872 good onix
## 873 goods onix
## 874 got onix
## 875 great onix
## 876 greater onix
## 877 greatest onix
## 878 group onix
## 879 grouped onix
## 880 grouping onix
## 881 groups onix
## 882 had onix
## 883 has onix
## 884 have onix
## 885 having onix
## 886 he onix
## 887 her onix
## 888 here onix
## 889 herself onix
## 890 high onix
## 891 high onix
## 892 high onix
## 893 higher onix
## 894 highest onix
## 895 him onix
## 896 himself onix
## 897 his onix
## 898 how onix
## 899 however onix
## 900 i onix
## 901 if onix
## 902 important onix
## 903 in onix
## 904 interest onix
## 905 interested onix
## 906 interesting onix
## 907 interests onix
## 908 into onix
## 909 is onix
## 910 it onix
## 911 its onix
## 912 itself onix
## 913 just onix
## 914 keep onix
## 915 keeps onix
## 916 kind onix
## 917 knew onix
## 918 know onix
## 919 known onix
## 920 knows onix
## 921 large onix
## 922 largely onix
## 923 last onix
## 924 later onix
## 925 latest onix
## 926 least onix
## 927 less onix
## 928 let onix
## 929 lets onix
## 930 like onix
## 931 likely onix
## 932 long onix
## 933 longer onix
## 934 longest onix
## 935 made onix
## 936 make onix
## 937 making onix
## 938 man onix
## 939 many onix
## 940 may onix
## 941 me onix
## 942 member onix
## 943 members onix
## 944 men onix
## 945 might onix
## 946 more onix
## 947 most onix
## 948 mostly onix
## 949 mr onix
## 950 mrs onix
## 951 much onix
## 952 must onix
## 953 my onix
## 954 myself onix
## 955 necessary onix
## 956 need onix
## 957 needed onix
## 958 needing onix
## 959 needs onix
## 960 never onix
## 961 new onix
## 962 new onix
## 963 newer onix
## 964 newest onix
## 965 next onix
## 966 no onix
## 967 nobody onix
## 968 non onix
## 969 noone onix
## 970 not onix
## 971 nothing onix
## 972 now onix
## 973 nowhere onix
## 974 number onix
## 975 numbers onix
## 976 of onix
## 977 off onix
## 978 often onix
## 979 old onix
## 980 older onix
## 981 oldest onix
## 982 on onix
## 983 once onix
## 984 one onix
## 985 only onix
## 986 open onix
## 987 opened onix
## 988 opening onix
## 989 opens onix
## 990 or onix
## 991 order onix
## 992 ordered onix
## 993 ordering onix
## 994 orders onix
## 995 other onix
## 996 others onix
## 997 our onix
## 998 out onix
## 999 over onix
## 1000 part onix
## 1001 parted onix
## 1002 parting onix
## 1003 parts onix
## 1004 per onix
## 1005 perhaps onix
## 1006 place onix
## 1007 places onix
## 1008 point onix
## 1009 pointed onix
## 1010 pointing onix
## 1011 points onix
## 1012 possible onix
## 1013 present onix
## 1014 presented onix
## 1015 presenting onix
## 1016 presents onix
## 1017 problem onix
## 1018 problems onix
## 1019 put onix
## 1020 puts onix
## 1021 quite onix
## 1022 rather onix
## 1023 really onix
## 1024 right onix
## 1025 right onix
## 1026 room onix
## 1027 rooms onix
## 1028 said onix
## 1029 same onix
## 1030 saw onix
## 1031 say onix
## 1032 says onix
## 1033 second onix
## 1034 seconds onix
## 1035 see onix
## 1036 seem onix
## 1037 seemed onix
## 1038 seeming onix
## 1039 seems onix
## 1040 sees onix
## 1041 several onix
## 1042 shall onix
## 1043 she onix
## 1044 should onix
## 1045 show onix
## 1046 showed onix
## 1047 showing onix
## 1048 shows onix
## 1049 side onix
## 1050 sides onix
## 1051 since onix
## 1052 small onix
## 1053 smaller onix
## 1054 smallest onix
## 1055 some onix
## 1056 somebody onix
## 1057 someone onix
## 1058 something onix
## 1059 somewhere onix
## 1060 state onix
## 1061 states onix
## 1062 still onix
## 1063 still onix
## 1064 such onix
## 1065 sure onix
## 1066 take onix
## 1067 taken onix
## 1068 than onix
## 1069 that onix
## 1070 the onix
## 1071 their onix
## 1072 them onix
## 1073 then onix
## 1074 there onix
## 1075 therefore onix
## 1076 these onix
## 1077 they onix
## 1078 thing onix
## 1079 things onix
## 1080 think onix
## 1081 thinks onix
## 1082 this onix
## 1083 those onix
## 1084 though onix
## 1085 thought onix
## 1086 thoughts onix
## 1087 three onix
## 1088 through onix
## 1089 thus onix
## 1090 to onix
## 1091 today onix
## 1092 together onix
## 1093 too onix
## 1094 took onix
## 1095 toward onix
## 1096 turn onix
## 1097 turned onix
## 1098 turning onix
## 1099 turns onix
## 1100 two onix
## 1101 under onix
## 1102 until onix
## 1103 up onix
## 1104 upon onix
## 1105 us onix
## 1106 use onix
## 1107 used onix
## 1108 uses onix
## 1109 very onix
## 1110 want onix
## 1111 wanted onix
## 1112 wanting onix
## 1113 wants onix
## 1114 was onix
## 1115 way onix
## 1116 ways onix
## 1117 we onix
## 1118 well onix
## 1119 wells onix
## 1120 went onix
## 1121 were onix
## 1122 what onix
## 1123 when onix
## 1124 where onix
## 1125 whether onix
## 1126 which onix
## 1127 while onix
## 1128 who onix
## 1129 whole onix
## 1130 whose onix
## 1131 why onix
## 1132 will onix
## 1133 with onix
## 1134 within onix
## 1135 without onix
## 1136 work onix
## 1137 worked onix
## 1138 working onix
## 1139 works onix
## 1140 would onix
## 1141 year onix
## 1142 years onix
## 1143 yet onix
## 1144 you onix
## 1145 young onix
## 1146 younger onix
## 1147 youngest onix
## 1148 your onix
## 1149 yours onix
## 1150 roomba CUSTOM
## 1151 2 CUSTOM
Removing stop words again
tidy_review <- review_data %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
select(id, date, product, stars, review) %>%
unnest_tokens(word, review) %>%
## Joining, by = "word"
tidy_review %>%
filter(word == "roomba")
## # A tibble: 0 x 5
## # … with 5 variables: id <int>, date <chr>, product <chr>, stars <dbl>,
## # word <chr>
Using fct_reorder()
word_counts <- tidy_review %>%
count(word) %>%
filter(n > 300) %>%
mutate(word2 = fct_reorder(word, n))
## # A tibble: 23 x 3
## word n word2
## <chr> <int> <fct>
## 1 880 525 880
## 2 bin 428 bin
## 3 carpet 368 carpet
## 4 clean 1204 clean
## 5 cleaning 809 cleaning
## 6 day 578 day
## 7 dirt 384 dirt
## 8 dog 407 dog
## 9 dust 543 dust
## 10 floor 561 floor
## # … with 13 more rows
Arranging the bar plot
ggplot(word_counts, aes(x = word2, y = n)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
ggtitle("Review Word Counts")
custom_stop_words <- tribble(
# Column names should match stop_words
~word, ~lexicon,
# Add http, win, and t.co as custom stop words
"http", "CUSTOM",
"win", "CUSTOM",
"t.co", "CUSTOM"
# Bind the custom stop words to stop_words
stop_words2 <- stop_words %>%
word_counts <- tidy_twitter %>%
filter(complaint_label == "Non-Complaint") %>%
count(word) %>%
# Keep terms that occur more than 100 times
filter(n > 100) %>%
# Reorder word as an ordered factor by word counts
mutate(word2 = fct_reorder(word, n))
# Plot the new word column with type factor
ggplot(word_counts, aes(x = word2, y = n)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
ggtitle("Non-Complaint Word Counts")
Counting by product
tidy_review %>%
count(word, product) %>%
## # A tibble: 12,719 x 3
## word product n
## <chr> <chr> <int>
## 1 clean iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 815
## 2 vacuum iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 678
## 3 hair iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 595
## 4 cleaning iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 560
## 5 880 iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 518
## 6 house iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 494
## 7 time iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 494
## 8 floors iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 405
## 9 love iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 403
## 10 dust iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 399
## # … with 12,709 more rows
Using top_n()
tidy_review %>%
count(word, product) %>%
group_by(product) %>%
top_n(10, n)
## # A tibble: 20 x 3
## # Groups: product [2]
## word product n
## <chr> <chr> <int>
## 1 880 iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 518
## 2 clean iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 389
## 3 clean iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 815
## 4 cleaning iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 249
## 5 cleaning iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 560
## 6 day iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 209
## 7 dust iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 399
## 8 floor iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 207
## 9 floors iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 252
## 10 floors iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 405
## 11 hair iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 305
## 12 hair iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 595
## 13 house iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 251
## 14 house iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 494
## 15 love iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 403
## 16 run iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 180
## 17 time iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 301
## 18 time iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 494
## 19 vacuum iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 311
## 20 vacuum iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 678
Using ungroup()
tidy_review %>%
count(word, product) %>%
group_by(product) %>%
top_n(10, n) %>%
## # A tibble: 20 x 3
## word product n
## <chr> <chr> <int>
## 1 880 iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 518
## 2 clean iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 389
## 3 clean iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 815
## 4 cleaning iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 249
## 5 cleaning iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 560
## 6 day iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 209
## 7 dust iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 399
## 8 floor iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 207
## 9 floors iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 252
## 10 floors iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 405
## 11 hair iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 305
## 12 hair iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 595
## 13 house iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 251
## 14 house iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 494
## 15 love iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 403
## 16 run iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 180
## 17 time iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 301
## 18 time iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 494
## 19 vacuum iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 311
## 20 vacuum iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 678
Using fct_reorder()
tidy_review %>%
count(word, product) %>%
group_by(product) %>%
top_n(10, n) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(word2 = fct_reorder(word, n))
## # A tibble: 20 x 4
## word product n word2
## <chr> <chr> <int> <fct>
## 1 880 iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 518 880
## 2 clean iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 389 clean
## 3 clean iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 815 clean
## 4 cleaning iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 249 cleaning
## 5 cleaning iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 560 cleaning
## 6 day iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 209 day
## 7 dust iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 399 dust
## 8 floor iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 207 floor
## 9 floors iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 252 floors
## 10 floors iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 405 floors
## 11 hair iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 305 hair
## 12 hair iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 595 hair
## 13 house iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 251 house
## 14 house iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 494 house
## 15 love iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 403 love
## 16 run iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 180 run
## 17 time iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 301 time
## 18 time iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 494 time
## 19 vacuum iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 311 vacuum
## 20 vacuum iRobot Roomba 880 for Pets and Allergies 678 vacuum
Using facet_wrap()
# ggplot(word_counts, aes(x = word2, y = n, fill = product)) +
# geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
# facet_wrap(~ product, scales = "free_y") +
# coord_flip() +
# ggtitle("Review Word Counts")
word_counts <- tidy_twitter %>%
# Count words by whether or not its a complaint
count(word, complaint_label) %>%
# Group by whether or not its a complaint
group_by(complaint_label) %>%
# Keep the top 20 words
top_n(20, n) %>%
# Ungroup before reordering word as a factor by the count
ungroup() %>%
mutate(word2 = fct_reorder(word, n))
# Include a color aesthetic tied to whether or not its a complaint
ggplot(word_counts, aes(x = word2, y = n, fill = complaint_label)) +
# Don't include the lengend for the column plot
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
# Facet by whether or not its a complaint and make the y-axis free
facet_wrap(~ complaint_label, scales = "free_y") +
# Flip the coordinates and add a title: "Twitter Word Counts"
coord_flip() +
ggtitle("Twitter Word Counts")
Using wordcloud()
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer
word_counts <- tidy_review %>%
words = word_counts$word,
freq = word_counts$n,
max.words = 30
Fixed size and random start points
words = word_counts$word,
freq = word_counts$n,
max.words = 30
Number of words in cloud
words = word_counts$word,
freq = word_counts$n,
max.words = 70
Using colors
words = word_counts$word,
freq = word_counts$n,
max.words = 30,
colors = "blue"
# Load the wordcloud package
# Compute word counts and assign to word_counts
word_counts <- tidy_twitter %>%
# Assign the word column to words
words = word_counts$word,
# Assign the count column to freq
freq = word_counts$n,
max.words = 30
# Compute complaint word counts and assign to word_counts
word_counts <- tidy_twitter %>%
filter(complaint_label == "Complaint") %>%
# Create a complaint word cloud of the top 50 terms, colored red
words = word_counts$word,
freq = word_counts$n,
max.words = 50,
colors = "red"
Bing dictionary
## # A tibble: 6,786 x 2
## word sentiment
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 2-faces negative
## 2 abnormal negative
## 3 abolish negative
## 4 abominable negative
## 5 abominably negative
## 6 abominate negative
## 7 abomination negative
## 8 abort negative
## 9 aborted negative
## 10 aborts negative
## # … with 6,776 more rows
get_sentiments("bing") %>%
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## sentiment n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 negative 4781
## 2 positive 2005
Afinn dictionary
## # A tibble: 2,477 x 2
## word value
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 abandon -2
## 2 abandoned -2
## 3 abandons -2
## 4 abducted -2
## 5 abduction -2
## 6 abductions -2
## 7 abhor -3
## 8 abhorred -3
## 9 abhorrent -3
## 10 abhors -3
## # … with 2,467 more rows
get_sentiments("afinn") %>%
min = min(value),
max = max(value)
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## min max
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 -5 5
Loughran dictionary
sentiment_counts <- get_sentiments("loughran") %>%
count(sentiment) %>%
mutate(sentiment2 = fct_reorder(sentiment, n))
ggplot(sentiment_counts, aes(x = sentiment2, y = n)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
title = "Sentiment Counts in Loughran",
x = "Counts",
y = "Sentiment"
# Load the tidyverse and tidytext packages
# Count the number of words associated with each sentiment in nrc
get_sentiments("nrc") %>%
count(sentiment) %>%
# Arrange the counts in descending order
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## sentiment n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 negative 3324
## 2 positive 2312
## 3 fear 1476
## 4 anger 1247
## 5 trust 1231
## 6 sadness 1191
## 7 disgust 1058
## 8 anticipation 839
## 9 joy 689
## 10 surprise 534
# Pull in the nrc dictionary, count the sentiments and reorder them by count
sentiment_counts <- get_sentiments("nrc") %>%
count(sentiment) %>%
mutate(sentiment2 = fct_reorder(sentiment, n))
# Visualize sentiment_counts using the new sentiment factor column
ggplot(sentiment_counts, aes(x = sentiment2, y = n)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
# Change the title to "Sentiment Counts in NRC", x-axis to "Sentiment", and y-axis to "Counts"
title = "Sentiment Counts in NRC",
x = "Sentiment",
y = "Counts"
Using inner_join()
tidy_review %>% inner_join(get_sentiments("loughran"))
## Joining, by = "word"
## # A tibble: 3,960 x 6
## id date product stars word sentiment
## <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 5 12/22/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 slow negative
## 2 5 12/22/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 easily positive
## 3 5 12/22/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 random uncertainty
## 4 5 12/22/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 easy positive
## 5 5 12/22/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 easy positive
## 6 5 12/22/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 easy positive
## 7 6 12/27/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 5 invention positive
## 8 7 8/17/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 1 damage negative
## 9 7 8/17/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 1 damage negative
## 10 7 8/17/15 iRobot Roomba 650 for Pets 1 justice litigious
## # … with 3,950 more rows
Counting sentiment
sentiment_review <- tidy_review %>% inner_join(get_sentiments("loughran"))
## Joining, by = "word"
sentiment_review %>%
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
## sentiment n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 constraining 170
## 2 litigious 53
## 3 negative 1795
## 4 positive 1568
## 5 superfluous 1
## 6 uncertainty 373
sentiment_review %>%
count(word, sentiment) %>%
## # A tibble: 598 x 3
## word sentiment n
## <chr> <chr> <int>
## 1 easy positive 297
## 2 happy positive 107
## 3 easier positive 97
## 4 easily positive 92
## 5 perfect positive 87
## 6 random uncertainty 81
## 7 impressed positive 77
## 8 excellent positive 58
## 9 trouble negative 58
## 10 fantastic positive 56
## # … with 588 more rows
Visualizing sentiment
sentiment_review2 <- sentiment_review %>%
filter(sentiment %in% c("positive", "negative"))
word_counts <- sentiment_review2 %>%
count(word, sentiment) %>%
group_by(sentiment) %>%
top_n(10, n) %>%
ungroup() %>%
word2 = fct_reorder(word, n)
ggplot(word_counts, aes(x = word2, y = n, fill = sentiment)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~ sentiment, scales = "free") +
coord_flip() +
title = "Sentiment Word Counts",
x = "Words"
# Join tidy_twitter and the NRC sentiment dictionary
sentiment_twitter <- tidy_twitter %>%
## Joining, by = "word"
# Count the sentiments in tidy_twitter
sentiment_twitter %>%
count(sentiment) %>%
# Arrange the sentiment counts in descending order
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## sentiment n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 positive 4415
## 2 trust 2873
## 3 negative 2747
## 4 anticipation 2124
## 5 joy 1480
## 6 sadness 1426
## 7 fear 1357
## 8 anger 1156
## 9 surprise 992
## 10 disgust 880
word_counts <- tidy_twitter %>%
# Append the NRC dictionary and filter for positive, fear, and trust
inner_join(get_sentiments("nrc")) %>%
filter(sentiment %in% c("positive", "fear", "trust")) %>%
# Count by word and sentiment and keep the top 10 of each
count(word, sentiment) %>%
group_by(sentiment) %>%
top_n(10, n) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Create a factor called word2 that has each word ordered by the count
word2 = fct_reorder(word, n)
## Joining, by = "word"
# Create a bar plot out of the word counts colored by sentiment
ggplot(word_counts, aes(x = word2, y = n, fill = sentiment)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
# Create a separate facet for each sentiment with free axes
facet_wrap(~ sentiment, scales = "free") +
coord_flip() +
# Title the plot "Sentiment Word Counts" with "Words" for the x-axis
title = "Sentiment Word Counts",
x = "Words"
Count sentiment by rating
tidy_review %>%
inner_join(get_sentiments("bing")) %>%
count(stars, sentiment)
## Joining, by = "word"
## # A tibble: 10 x 3
## stars sentiment n
## <dbl> <chr> <int>
## 1 1 negative 381
## 2 1 positive 241
## 3 2 negative 384
## 4 2 positive 247
## 5 3 negative 485
## 6 3 positive 432
## 7 4 negative 984
## 8 4 positive 973
## 9 5 negative 3705
## 10 5 positive 5083
Using spread()
tidy_review %>%
inner_join(get_sentiments("bing")) %>%
count(stars, sentiment) %>%
spread(sentiment, n)
## Joining, by = "word"
## # A tibble: 5 x 3
## stars negative positive
## <dbl> <int> <int>
## 1 1 381 241
## 2 2 384 247
## 3 3 485 432
## 4 4 984 973
## 5 5 3705 5083
Computing overall sentiment
tidy_review %>%
inner_join(get_sentiments("bing")) %>%
count(stars, sentiment) %>%
spread(sentiment, n) %>%
mutate(overall_sentiment = positive - negative)
## Joining, by = "word"
## # A tibble: 5 x 4
## stars negative positive overall_sentiment
## <dbl> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 1 381 241 -140
## 2 2 384 247 -137
## 3 3 485 432 -53
## 4 4 984 973 -11
## 5 5 3705 5083 1378
Visualize sentiment by rating
sentiment_stars <- tidy_review %>%
inner_join(get_sentiments("bing")) %>%
count(stars, sentiment) %>%
spread(sentiment, n) %>%
overall_sentiment = positive - negative,
stars = fct_reorder(as.factor(stars), overall_sentiment)
## Joining, by = "word"
ggplot(sentiment_stars, aes(x = stars, y = overall_sentiment, fill = as.factor(stars))) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
coord_flip() +
title = "Overall Sentiment by Stars",
subtitle = "Reviews for Robotic Vacuums",
x = "Stars",
y = "Overall Sentiment"
tidy_twitter %>%
# Append the NRC sentiment dictionary
inner_join(get_sentiments("nrc")) %>%
# Count by complaint label and sentiment
count(complaint_label, sentiment) %>%
# Spread the sentiment and count columns
spread(sentiment, n)
## Joining, by = "word"
## # A tibble: 2 x 11
## complaint_label anger anticipation disgust fear joy negative positive
## <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 Complaint 559 730 439 552 372 1272 1392
## 2 Non-Complaint 597 1394 441 805 1108 1475 3023
## # … with 3 more variables: sadness <int>, surprise <int>, trust <int>
tidy_twitter %>%
# Append the afinn sentiment dictionary
inner_join(get_sentiments("afinn")) %>%
# Group by both complaint label and whether or not the user is verified
group_by(complaint_label, usr_verified) %>%
# Summarize the data with an aggregate_value = sum(value)
summarize(aggregate_value = sum(value)) %>%
# Spread the complaint_label and aggregate_value columns
spread(complaint_label, aggregate_value) %>%
mutate(overall_sentiment = Complaint + `Non-Complaint`)
## Joining, by = "word"
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'complaint_label' (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
## usr_verified Complaint `Non-Complaint` overall_sentiment
## <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 FALSE -1556 2348 792
## 2 TRUE -12 63 51
sentiment_twitter <- tidy_twitter %>%
# Append the bing sentiment dictionary
inner_join(get_sentiments("bing")) %>%
# Count by complaint label and sentiment
count(complaint_label, sentiment) %>%
# Spread the sentiment and count columns
spread(sentiment, n) %>%
# Compute overall_sentiment = positive - negative
mutate(overall_sentiment = positive - negative)
## Joining, by = "word"
# Create a bar plot out of overall sentiment by complaint level, colored by a complaint label factor
aes(x = complaint_label, y = overall_sentiment, fill = as.factor(complaint_label))
) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
coord_flip() +
# Title the plot "Overall Sentiment by Complaint Type," with an "Airline Twitter Data" subtitle
title = "Overall Sentiment by Complaint Type",
subtitle = "Airline Twitter Data"
# Start with the topics output from the LDA run
## topic term beta
## 1 1 _adowaa_ 0.000003570
## 2 2 _adowaa_ 0.000040200
## 3 1 _arzar 0.000003570
## 4 2 _arzar 0.000040200
## 5 1 _austrian 0.000003570
## 6 2 _austrian 0.000405874
## 7 1 _bbbb_ 0.000003570
## 8 2 _bbbb_ 0.000040200
## 9 1 _cierratindall 0.000039300
## 10 2 _cierratindall 0.000003660
## 11 1 _confucksia 0.000003570
## 12 2 _confucksia 0.000040200
## 13 1 _for_ 0.000039300
## 14 2 _for_ 0.000003660
## 15 1 _hkhodary 0.000039300
## 16 2 _hkhodary 0.000003660
## 17 1 _jchapman_ 0.000003570
## 18 2 _jchapman_ 0.000040200
## 19 1 _kellydale_ 0.000039300
## 20 2 _kellydale_ 0.000003660
## 21 1 _mikemo 0.000003570
## 22 2 _mikemo 0.000040200
## 23 1 _r2dc 0.000003570
## 24 2 _r2dc 0.000040200
## 25 1 _rickdale_ 0.000003570
## 26 2 _rickdale_ 0.000040200
## 27 1 _so_ 0.000039300
## 28 2 _so_ 0.000003660
## 29 1 _unshaykable_ 0.000003570
## 30 2 _unshaykable_ 0.000040200
## 31 1 0 0.000181984
## 32 2 0 0.000003660
## 33 1 0 0.000003570
## 34 2 0 0.000332743
## 35 1 0 0.000039300
## 36 2 0 0.000003660
## 37 1 000s 0.000003570
## 38 2 000s 0.000040200
## 39 1 16 0.000039300
## 40 2 16 0.000003660
## 41 1 31 0.000039300
## 42 2 31 0.000003660
## 43 1 00am 0.000003570
## 44 2 00am 0.000040200
## 45 1 00hrs 0.000039300
## 46 2 00hrs 0.000003660
## 47 1 1 0.000003570
## 48 2 1 0.000186483
## 49 1 110 0.000039300
## 50 2 110 0.000003660
## 51 1 187 0.000039300
## 52 2 187 0.000003660
## 53 1 01vzwyk6m6 0.000003570
## 54 2 01vzwyk6m6 0.000040200
## 55 1 2 0.000039300
## 56 2 2 0.000040200
## 57 1 262488093 0.000039300
## 58 2 262488093 0.000003660
## 59 1 3 0.000110618
## 60 2 3 0.000003660
## 61 1 345 0.000003570
## 62 2 345 0.000040200
## 63 1 03cb0ltpds 0.000003570
## 64 2 03cb0ltpds 0.000040200
## 65 1 03td0ayras 0.000003570
## 66 2 03td0ayras 0.000076800
## 67 1 04p 0.000003570
## 68 2 04p 0.000040200
## 69 1 506 0.000039300
## 70 2 506 0.000003660
## 71 1 535 0.000003570
## 72 2 535 0.000040200
## 73 1 54 0.000003570
## 74 2 54 0.000040200
## 75 1 05am 0.000003570
## 76 2 05am 0.000040200
## 77 1 6 0.000003570
## 78 2 6 0.000369309
## 79 1 6.3 0.000003570
## 80 2 6.3 0.000040200
## 81 1 6130 0.000039300
## 82 2 6130 0.000003660
## 83 1 6-Jul-14 0.000003570
## 84 2 6-Jul-14 0.000040200
## 85 1 7 0.000110618
## 86 2 7 0.000003660
## 87 1 072com 0.000003570
## 88 2 072com 0.000040200
## 89 1 800 0.000003570
## 90 2 800 0.000040200
## 91 1 830 0.000039300
## 92 2 830 0.000003660
## 93 1 844 0.000003570
## 94 2 844 0.000040200
## 95 1 9 0.000003570
## 96 2 9 0.000076800
## 97 1 930 0.000003570
## 98 2 930 0.000040200
## 99 1 09r 0.000003570
## 100 2 09r 0.000040200
## 101 1 0a6hhr4kgz 0.000003570
## 102 2 0a6hhr4kgz 0.000040200
## 103 1 0ehlmxettz 0.000039300
## 104 2 0ehlmxettz 0.000003660
## 105 1 0emezp02p9 0.000003570
## 106 2 0emezp02p9 0.000040200
## 107 1 0gnbllycjy 0.000003570
## 108 2 0gnbllycjy 0.000040200
## 109 1 0krfqzg3kv 0.000003570
## 110 2 0krfqzg3kv 0.000040200
## 111 1 0nykqvwoqz 0.000039300
## 112 2 0nykqvwoqz 0.000003660
## 113 1 0o4qfqxbta 0.000003570
## 114 2 0o4qfqxbta 0.000040200
## 115 1 0orabux4vy 0.000039300
## 116 2 0orabux4vy 0.000003660
## 117 1 0oxtsysmhe 0.000039300
## 118 2 0oxtsysmhe 0.000003660
## 119 1 0smbckz5cw 0.000039300
## 120 2 0smbckz5cw 0.000003660
## 121 1 0v2dsv3whk 0.000039300
## 122 2 0v2dsv3whk 0.000003660
## 123 1 0xqezfqhbv 0.000003570
## 124 2 0xqezfqhbv 0.000040200
## 125 1 1,000 0.000003570
## 126 2 1,000 0.000040200
## 127 1 1,200 0.000039300
## 128 2 1,200 0.000003660
## 129 1 1,362rt 0.000003570
## 130 2 1,362rt 0.000040200
## 131 1 1,5 0.000003570
## 132 2 1,5 0.000040200
## 133 1 1,741 0.000039300
## 134 2 1,741 0.000003660
## 135 1 1,759 0.000039300
## 136 2 1,759 0.000003660
## 137 1 1.2 0.000039300
## 138 2 1.2 0.000003660
## 139 1 1.5 0.000253351
## 140 2 1.5 0.000003660
## 141 1 1.5hrs 0.000039300
## 142 2 1.5hrs 0.000003660
## 143 1 10 0.000146301
## 144 2 10 0.001905047
## 145 1 10,000 0.000074900
## 146 2 10,000 0.000003660
## 147 1 10,700 0.000003570
## 148 2 10,700 0.000040200
## 149 1 10.1 0.000039300
## 150 2 10.1 0.000003660
## 151 1 100 0.000645866
## 152 2 100 0.000003660
## 153 1 100,000 0.000003570
## 154 2 100,000 0.000040200
## 155 1 1000 0.000003570
## 156 2 1000 0.000552135
## 157 1 100s 0.000039300
## 158 2 100s 0.000003660
## 159 1 100th 0.000003570
## 160 2 100th 0.000040200
## 161 1 101 0.000003570
## 162 2 101 0.000040200
## 163 1 1017 0.000039300
## 164 2 1017 0.000003660
## 165 1 103 0.000003570
## 166 2 103 0.000040200
## 167 1 1042 0.000039300
## 168 2 1042 0.000003660
## 169 1 1043 0.000003570
## 170 2 1043 0.000040200
## 171 1 1070noticias 0.000039300
## 172 2 1070noticias 0.000003660
## 173 1 108 0.000003570
## 174 2 108 0.000040200
## 175 1 10a 0.000039300
## 176 2 10a 0.000003660
## 177 1 10am 0.000074900
## 178 2 10am 0.000040200
## 179 1 10mins 0.000039300
## 180 2 10mins 0.000003660
## 181 1 10qghqwlou 0.000003570
## 182 2 10qghqwlou 0.000040200
## 183 1 10th 0.000003570
## 184 2 10th 0.000223048
## 185 1 10x 0.000039300
## 186 2 10x 0.000003660
## 187 1 10x16x24 0.000003570
## 188 2 10x16x24 0.000040200
## 189 1 10yrs 0.000003570
## 190 2 10yrs 0.000076800
## 191 1 11 0.000110618
## 192 2 11 0.000917787
## 193 1 11.15am 0.000003570
## 194 2 11.15am 0.000040200
## 195 1 111 0.000039300
## 196 2 111 0.000040200
## 197 1 1116 0.000039300
## 198 2 1116 0.000003660
## 199 1 112 0.000039300
## 200 2 112 0.000003660
## 201 1 1130 0.000003570
## 202 2 1130 0.000040200
## 203 1 1133 0.000003570
## 204 2 1133 0.000040200
## 205 1 1147 0.000039300
## 206 2 1147 0.000003660
## 207 1 1148 0.000003570
## 208 2 1148 0.000040200
## 209 1 1150 0.000003570
## 210 2 1150 0.000040200
## 211 1 1151 0.000003570
## 212 2 1151 0.000040200
## 213 1 116 0.000039300
## 214 2 116 0.000003660
## 215 1 117 0.000074900
## 216 2 117 0.000003660
## 217 1 1173 0.000039300
## 218 2 1173 0.000003660
## 219 1 1180 0.000003570
## 220 2 1180 0.000040200
## 221 1 11am 0.000074900
## 222 2 11am 0.000003660
## 223 1 11c 0.000003570
## 224 2 11c 0.000040200
## 225 1 11m 0.000003570
## 226 2 11m 0.000040200
## 227 1 11pm 0.000003570
## 228 2 11pm 0.000040200
## 229 1 12 0.000859965
## 230 2 12 0.000186483
## 231 1 120 0.000003570
## 232 2 120 0.000113352
## 233 1 120,000 0.000146301
## 234 2 120,000 0.000003660
## 235 1 1200 0.000074900
## 236 2 1200 0.000003660
## 237 1 12000 0.000039300
## 238 2 12000 0.000003660
## 239 1 121 0.000003570
## 240 2 121 0.000040200
## 241 1 1211 0.000039300
## 242 2 1211 0.000003660
## 243 1 1223 0.000039300
## 244 2 1223 0.000003660
## 245 1 123 0.000039300
## 246 2 123 0.000003660
## 247 1 1230 0.000003570
## 248 2 1230 0.000040200
## 249 1 1230to9 0.000039300
## 250 2 1230to9 0.000003660
## 251 1 1231 0.000003570
## 252 2 1231 0.000040200
## 253 1 1234edgar 0.000039300
## 254 2 1234edgar 0.000003660
## 255 1 12386429 0.000003570
## 256 2 12386429 0.000040200
## 257 1 1240 0.000039300
## 258 2 1240 0.000003660
## 259 1 1245 0.000039300
## 260 2 1245 0.000003660
## 261 1 125 0.000003570
## 262 2 125 0.000040200
## 263 1 1299 0.000003570
## 264 2 1299 0.000040200
## 265 1 12hr 0.000003570
## 266 2 12hr 0.000040200
## 267 1 12ivbgnfmz 0.000074900
## 268 2 12ivbgnfmz 0.000003660
## 269 1 12pm 0.000003570
## 270 2 12pm 0.000076800
## 271 1 12pmest 0.000003570
## 272 2 12pmest 0.000040200
## 273 1 13 0.000003570
## 274 2 13 0.000259613
## 275 1 13 0.000003570
## 276 2 13 0.000040200
## 277 1 1300 0.000003570
## 278 2 1300 0.000040200
## 279 1 131 0.000039300
## 280 2 131 0.000003660
## 281 1 1334 0.000039300
## 282 2 1334 0.000003660
## 283 1 1346 0.000003570
## 284 2 1346 0.000040200
## 285 1 1348 0.000039300
## 286 2 1348 0.000003660
## 287 1 1350 0.000039300
## 288 2 1350 0.000040200
## 289 1 138 0.000039300
## 290 2 138 0.000003660
## 291 1 1389 0.000003570
## 292 2 1389 0.000040200
## 293 1 13a 0.000003570
## 294 2 13a 0.000040200
## 295 1 13b 0.000003570
## 296 2 13b 0.000040200
## 297 1 14 0.000003570
## 298 2 14 0.000734961
## 299 1 140 0.000003570
## 300 2 140 0.000113352
## 301 1 1405 0.000039300
## 302 2 1405 0.000003660
## 303 1 1410 0.000074900
## 304 2 1410 0.000003660
## 305 1 1415 0.000039300
## 306 2 1415 0.000003660
## 307 1 1434 0.000003570
## 308 2 1434 0.000040200
## 309 1 144 0.000039300
## 310 2 144 0.000003660
## 311 1 145 0.000074900
## 312 2 145 0.000003660
## 313 1 1453 0.000039300
## 314 2 1453 0.000003660
## 315 1 1461 0.000039300
## 316 2 1461 0.000003660
## 317 1 14c 0.000003570
## 318 2 14c 0.000040200
## 319 1 14hrs 0.000003570
## 320 2 14hrs 0.000040200
## 321 1 14umhlvu0a 0.000003570
## 322 2 14umhlvu0a 0.000040200
## 323 1 15 0.000003570
## 324 2 15 0.001027482
## 325 1 15,000 0.000039300
## 326 2 15,000 0.000003660
## 327 1 15.2 0.000003570
## 328 2 15.2 0.000040200
## 329 1 150 0.000003570
## 330 2 150 0.000186483
## 331 1 153 0.000039300
## 332 2 153 0.000003660
## 333 1 1537 0.000039300
## 334 2 1537 0.000003660
## 335 1 1548 0.000039300
## 336 2 1548 0.000003660
## 337 1 1550 0.000039300
## 338 2 1550 0.000003660
## 339 1 155pm 0.000003570
## 340 2 155pm 0.000040200
## 341 1 156 0.000003570
## 342 2 156 0.000040200
## 343 1 1576 0.000003570
## 344 2 1576 0.000040200
## 345 1 1594 0.000003570
## 346 2 1594 0.000040200
## 347 1 15a90wcmiq 0.000003570
## 348 2 15a90wcmiq 0.000040200
## 349 1 15am 0.000039300
## 350 2 15am 0.000003660
## 351 1 15kg 0.000003570
## 352 2 15kg 0.000040200
## 353 1 15th 0.000039300
## 354 2 15th 0.000003660
## 355 1 16 0.000003570
## 356 2 16 0.000771526
## 357 1 1616 0.000003570
## 358 2 1616 0.000076800
## 359 1 1624 0.000039300
## 360 2 1624 0.000003660
## 361 1 1655 0.000039300
## 362 2 1655 0.000003660
## 363 1 17 0.000003570
## 364 2 17 0.000223048
## 365 1 17 0.000039300
## 366 2 17 0.000003660
## 367 1 1706 0.000003570
## 368 2 1706 0.000040200
## 369 1 1711 0.000039300
## 370 2 1711 0.000003660
## 371 1 1726 0.000003570
## 372 2 1726 0.000040200
## 373 1 173218 0.000003570
## 374 2 173218 0.000040200
## 375 1 17hr 0.000039300
## 376 2 17hr 0.000003660
## 377 1 17k 0.000003570
## 378 2 17k 0.000040200
## 379 1 17th 0.000110618
## 380 2 17th 0.000003660
## 381 1 18 0.000003570
## 382 2 18 0.000405874
## 383 1 1800 0.000074900
## 384 2 1800 0.000003660
## 385 1 1805 0.000003570
## 386 2 1805 0.000040200
## 387 1 1824 0.000003570
## 388 2 1824 0.000040200
## 389 1 1835 0.000003570
## 390 2 1835 0.000040200
## 391 1 18372 0.000003570
## 392 2 18372 0.000040200
## 393 1 187 0.000003570
## 394 2 187 0.000076800
## 395 1 1882472262 0.000039300
## 396 2 1882472262 0.000003660
## 397 1 1898 0.000039300
## 398 2 1898 0.000040200
## 399 1 19 0.000003570
## 400 2 19 0.000113352
## 401 1 19.5 0.000039300
## 402 2 19.5 0.000003660
## 403 1 190 0.000003570
## 404 2 190 0.000076800
## 405 1 191 0.000039300
## 406 2 191 0.000003660
## 407 1 1938 0.000003570
## 408 2 1938 0.000040200
## 409 1 1940 0.000039300
## 410 2 1940 0.000003660
## 411 1 1944 0.000039300
## 412 2 1944 0.000003660
## 413 1 1950s 0.000003570
## 414 2 1950s 0.000040200
## 415 1 1953 0.000039300
## 416 2 1953 0.000003660
## 417 1 1.95773E+13 0.000039300
## 418 2 1.95773E+13 0.000003660
## 419 1 1958 0.000039300
## 420 2 1958 0.000003660
## 421 1 1960 0.000003570
## 422 2 1960 0.000040200
## 423 1 1962 0.000003570
## 424 2 1962 0.000040200
## 425 1 1968 0.000003570
## 426 2 1968 0.000040200
## 427 1 1978 0.000039300
## 428 2 1978 0.000003660
## 429 1 1979 0.000039300
## 430 2 1979 0.000003660
## 431 1 1986 0.000039300
## 432 2 1986 0.000003660
## 433 1 199 0.000003570
## 434 2 199 0.000040200
## 435 1 1998 0.000003570
## 436 2 1998 0.000040200
## 437 1 19c 0.000039300
## 438 2 19c 0.000003660
## 439 1 19lttsqttq 0.000039300
## 440 2 19lttsqttq 0.000003660
## 441 1 19p 0.000003570
## 442 2 19p 0.000040200
## 443 1 19th 0.000039300
## 444 2 19th 0.000003660
## 445 1 1a 0.000074900
## 446 2 1a 0.000003660
## 447 1 1am 0.000003570
## 448 2 1am 0.000076800
## 449 1 1c 0.000003570
## 450 2 1c 0.000040200
## 451 1 1cacnpnmt0 0.000039300
## 452 2 1cacnpnmt0 0.000003660
## 453 1 1cn2ocb1it 0.000039300
## 454 2 1cn2ocb1it 0.000003660
## 455 1 1dm87ozwm6 0.000039300
## 456 2 1dm87ozwm6 0.000003660
## 457 1 1e 0.000003570
## 458 2 1e 0.000040200
## 459 1 1er 0.000003570
## 460 2 1er 0.000040200
## 461 1 1filamx 0.000003570
## 462 2 1filamx 0.000040200
## 463 1 1fs0zvybhz 0.000039300
## 464 2 1fs0zvybhz 0.000003660
## 465 1 1gallon 0.000003570
## 466 2 1gallon 0.000040200
## 467 1 1gnumqjvji 0.000003570
## 468 2 1gnumqjvji 0.000040200
## 469 1 1h 0.000003570
## 470 2 1h 0.000040200
## 471 1 1h9mins 0.000003570
## 472 2 1h9mins 0.000040200
## 473 1 1hr 0.000003570
## 474 2 1hr 0.000113352
## 475 1 1hr6m 0.000003570
## 476 2 1hr6m 0.000040200
## 477 1 1it9nvdnjk 0.000039300
## 478 2 1it9nvdnjk 0.000003660
## 479 1 1jjddxwaoc 0.000003570
## 480 2 1jjddxwaoc 0.000040200
## 481 1 1k 0.000003570
## 482 2 1k 0.000186483
## 483 1 1lgwaztcam 0.000039300
## 484 2 1lgwaztcam 0.000003660
## 485 1 1m 0.000039300
## 486 2 1m 0.000003660
## 487 1 1mep7gshut 0.000039300
## 488 2 1mep7gshut 0.000003660
## 489 1 1mercadillo 0.000003570
## 490 2 1mercadillo 0.000040200
## 491 1 1min 0.000039300
## 492 2 1min 0.000003660
## 493 1 1n3qzwrs19 0.000003570
## 494 2 1n3qzwrs19 0.000076800
## 495 1 1not 0.000003570
## 496 2 1not 0.000040200
## 497 1 1pax 0.000039300
## 498 2 1pax 0.000003660
## 499 1 1pm 0.000003570
## 500 2 1pm 0.000040200
## 501 1 1qzryngbuy 0.000039300
## 502 2 1qzryngbuy 0.000003660
## 503 1 1ramat 0.000039300
## 504 2 1ramat 0.000003660
## 505 1 1ro2tpkgal 0.000039300
## 506 2 1ro2tpkgal 0.000003660
## 507 1 1s 0.000039300
## 508 2 1s 0.000003660
## 509 1 1sphzdddbl 0.000039300
## 510 2 1sphzdddbl 0.000003660
## 511 1 1st 0.000110618
## 512 2 1st 0.000954352
## 513 1 1stdestination 0.000039300
## 514 2 1stdestination 0.000003660
## 515 1 1stworldproblems 0.000003570
## 516 2 1stworldproblems 0.000040200
## 517 1 1w7wudyczd 0.000003570
## 518 2 1w7wudyczd 0.000040200
## 519 1 1wk 0.000003570
## 520 2 1wk 0.000040200
## 521 1 1yr 0.000003570
## 522 2 1yr 0.000040200
## 523 1 2,200 0.000039300
## 524 2 2,200 0.000003660
## 525 1 2,268 0.000003570
## 526 2 2,268 0.000040200
## 527 1 2,5g 0.000003570
## 528 2 2,5g 0.000040200
## 529 1 2.5 0.000003570
## 530 2 2.5 0.000259613
## 531 1 2.5hrs 0.000039300
## 532 2 2.5hrs 0.000003660
## 533 1 2.5wks 0.000003570
## 534 2 2.5wks 0.000040200
## 535 1 20 0.002394342
## 536 2 20 0.000040200
## 537 1 20,000 0.000039300
## 538 2 20,000 0.000003660
## 539 1 200 0.000003570
## 540 2 200 0.000223048
## 541 1 2000 0.000003570
## 542 2 2000 0.000040200
## 543 1 2002 0.000039300
## 544 2 2002 0.000003660
## 545 1 2004 0.000146301
## 546 2 2004 0.000003660
## 547 1 2006 0.000003570
## 548 2 2006 0.000040200
## 549 1 2006_tiburon 0.000003570
## 550 2 2006_tiburon 0.000040200
## 551 1 200er 0.000003570
## 552 2 200er 0.000040200
## 553 1 200k 0.000039300
## 554 2 200k 0.000003660
## 555 1 200lr 0.000003570
## 556 2 200lr 0.000040200
## 557 1 201 0.000039300
## 558 2 201 0.000003660
## 559 1 2011 0.000003570
## 560 2 2011 0.000040200
## 561 1 2012 0.000003570
## 562 2 2012 0.000040200
## 563 1 2013 0.000110618
## 564 2 2013 0.000003660
## 565 1 2014 0.001074064
## 566 2 2014 0.000003660
## 567 1 20140630 0.000003570
## 568 2 20140630 0.000040200
## 569 1 2014woridcup 0.000039300
## 570 2 2014woridcup 0.000003660
## 571 1 2014worldcup 0.000039300
## 572 2 2014worldcup 0.000003660
## 573 1 2015 0.000003570
## 574 2 2015 0.000296178
## 575 1 2016 0.000003570
## 576 2 2016 0.000040200
## 577 1 202 0.000039300
## 578 2 202 0.000003660
## 579 1 202_sm 0.000039300
## 580 2 202_sm 0.000003660
## 581 1 2034 0.000039300
## 582 2 2034 0.000003660
## 583 1 2039 0.000039300
## 584 2 2039 0.000003660
## 585 1 206 0.000039300
## 586 2 206 0.000003660
## 587 1 2065738510 0.000003570
## 588 2 2065738510 0.000040200
## 589 1 20am 0.000074900
## 590 2 20am 0.000003660
## 591 1 20kg 0.000003570
## 592 2 20kg 0.000113352
## 593 1 20min 0.000003570
## 594 2 20min 0.000040200
## 595 1 20mins 0.000003570
## 596 2 20mins 0.000076800
## 597 1 20p 0.000039300
## 598 2 20p 0.000003660
## 599 1 20th 0.000039300
## 600 2 20th 0.000003660
## 601 1 21 0.000039300
## 602 2 21 0.000186483
## 603 1 210 0.000003570
## 604 2 210 0.000040200
## 605 1 2100 0.000003570
## 606 2 2100 0.000076800
## 607 1 2108 0.000039300
## 608 2 2108 0.000003660
## 609 1 2112 0.000039300
## 610 2 2112 0.000003660
## 611 1 2117 0.000039300
## 612 2 2117 0.000003660
## 613 1 2149320333 0.000003570
## 614 2 2149320333 0.000040200
## 615 1 2167 0.000039300
## 616 2 2167 0.000003660
## 617 1 21st 0.000039300
## 618 2 21st 0.000003660
## 619 1 22 0.000003570
## 620 2 22 0.000259613
## 621 1 22,812 0.000039300
## 622 2 22,812 0.000003660
## 623 1 223 0.000003570
## 624 2 223 0.000040200
## 625 1 2243 0.000039300
## 626 2 2243 0.000003660
## 627 1 2259 0.000039300
## 628 2 2259 0.000003660
## 629 1 2278 0.000003570
## 630 2 2278 0.000040200
## 631 1 2295 0.000039300
## 632 2 2295 0.000003660
## 633 1 22ell3g85e 0.000003570
## 634 2 22ell3g85e 0.000040200
## 635 1 22hrs 0.000039300
## 636 2 22hrs 0.000003660
## 637 1 22-Jun 0.000003570
## 638 2 22-Jun 0.000040200
## 639 1 22pm 0.000003570
## 640 2 22pm 0.000040200
## 641 1 23 0.000217667
## 642 2 23 0.000003660
## 643 1 23.05 0.000003570
## 644 2 23.05 0.000040200
## 645 1 2315 0.000039300
## 646 2 2315 0.000003660
## 647 1 2320 0.000003570
## 648 2 2320 0.000040200
## 649 1 2329 0.000003570
## 650 2 2329 0.000040200
## 651 1 2335 0.000003570
## 652 2 2335 0.000040200
## 653 1 ٢٣٥ 0.000003570
## 654 2 ٢٣٥ 0.000040200
## 655 1 2371277 0.000003570
## 656 2 2371277 0.000040200
## 657 1 238 0.000003570
## 658 2 238 0.000040200
## 659 1 23c 0.000039300
## 660 2 23c 0.000003660
## 661 1 23mo 0.000003570
## 662 2 23mo 0.000040200
## 663 1 23ramz23 0.000003570
## 664 2 23ramz23 0.000040200
## 665 1 23rd 0.000074900
## 666 2 23rd 0.000003660
## 667 1 24 0.000396083
## 668 2 24 0.000405874
## 669 1 240 0.000039300
## 670 2 240 0.000003660
## 671 1 2403 0.000039300
## 672 2 2403 0.000003660
## 673 1 2407 0.000039300
## 674 2 2407 0.000003660
## 675 1 2413 0.000039300
## 676 2 2413 0.000040200
## 677 1 2417 0.000003570
## 678 2 2417 0.000040200
## 679 1 2422 0.000039300
## 680 2 2422 0.000003660
## 681 1 2489 0.000003570
## 682 2 2489 0.000040200
## 683 1 249 0.000039300
## 684 2 249 0.000003660
## 685 1 24hours 0.000039300
## 686 2 24hours 0.000003660
## 687 1 24hrs 0.000039300
## 688 2 24hrs 0.000003660
## 689 1 24-Jun 0.000003570
## 690 2 24-Jun 0.000040200
## 691 1 24tanumita 0.000039300
## 692 2 24tanumita 0.000003660
## 693 1 24th 0.000039300
## 694 2 24th 0.000003660
## 695 1 25 0.000003570
## 696 2 25 0.000771526
## 697 1 25000 0.000003570
## 698 2 25000 0.000040200
## 699 1 2510 0.000003570
## 700 2 2510 0.000076800
## 701 1 259.4 0.000003570
## 702 2 259.4 0.000040200
## 703 1 2596 0.000003570
## 704 2 2596 0.000040200
## 705 1 25-Oct 0.000003570
## 706 2 25-Oct 0.000040200
## 707 1 25th 0.000003570
## 708 2 25th 0.000149917
## 709 1 26 0.000110618
## 710 2 26 0.000003660
## 711 1 2636 0.000003570
## 712 2 2636 0.000040200
## 713 1 2659 0.000039300
## 714 2 2659 0.000003660
## 715 1 268 0.000039300
## 716 2 268 0.000003660
## 717 1 26jr 0.000039300
## 718 2 26jr 0.000003660
## 719 1 26th 0.000110618
## 720 2 26th 0.000003660
## 721 1 27 0.000003570
## 722 2 27 0.000186483
## 723 1 2723 0.000003570
## 724 2 2723 0.000040200
## 725 1 278281 0.000039300
## 726 2 278281 0.000003660
## 727 1 28 0.000003570
## 728 2 28 0.000149917
## 729 1 282 0.000003570
## 730 2 282 0.000040200
## 731 1 285 0.000003570
## 732 2 285 0.000040200
## 733 1 288 0.000074900
## 734 2 288 0.000003660
## 735 1 2899 0.000003570
## 736 2 2899 0.000040200
## 737 1 29 0.000289034
## 738 2 29 0.000003660
## 739 1 2905 0.000039300
## 740 2 2905 0.000003660
## 741 1 2.95725E+13 0.000003570
## 742 2 2.95725E+13 0.000040200
## 743 1 2997 0.000039300
## 744 2 2997 0.000003660
## 745 1 2am 0.000146301
## 746 2 2am 0.000003660
## 747 1 2amw 0.000003570
## 748 2 2amw 0.000040200
## 749 1 2auiltdtz2 0.000003570
## 750 2 2auiltdtz2 0.000040200
## 751 1 2b 0.000003570
## 752 2 2b 0.000040200
## 753 1 2c 0.000003570
## 754 2 2c 0.000040200
## 755 1 2da 0.000003570
## 756 2 2da 0.000040200
## 757 1 2day 0.000039300
## 758 2 2day 0.000003660
## 759 1 2fixzlggdl 0.000003570
## 760 2 2fixzlggdl 0.000040200
## 761 1 2flights 0.000003570
## 762 2 2flights 0.000040200
## 763 1 2flynotserve 0.000039300
## 764 2 2flynotserve 0.000003660
## 765 1 2fnmftg7mz 0.000003570
## 766 2 2fnmftg7mz 0.000040200
## 767 1 2get 0.000039300
## 768 2 2get 0.000003660
## 769 1 2gn7rmnkgl 0.000003570
## 770 2 2gn7rmnkgl 0.000040200
## 771 1 2h 0.000003570
## 772 2 2h 0.000040200
## 773 1 2h30 0.000003570
## 774 2 2h30 0.000076800
## 775 1 2hrs 0.000074900
## 776 2 2hrs 0.000003660
## 777 1 2inariver 0.000039300
## 778 2 2inariver 0.000003660
## 779 1 2ircrm6bck 0.000003570
## 780 2 2ircrm6bck 0.000040200
## 781 1 2j5kr3 0.000039300
## 782 2 2j5kr3 0.000003660
## 783 1 2-Jul 0.000039300
## 784 2 2-Jul 0.000003660
## 785 1 2kfimyxnha 0.000003570
## 786 2 2kfimyxnha 0.000040200
## 787 1 2kids 0.000039300
## 788 2 2kids 0.000003660
## 789 1 2live 0.000039300
## 790 2 2live 0.000003660
## 791 1 2m 0.000039300
## 792 2 2m 0.000003660
## 793 1 2makeuseoftimewisely 0.000003570
## 794 2 2makeuseoftimewisely 0.000040200
## 795 1 2min 0.000003570
## 796 2 2min 0.000040200
## 797 1 2momento 0.000003570
## 798 2 2momento 0.000040200
## 799 1 2mro 0.000003570
## 800 2 2mro 0.000040200
## 801 1 2mrw 0.000039300
## 802 2 2mrw 0.000003660
## 803 1 2mwaiggakq 0.000003570
## 804 2 2mwaiggakq 0.000040200
## 805 1 2nd 0.000538816
## 806 2 2nd 0.000003660
## 807 1 2ndandl 0.000003570
## 808 2 2ndandl 0.000040200
## 809 1 2onembankment 0.000039300
## 810 2 2onembankment 0.000003660
## 811 1 2orfrfcekw 0.000039300
## 812 2 2orfrfcekw 0.000003660
## 813 1 2paisay 0.000003570
## 814 2 2paisay 0.000040200
## 815 1 2pm 0.000074900
## 816 2 2pm 0.000003660
## 817 1 2qwwk2q3at 0.000003570
## 818 2 2qwwk2q3at 0.000040200
## 819 1 2seats 0.000003570
## 820 2 2seats 0.000040200
## 821 1 2show 0.000039300
## 822 2 2show 0.000003660
## 823 1 2smogl69ls 0.000039300
## 824 2 2smogl69ls 0.000003660
## 825 1 2spacefromland 0.000003570
## 826 2 2spacefromland 0.000040200
## 827 1 2their 0.000039300
## 828 2 2their 0.000003660
## 829 1 2v3cludw5l 0.000039300
## 830 2 2v3cludw5l 0.000003660
## 831 1 2x 0.000003570
## 832 2 2x 0.000040200
## 833 1 2xdaily 0.000039300
## 834 2 2xdaily 0.000003660
## 835 1 2xn5aga6bk 0.000039300
## 836 2 2xn5aga6bk 0.000003660
## 837 1 2y2f3se1kf 0.000039300
## 838 2 2y2f3se1kf 0.000003660
## 839 1 2ynlpisxgs 0.000003570
## 840 2 2ynlpisxgs 0.000040200
## 841 1 3 0.004963532
## 842 2 3 0.000003660
## 843 1 32,014 0.000003570
## 844 2 32,014 0.000040200
## 845 1 3.5hrs 0.000039300
## 846 2 3.5hrs 0.000003660
## 847 1 3.5yr 0.000039300
## 848 2 3.5yr 0.000003660
## 849 1 30 0.002001827
## 850 2 30 0.000003660
## 851 1 30,000 0.000003570
## 852 2 30,000 0.000149917
## 853 1 300 0.000360400
## 854 2 300 0.000003660
## 855 1 300er 0.000146301
## 856 2 300er 0.000003660
## 857 1 300pound 0.000039300
## 858 2 300pound 0.000003660
## 859 1 30am 0.000003570
## 860 2 30am 0.000113352
## 861 1 30but 0.000003570
## 862 2 30but 0.000040200
## 863 1 30hrs 0.000039300
## 864 2 30hrs 0.000003660
## 865 1 30m 0.000003570
## 866 2 30m 0.000040200
## 867 1 30metros 0.000003570
## 868 2 30metros 0.000040200
## 869 1 30min 0.000003570
## 870 2 30min 0.000149917
## 871 1 30mins 0.000003570
## 872 2 30mins 0.000076800
## 873 1 30minutes 0.000039300
## 874 2 30minutes 0.000003660
## 875 1 30pm 0.000039300
## 876 2 30pm 0.000003660
## 877 1 30pm.still 0.000003570
## 878 2 30pm.still 0.000040200
## 879 1 30th 0.000110618
## 880 2 30th 0.000003660
## 881 1 31 0.000003570
## 882 2 31 0.000186483
## 883 1 310ogp1cgv 0.000039300
## 884 2 310ogp1cgv 0.000003660
## 885 1 312 0.000039300
## 886 2 312 0.000040200
## 887 1 312in 0.000039300
## 888 2 312in 0.000003660
## 889 1 3146 0.000003570
## 890 2 3146 0.000040200
## 891 1 3157 0.000039300
## 892 2 3157 0.000003660
## 893 1 319 0.000039300
## 894 2 319 0.000003660
## 895 1 3197 0.000003570
## 896 2 3197 0.000040200
## 897 1 31-Jul 0.000039300
## 898 2 31-Jul 0.000003660
## 899 1 32 0.000003570
## 900 2 32 0.000113352
## 901 1 3284 0.000039300
## 902 2 3284 0.000003660
## 903 1 32a 0.000039300
## 904 2 32a 0.000003660
## 905 1 32cr3urqt8 0.000039300
## 906 2 32cr3urqt8 0.000003660
## 907 1 33 0.000003570
## 908 2 33 0.000076800
## 909 1 331 0.000003570
## 910 2 331 0.000040200
## 911 1 3318 0.000039300
## 912 2 3318 0.000003660
## 913 1 3345 0.000039300
## 914 2 3345 0.000003660
## 915 1 3367 0.000039300
## 916 2 3367 0.000003660
## 917 1 3384 0.000003570
## 918 2 3384 0.000040200
## 919 1 339 0.000003570
## 920 2 339 0.000040200
## 921 1 34 0.000146301
## 922 2 34 0.000003660
## 923 1 3419 0.000003570
## 924 2 3419 0.000040200
## 925 1 345 0.000003570
## 926 2 345 0.000040200
## 927 1 35 0.000253351
## 928 2 35 0.000003660
## 929 1 35,000 0.000003570
## 930 2 35,000 0.000040200
## 931 1 35,000ft 0.000074900
## 932 2 35,000ft 0.000003660
## 933 1 3512 0.000003570
## 934 2 3512 0.000040200
## 935 1 352 0.000039300
## 936 2 352 0.000003660
## 937 1 35643 0.000039300
## 938 2 35643 0.000003660
## 939 1 3582 0.000039300
## 940 2 3582 0.000003660
## 941 1 3599 0.000003570
## 942 2 3599 0.000040200
## 943 1 35k 0.000039300
## 944 2 35k 0.000003660
## 945 1 35m 0.000003570
## 946 2 35m 0.000040200
## 947 1 35th 0.000039300
## 948 2 35th 0.000003660
## 949 1 36 0.000074900
## 950 2 36 0.000003660
## 951 1 363 0.000003570
## 952 2 363 0.000040200
## 953 1 365 0.000003570
## 954 2 365 0.000040200
## 955 1 366 0.000003570
## 956 2 366 0.000040200
## 957 1 367 0.000003570
## 958 2 367 0.000040200
## 959 1 368,90 0.000039300
## 960 2 368,90 0.000003660
## 961 1 3683 0.000003570
## 962 2 3683 0.000040200
## 963 1 36hrs 0.000074900
## 964 2 36hrs 0.000003660
## 965 1 36l 0.000039300
## 966 2 36l 0.000003660
## 967 1 37 0.000074900
## 968 2 37 0.000003660
## 969 1 3704 0.000039300
## 970 2 3704 0.000003660
## 971 1 3724 0.000003570
## 972 2 3724 0.000040200
## 973 1 372phil 0.000003570
## 974 2 372phil 0.000040200
## 975 1 37c 0.000039300
## 976 2 37c 0.000003660
## 977 1 38 0.000003570
## 978 2 38 0.000040200
## 979 1 380_airbus 0.000039300
## 980 2 380_airbus 0.000003660
## 981 1 389mi 0.000039300
## 982 2 389mi 0.000003660
## 983 1 3.90666E+12 0.000039300
## 984 2 3.90666E+12 0.000003660
## 985 1 396 0.000039300
## 986 2 396 0.000003660
## 987 1 39jalbpve3 0.000003570
## 988 2 39jalbpve3 0.000040200
## 989 1 3a3hgke5ef 0.000003570
## 990 2 3a3hgke5ef 0.000040200
## 991 1 3am 0.000003570
## 992 2 3am 0.000040200
## 993 1 3bnjngkacp 0.000003570
## 994 2 3bnjngkacp 0.000040200
## 995 1 3bouncesontherunway 0.000039300
## 996 2 3bouncesontherunway 0.000003660
## 997 1 3bpb3u8c2l 0.000003570
## 998 2 3bpb3u8c2l 0.000040200
## 999 1 3d 0.000003570
## 1000 2 3d 0.000040200
## 1001 1 3dx 0.000003570
## 1002 2 3dx 0.000040200
## 1003 1 3er 0.000039300
## 1004 2 3er 0.000040200
## 1005 1 3euro 0.000039300
## 1006 2 3euro 0.000003660
## 1007 1 3f 0.000039300
## 1008 2 3f 0.000003660
## 1009 1 3f2er 0.000003570
## 1010 2 3f2er 0.000040200
## 1011 1 3gu1pvluzu 0.000039300
## 1012 2 3gu1pvluzu 0.000003660
## 1013 1 3gvlp5pkgf 0.000003570
## 1014 2 3gvlp5pkgf 0.000040200
## 1015 1 3hm4jnvpxv 0.000003570
## 1016 2 3hm4jnvpxv 0.000040200
## 1017 1 3hours 0.000039300
## 1018 2 3hours 0.000003660
## 1019 1 3hppmyrfxo 0.000003570
## 1020 2 3hppmyrfxo 0.000040200
## 1021 1 3hr 0.000074900
## 1022 2 3hr 0.000003660
## 1023 1 3hrs 0.000039300
## 1024 2 3hrs 0.000003660
## 1025 1 3inlwbmejr 0.000003570
## 1026 2 3inlwbmejr 0.000040200
## 1027 1 3kxeacc5qx 0.000003570
## 1028 2 3kxeacc5qx 0.000040200
## 1029 1 3l0urd9tbz 0.000003570
## 1030 2 3l0urd9tbz 0.000040200
## 1031 1 3m 0.000003570
## 1032 2 3m 0.000040200
## 1033 1 3months 0.000039300
## 1034 2 3months 0.000003660
## 1035 1 3obr8ktv5i 0.000003570
## 1036 2 3obr8ktv5i 0.000040200
## 1037 1 3oywpezpwa 0.000039300
## 1038 2 3oywpezpwa 0.000003660
## 1039 1 3p1zxw3pbg 0.000003570
## 1040 2 3p1zxw3pbg 0.000040200
## 1041 1 3p3preuccz 0.000039300
## 1042 2 3p3preuccz 0.000003660
## 1043 1 3pm 0.000253351
## 1044 2 3pm 0.000003660
## 1045 1 3poylbdl9c 0.000039300
## 1046 2 3poylbdl9c 0.000003660
## 1047 1 3qdfigommc 0.000039300
## 1048 2 3qdfigommc 0.000003660
## 1049 1 3rd 0.000003570
## 1050 2 3rd 0.000223048
## 1051 1 3semaines 0.000039300
## 1052 2 3semaines 0.000003660
## 1053 1 3skfbpuusf 0.000039300
## 1054 2 3skfbpuusf 0.000003660
## 1055 1 3w70rkubho 0.000003570
## 1056 2 3w70rkubho 0.000040200
## 1057 1 3wlmdc7hcb 0.000003570
## 1058 2 3wlmdc7hcb 0.000040200
## 1059 1 3wwj8a8bxq 0.000039300
## 1060 2 3wwj8a8bxq 0.000003660
## 1061 1 3x 0.000146301
## 1062 2 3x 0.000003660
## 1063 1 3x3huwfb4z 0.000039300
## 1064 2 3x3huwfb4z 0.000003660
## 1065 1 3yo 0.000039300
## 1066 2 3yo 0.000003660
## 1067 1 3yr 0.000039300
## 1068 2 3yr 0.000003660
## 1069 1 3zcen1glef 0.000039300
## 1070 2 3zcen1glef 0.000003660
## 1071 1 4.5 0.000039300
## 1072 2 4.5 0.000003660
## 1073 1 4.5hr 0.000003570
## 1074 2 4.5hr 0.000040200
## 1075 1 40 0.000610183
## 1076 2 40 0.000003660
## 1077 1 40,000 0.000039300
## 1078 2 40,000 0.000003660
## 1079 1 400 0.000181984
## 1080 2 400 0.000003660
## 1081 1 40000 0.000003570
## 1082 2 40000 0.000040200
## 1083 1 402 0.000003570
## 1084 2 402 0.000040200
## 1085 1 404 0.000074900
## 1086 2 404 0.000003660
## 1087 1 4044574304 0.000039300
## 1088 2 4044574304 0.000003660
## 1089 1 40a 0.000003570
## 1090 2 40a 0.000040200
## 1091 1 40dk 0.000003570
## 1092 2 40dk 0.000040200
## 1093 1 40h 0.000003570
## 1094 2 40h 0.000040200
## 1095 1 40th 0.000039300
## 1096 2 40th 0.000003660
## 1097 1 411 0.000039300
## 1098 2 411 0.000003660
## 1099 1 4141 0.000039300
## 1100 2 4141 0.000003660
## 1101 1 41ui0qt3l6 0.000039300
## 1102 2 41ui0qt3l6 0.000003660
## 1103 1 420 0.000003570
## 1104 2 420 0.000040200
## 1105 1 425 0.000039300
## 1106 2 425 0.000003660
## 1107 1 42623209 0.000003570
## 1108 2 42623209 0.000040200
## 1109 1 4278 0.000003570
## 1110 2 4278 0.000040200
## 1111 1 430 0.000003570
## 1112 2 430 0.000040200
## 1113 1 432 0.000039300
## 1114 2 432 0.000003660
## 1115 1 43a 0.000003570
## 1116 2 43a 0.000040200
## 1117 1 43prnob6hs 0.000003570
## 1118 2 43prnob6hs 0.000040200
## 1119 1 43rd 0.000074900
## 1120 2 43rd 0.000003660
## 1121 1 440 0.000003570
## 1122 2 440 0.000040200
## 1123 1 442 0.000003570
## 1124 2 442 0.000040200
## 1125 1 444 0.000003570
## 1126 2 444 0.000040200
## 1127 1 44bb2shujo 0.000039300
## 1128 2 44bb2shujo 0.000003660
## 1129 1 45 0.000752915
## 1130 2 45 0.000003660
## 1131 1 458 0.000003570
## 1132 2 458 0.000040200
## 1133 1 45min 0.000039300
## 1134 2 45min 0.000003660
## 1135 1 461 0.000039300
## 1136 2 461 0.000003660
## 1137 1 463akbvirc 0.000039300
## 1138 2 463akbvirc 0.000003660
## 1139 1 4656 0.000074900
## 1140 2 4656 0.000003660
## 1141 1 4659 0.000039300
## 1142 2 4659 0.000003660
## 1143 1 466.33 0.000003570
## 1144 2 466.33 0.000076800
## 1145 1 47 0.000039300
## 1146 2 47 0.000003660
## 1147 1 4747 0.000039300
## 1148 2 4747 0.000003660
## 1149 1 4766 0.000039300
## 1150 2 4766 0.000003660
## 1151 1 4768 0.000039300
## 1152 2 4768 0.000003660
## 1153 1 4787 0.000003570
## 1154 2 4787 0.000040200
## 1155 1 47bf0ytz3l 0.000003570
## 1156 2 47bf0ytz3l 0.000040200
## 1157 1 48 0.000074900
## 1158 2 48 0.000259613
## 1159 1 484 0.000003570
## 1160 2 484 0.000076800
## 1161 1 48hrs 0.000003570
## 1162 2 48hrs 0.000040200
## 1163 1 49 0.000003570
## 1164 2 49 0.000076800
## 1165 1 4a 0.000146301
## 1166 2 4a 0.000003660
## 1167 1 4am 0.000003570
## 1168 2 4am 0.000076800
## 1169 1 4animals 0.000003570
## 1170 2 4animals 0.000040200
## 1171 1 4c 0.000039300
## 1172 2 4c 0.000003660
## 1173 1 4d 0.000039300
## 1174 2 4d 0.000003660
## 1175 1 4dl5zmerd7 0.000039300
## 1176 2 4dl5zmerd7 0.000003660
## 1177 1 4dofrfprph 0.000039300
## 1178 2 4dofrfprph 0.000003660
## 1179 1 4ejyxrndrx 0.000039300
## 1180 2 4ejyxrndrx 0.000003660
## 1181 1 4eyjeausoq 0.000003570
## 1182 2 4eyjeausoq 0.000040200
## 1183 1 4fishgreenberg 0.000003570
## 1184 2 4fishgreenberg 0.000040200
## 1185 1 4fputjs9sr 0.000039300
## 1186 2 4fputjs9sr 0.000003660
## 1187 1 4fwaok 0.000039300
## 1188 2 4fwaok 0.000003660
## 1189 1 4g2ed6 0.000039300
## 1190 2 4g2ed6 0.000003660
## 1191 1 4gi8gxbc2z 0.000039300
## 1192 2 4gi8gxbc2z 0.000003660
## 1193 1 4hkvd1mcl1 0.000039300
## 1194 2 4hkvd1mcl1 0.000003660
## 1195 1 4i1luu3eio 0.000039300
## 1196 2 4i1luu3eio 0.000003660
## 1197 1 4-Jul 0.000003570
## 1198 2 4-Jul 0.000040200
## 1199 1 4k3a6qct7f 0.000003570
## 1200 2 4k3a6qct7f 0.000040200
## 1201 1 4kwj1vakim 0.000039300
## 1202 2 4kwj1vakim 0.000003660
## 1203 1 4llqnmrvja 0.000039300
## 1204 2 4llqnmrvja 0.000003660
## 1205 1 4months 0.000039300
## 1206 2 4months 0.000003660
## 1207 1 4n9gndwvdh 0.000039300
## 1208 2 4n9gndwvdh 0.000003660
## 1209 1 4nhq2lfs5w 0.000039300
## 1210 2 4nhq2lfs5w 0.000003660
## 1211 1 4p4hpyi4rg 0.000003570
## 1212 2 4p4hpyi4rg 0.000040200
## 1213 1 4pm 0.000003570
## 1214 2 4pm 0.000040200
## 1215 1 4qwyjzm3lx 0.000039300
## 1216 2 4qwyjzm3lx 0.000003660
## 1217 1 4seaekgpw4 0.000003570
## 1218 2 4seaekgpw4 0.000040200
## 1219 1 4sfvej5d5m 0.000003570
## 1220 2 4sfvej5d5m 0.000040200
## 1221 1 4th 0.000003570
## 1222 2 4th 0.000625265
## 1223 1 4thofjuly 0.000146301
## 1224 2 4thofjuly 0.000003660
## 1225 1 4uaajxjfyl 0.000039300
## 1226 2 4uaajxjfyl 0.000003660
## 1227 1 4uo5rt22el 0.000039300
## 1228 2 4uo5rt22el 0.000003660
## 1229 1 4xapg8evv4 0.000039300
## 1230 2 4xapg8evv4 0.000003660
## 1231 1 4xdaily 0.000003570
## 1232 2 4xdaily 0.000040200
## 1233 1 4y2qdbqjbv 0.000039300
## 1234 2 4y2qdbqjbv 0.000003660
## 1235 1 4zrtomyuri 0.000039300
## 1236 2 4zrtomyuri 0.000003660
## 1237 1 5 0.002180243
## 1238 2 5 0.000003660
## 1239 1 5,2 0.000003570
## 1240 2 5,2 0.000040200
## 1241 1 5.45am 0.000003570
## 1242 2 5.45am 0.000040200
## 1243 1 5.5 0.000039300
## 1244 2 5.5 0.000003660
## 1245 1 50 0.001145430
## 1246 2 50 0.000003660
## 1247 1 500 0.000289034
## 1248 2 500 0.000003660
## 1249 1 5000 0.000074900
## 1250 2 5000 0.000003660
## 1251 1 5023 0.000039300
## 1252 2 5023 0.000003660
## 1253 1 505 0.000003570
## 1254 2 505 0.000076800
## 1255 1 50cr 0.000039300
## 1256 2 50cr 0.000003660
## 1257 1 50first 0.000003570
## 1258 2 50first 0.000040200
## 1259 1 50min 0.000003570
## 1260 2 50min 0.000040200
## 1261 1 50pc 0.000039300
## 1262 2 50pc 0.000003660
## 1263 1 518e7lmqsd 0.000003570
## 1264 2 518e7lmqsd 0.000040200
## 1265 1 521 0.000039300
## 1266 2 521 0.000003660
## 1267 1 52pm 0.000039300
## 1268 2 52pm 0.000003660
## 1269 1 53 0.000074900
## 1270 2 53 0.000003660
## 1271 1 530 0.000074900
## 1272 2 530 0.000003660
## 1273 1 54 0.000074900
## 1274 2 54 0.000003660
## 1275 1 549 0.000003570
## 1276 2 549 0.000040200
## 1277 1 54r7wnntnz 0.000003570
## 1278 2 54r7wnntnz 0.000040200
## 1279 1 54wloesyvp 0.000039300
## 1280 2 54wloesyvp 0.000003660
## 1281 1 55 0.000074900
## 1282 2 55 0.000186483
## 1283 1 550rb 0.000039300
## 1284 2 550rb 0.000003660
## 1285 1 553 0.000003570
## 1286 2 553 0.000040200
## 1287 1 5533 0.000039300
## 1288 2 5533 0.000003660
## 1289 1 5555 0.000003570
## 1290 2 5555 0.000040200
## 1291 1 55lhyvwoij 0.000039300
## 1292 2 55lhyvwoij 0.000003660
## 1293 1 55pm 0.000039300
## 1294 2 55pm 0.000003660
## 1295 1 55s8oyuhoh 0.000039300
## 1296 2 55s8oyuhoh 0.000003660
## 1297 1 56 0.000003570
## 1298 2 56 0.000040200
## 1299 1 56170442 0.000003570
## 1300 2 56170442 0.000040200
## 1301 1 568 0.000003570
## 1302 2 568 0.000040200
## 1303 1 56b 0.000003570
## 1304 2 56b 0.000040200
## 1305 1 56bn 0.000003570
## 1306 2 56bn 0.000040200
## 1307 1 5702 0.000039300
## 1308 2 5702 0.000003660
## 1309 1 577 0.000039300
## 1310 2 577 0.000003660
## 1311 1 58 0.000003570
## 1312 2 58 0.000076800
## 1313 1 58am 0.000039300
## 1314 2 58am 0.000003660
## 1315 1 58indontzd 0.000003570
## 1316 2 58indontzd 0.000040200
## 1317 1 59 0.000003570
## 1318 2 59 0.000076800
## 1319 1 5953 0.000003570
## 1320 2 5953 0.000040200
## 1321 1 597 0.000039300
## 1322 2 597 0.000003660
## 1323 1 5aaadq7b15 0.000039300
## 1324 2 5aaadq7b15 0.000003660
## 1325 1 5am 0.000003570
## 1326 2 5am 0.000113352
## 1327 1 5b7fn7duxq 0.000003570
## 1328 2 5b7fn7duxq 0.000040200
## 1329 1 5c4dvfznys 0.000039300
## 1330 2 5c4dvfznys 0.000003660
## 1331 1 5cc44509d2b9412 0.000003570
## 1332 2 5cc44509d2b9412 0.000040200
## 1333 1 5dbyotoltn 0.000003570
## 1334 2 5dbyotoltn 0.000040200
## 1335 1 5eotkva9yi 0.000039300
## 1336 2 5eotkva9yi 0.000003660
## 1337 1 5fmmtncanb 0.000039300
## 1338 2 5fmmtncanb 0.000003660
## 1339 1 5gv6fji0qd 0.000039300
## 1340 2 5gv6fji0qd 0.000003660
## 1341 1 5h 0.000003570
## 1342 2 5h 0.000076800
## 1343 1 5hourdelaydeservespizza 0.000039300
## 1344 2 5hourdelaydeservespizza 0.000003660
## 1345 1 5hr 0.000110618
## 1346 2 5hr 0.000003660
## 1347 1 5hrs 0.000003570
## 1348 2 5hrs 0.000076800
## 1349 1 5j806 0.000039300
## 1350 2 5j806 0.000003660
## 1351 1 5jvbmyjgfk 0.000003570
## 1352 2 5jvbmyjgfk 0.000040200
## 1353 1 5k 0.000039300
## 1354 2 5k 0.000003660
## 1355 1 5kg 0.000003570
## 1356 2 5kg 0.000040200
## 1357 1 5lyn7oz7o0 0.000003570
## 1358 2 5lyn7oz7o0 0.000040200
## 1359 1 5m9q6ayorg 0.000003570
## 1360 2 5m9q6ayorg 0.000040200
## 1361 1 5me1hvzbgq 0.000039300
## 1362 2 5me1hvzbgq 0.000003660
## 1363 1 5month 0.000003570
## 1364 2 5month 0.000040200
## 1365 1 5ndtcumi6u 0.000003570
## 1366 2 5ndtcumi6u 0.000040200
## 1367 1 5nthixbpnk 0.000003570
## 1368 2 5nthixbpnk 0.000040200
## 1369 1 5ogfagv25n 0.000039300
## 1370 2 5ogfagv25n 0.000003660
## 1371 1 5pm 0.000039300
## 1372 2 5pm 0.000003660
## 1373 1 5q7knkd2vh 0.000003570
## 1374 2 5q7knkd2vh 0.000040200
## 1375 1 5r7pyhtudl 0.000039300
## 1376 2 5r7pyhtudl 0.000003660
## 1377 1 5rhnowlofi 0.000003570
## 1378 2 5rhnowlofi 0.000040200
## 1379 1 5sos 0.000003570
## 1380 2 5sos 0.000040200
## 1381 1 5th 0.000003570
## 1382 2 5th 0.000186483
## 1383 1 5tvx2jzqtu 0.000039300
## 1384 2 5tvx2jzqtu 0.000003660
## 1385 1 5ubtzcydka 0.000039300
## 1386 2 5ubtzcydka 0.000003660
## 1387 1 5vhxhmntji 0.000003570
## 1388 2 5vhxhmntji 0.000040200
## 1389 1 5xk3hhmxmx 0.000003570
## 1390 2 5xk3hhmxmx 0.000040200
## 1391 1 5yn6elksaf 0.000003570
## 1392 2 5yn6elksaf 0.000040200
## 1393 1 5yr 0.000039300
## 1394 2 5yr 0.000003660
## 1395 1 6 0.002037510
## 1396 2 6 0.000003660
## 1397 1 6,000 0.000003570
## 1398 2 6,000 0.000040200
## 1399 1 6'4 0.000003570
## 1400 2 6'4 0.000076800
## 1401 1 6'9 0.000003570
## 1402 2 6'9 0.000040200
## 1403 1 60 0.000467450
## 1404 2 60 0.000186483
## 1405 1 ٦٠٠ 0.000003570
## 1406 2 ٦٠٠ 0.000040200
## 1407 1 600 0.000039300
## 1408 2 600 0.000076800
## 1409 1 603 0.000039300
## 1410 2 603 0.000003660
## 1411 1 6052 0.000039300
## 1412 2 6052 0.000003660
## 1413 1 60f 0.000039300
## 1414 2 60f 0.000003660
## 1415 1 6150 0.000003570
## 1416 2 6150 0.000040200
## 1417 1 6179 0.000039300
## 1418 2 6179 0.000003660
## 1419 1 618 0.000003570
## 1420 2 618 0.000040200
## 1421 1 6181 0.000003570
## 1422 2 6181 0.000040200
## 1423 1 619 0.000039300
## 1424 2 619 0.000003660
## 1425 1 62 0.000039300
## 1426 2 62 0.000003660
## 1427 1 620 0.000039300
## 1428 2 620 0.000003660
## 1429 1 6205 0.000003570
## 1430 2 6205 0.000040200
## 1431 1 6251 0.000039300
## 1432 2 6251 0.000003660
## 1433 1 629 0.000003570
## 1434 2 629 0.000040200
## 1435 1 62lyfyqgcd 0.000039300
## 1436 2 62lyfyqgcd 0.000003660
## 1437 1 62rgfttsga 0.000003570
## 1438 2 62rgfttsga 0.000040200
## 1439 1 635ptzgxdm 0.000039300
## 1440 2 635ptzgxdm 0.000003660
## 1441 1 64 0.000039300
## 1442 2 64 0.000003660
## 1443 1 64_hmood 0.000003570
## 1444 2 64_hmood 0.000040200
## 1445 1 645 0.000039300
## 1446 2 645 0.000003660
## 1447 1 65 0.000003570
## 1448 2 65 0.000040200
## 1449 1 656 0.000003570
## 1450 2 656 0.000040200
## 1451 1 66 0.000003570
## 1452 2 66 0.000040200
## 1453 1 6623943 0.000039300
## 1454 2 6623943 0.000003660
## 1455 1 6653 0.000039300
## 1456 2 6653 0.000003660
## 1457 1 675 0.000039300
## 1458 2 675 0.000003660
## 1459 1 677 0.000039300
## 1460 2 677 0.000003660
## 1461 1 68 0.000039300
## 1462 2 68 0.000003660
## 1463 1 680 0.000003570
## 1464 2 680 0.000040200
## 1465 1 6853705264 0.000003570
## 1466 2 6853705264 0.000040200
## 1467 1 687 0.000003570
## 1468 2 687 0.000040200
## 1469 1 689zziyzry 0.000003570
## 1470 2 689zziyzry 0.000040200
## 1471 1 68hrs 0.000039300
## 1472 2 68hrs 0.000003660
## 1473 1 69 0.000110618
## 1474 2 69 0.000003660
## 1475 1 6a 0.000074900
## 1476 2 6a 0.000003660
## 1477 1 6a8juq9hxr 0.000039300
## 1478 2 6a8juq9hxr 0.000003660
## 1479 1 6ainfernxc 0.000039300
## 1480 2 6ainfernxc 0.000003660
## 1481 1 6am 0.000003570
## 1482 2 6am 0.000113352
## 1483 1 6dgixtx8n2 0.000039300
## 1484 2 6dgixtx8n2 0.000003660
## 1485 1 6dig 0.000039300
## 1486 2 6dig 0.000003660
## 1487 1 6elemox22j 0.000003570
## 1488 2 6elemox22j 0.000040200
## 1489 1 6gawninr7r 0.000039300
## 1490 2 6gawninr7r 0.000003660
## 1491 1 6gv4xmmsul 0.000039300
## 1492 2 6gv4xmmsul 0.000003660
## 1493 1 6gy3zr7kdb 0.000003570
## 1494 2 6gy3zr7kdb 0.000040200
## 1495 1 6h25 0.000003570
## 1496 2 6h25 0.000040200
## 1497 1 6j2nmtbdnu 0.000039300
## 1498 2 6j2nmtbdnu 0.000003660
## 1499 1 6k 0.000003570
## 1500 2 6k 0.000040200
## 1501 1 6kb70jeznv 0.000003570
## 1502 2 6kb70jeznv 0.000040200
## 1503 1 6kbdkhp9kp 0.000003570
## 1504 2 6kbdkhp9kp 0.000040200
## 1505 1 6nwcyg9qhw 0.000003570
## 1506 2 6nwcyg9qhw 0.000040200
## 1507 1 6ormupblkx 0.000003570
## 1508 2 6ormupblkx 0.000040200
## 1509 1 6pm 0.000074900
## 1510 2 6pm 0.000003660
## 1511 1 6s96urwuxm 0.000039300
## 1512 2 6s96urwuxm 0.000003660
## 1513 1 6sxyvkn2sw 0.000003570
## 1514 2 6sxyvkn2sw 0.000040200
## 1515 1 6th 0.000110618
## 1516 2 6th 0.000003660
## 1517 1 6themovie 0.000003570
## 1518 2 6themovie 0.000040200
## 1519 1 6ufr73nkoh 0.000003570
## 1520 2 6ufr73nkoh 0.000040200
## 1521 1 6w2jpxku5a 0.000039300
## 1522 2 6w2jpxku5a 0.000003660
## 1523 1 6wnfcz0erj 0.000003570
## 1524 2 6wnfcz0erj 0.000040200
## 1525 1 6xbkqqctgb 0.000003570
## 1526 2 6xbkqqctgb 0.000040200
## 1527 1 6xknu1h8om 0.000039300
## 1528 2 6xknu1h8om 0.000003660
## 1529 1 6xpav2sv1j 0.000039300
## 1530 2 6xpav2sv1j 0.000003660
## 1531 1 6yxynngtam 0.000003570
## 1532 2 6yxynngtam 0.000040200
## 1533 1 6zqa8zo7kk 0.000003570
## 1534 2 6zqa8zo7kk 0.000040200
## 1535 1 7 0.000003570
## 1536 2 7 0.001722221
## 1537 1 7,000 0.000039300
## 1538 2 7,000 0.000003660
## 1539 1 7,018 0.000003570
## 1540 2 7,018 0.000040200
## 1541 1 7,80 0.000003570
## 1542 2 7,80 0.000040200
## 1543 1 7 0.000039300
## 1544 2 7 0.000003660
## 1545 1 7.05 0.000003570
## 1546 2 7.05 0.000040200
## 1547 1 7.2.14 0.000003570
## 1548 2 7.2.14 0.000040200
## 1549 1 7.30am 0.000039300
## 1550 2 7.30am 0.000003660
## 1551 1 70 0.000074900
## 1552 2 70 0.000003660
## 1553 1 700 0.000003570
## 1554 2 700 0.000076800
## 1555 1 708 0.000003570
## 1556 2 708 0.000040200
## 1557 1 709732 0.000039300
## 1558 2 709732 0.000003660
## 1559 1 709n4vaicl 0.000003570
## 1560 2 709n4vaicl 0.000040200
## 1561 1 70f 0.000039300
## 1562 2 70f 0.000003660
## 1563 1 70yo 0.000039300
## 1564 2 70yo 0.000003660
## 1565 1 71 0.000074900
## 1566 2 71 0.000003660
## 1567 1 714932 0.000039300
## 1568 2 714932 0.000003660
## 1569 1 72 0.000003570
## 1570 2 72 0.000113352
## 1571 1 720 0.000003570
## 1572 2 720 0.000040200
## 1573 1 721 0.000039300
## 1574 2 721 0.000003660
## 1575 1 726 0.000039300
## 1576 2 726 0.000003660
## 1577 1 73 0.000003570
## 1578 2 73 0.000040200
## 1579 1 730 0.000003570
## 1580 2 730 0.000040200
## 1581 1 737 0.000467450
## 1582 2 737 0.000003660
## 1583 1 738 0.000039300
## 1584 2 738 0.000003660
## 1585 1 73qslb1bb0 0.000003570
## 1586 2 73qslb1bb0 0.000040200
## 1587 1 742 0.000003570
## 1588 2 742 0.000040200
## 1589 1 747 0.000039300
## 1590 2 747 0.000442439
## 1591 1 7.47475E+32 0.000003570
## 1592 2 7.47475E+32 0.000040200
## 1593 1 747s 0.000003570
## 1594 2 747s 0.000040200
## 1595 1 749 0.000003570
## 1596 2 749 0.000149917
## 1597 1 74vdrauxnj 0.000003570
## 1598 2 74vdrauxnj 0.000040200
## 1599 1 75 0.000003570
## 1600 2 75 0.000186483
## 1601 1 751 0.000003570
## 1602 2 751 0.000040200
## 1603 1 7554 0.000003570
## 1604 2 7554 0.000040200
## 1605 1 757 0.000181984
## 1606 2 757 0.000040200
## 1607 1 757,000 0.000003570
## 1608 2 757,000 0.000040200
## 1609 1 757s 0.000003570
## 1610 2 757s 0.000040200
## 1611 1 75k 0.000003570
## 1612 2 75k 0.000040200
## 1613 1 76 0.000003570
## 1614 2 76 0.000040200
## 1615 1 767 0.000003570
## 1616 2 767 0.000113352
## 1617 1 768 0.000039300
## 1618 2 768 0.000003660
## 1619 1 77 0.000003570
## 1620 2 77 0.000040200
## 1621 1 7700 0.000039300
## 1622 2 7700 0.000003660
## 1623 1 773 0.000003570
## 1624 2 773 0.000040200
## 1625 1 7748453 0.000003570
## 1626 2 7748453 0.000040200
## 1627 1 7761812 0.000039300
## 1628 2 7761812 0.000003660
## 1629 1 777 0.000003570
## 1630 2 777 0.000479004
## 1631 1 777x 0.000039300
## 1632 2 777x 0.000003660
## 1633 1 777xs 0.000039300
## 1634 2 777xs 0.000003660
## 1635 1 78 0.000003570
## 1636 2 78 0.000076800
## 1637 1 787 0.000253351
## 1638 2 787 0.000003660
## 1639 1 78oeqkv4l2 0.000039300
## 1640 2 78oeqkv4l2 0.000003660
## 1641 1 79 0.000039300
## 1642 2 79 0.000003660
## 1643 1 79wnvf8kmn 0.000003570
## 1644 2 79wnvf8kmn 0.000040200
## 1645 1 7am 0.000074900
## 1646 2 7am 0.000003660
## 1647 1 7c13jcsutu 0.000003570
## 1648 2 7c13jcsutu 0.000040200
## 1649 1 7c7ndqq74w 0.000039300
## 1650 2 7c7ndqq74w 0.000003660
## 1651 1 7clehfo1zd 0.000039300
## 1652 2 7clehfo1zd 0.000003660
## 1653 1 7d 0.000003570
## 1654 2 7d 0.000040200
## 1655 1 7days 0.000003570
## 1656 2 7days 0.000040200
## 1657 1 7dswbmicsf 0.000003570
## 1658 2 7dswbmicsf 0.000040200
## 1659 1 7f83uznxcs 0.000039300
## 1660 2 7f83uznxcs 0.000003660
## 1661 1 7h 0.000039300
## 1662 2 7h 0.000003660
## 1663 1 7hour 0.000003570
## 1664 2 7hour 0.000040200
## 1665 1 7hr 0.000074900
## 1666 2 7hr 0.000003660
## 1667 1 7hrs 0.000003570
## 1668 2 7hrs 0.000113352
## 1669 1 7jr8bm 0.000039300
## 1670 2 7jr8bm 0.000003660
## 1671 1 7kdwnbdnjb 0.000039300
## 1672 2 7kdwnbdnjb 0.000003660
## 1673 1 7lap7za2o7 0.000039300
## 1674 2 7lap7za2o7 0.000003660
## 1675 1 7marshall 0.000039300
## 1676 2 7marshall 0.000003660
## 1677 1 7ofxy4j4ld 0.000039300
## 1678 2 7ofxy4j4ld 0.000003660
## 1679 1 7onashoestring 0.000039300
## 1680 2 7onashoestring 0.000003660
## 1681 1 7onyoursideny 0.000003570
## 1682 2 7onyoursideny 0.000040200
## 1683 1 7pm 0.000039300
## 1684 2 7pm 0.000186483
## 1685 1 7ppht54wy9 0.000003570
## 1686 2 7ppht54wy9 0.000040200
## 1687 1 7qrt6yrddf 0.000039300
## 1688 2 7qrt6yrddf 0.000003660
## 1689 1 7rrp1oojax 0.000003570
## 1690 2 7rrp1oojax 0.000040200
## 1691 1 7rw7dq1tov 0.000039300
## 1692 2 7rw7dq1tov 0.000003660
## 1693 1 7s3hqv 0.000003570
## 1694 2 7s3hqv 0.000040200
## 1695 1 7th 0.000039300
## 1696 2 7th 0.000003660
## 1697 1 7uswsmhzjq 0.000039300
## 1698 2 7uswsmhzjq 0.000003660
## 1699 1 7viudcyfwn 0.000039300
## 1700 2 7viudcyfwn 0.000003660
## 1701 1 7xibpnsmu3 0.000039300
## 1702 2 7xibpnsmu3 0.000003660
## 1703 1 8 0.000967014
## 1704 2 8 0.000003660
## 1705 1 8.3 0.000003570
## 1706 2 8.3 0.000040200
## 1707 1 8.30am 0.000003570
## 1708 2 8.30am 0.000040200
## 1709 1 80 0.000003570
## 1710 2 80 0.000223048
## 1711 1 800 0.000181984
## 1712 2 800 0.000003660
## 1713 1 800_rt 0.000039300
## 1714 2 800_rt 0.000003660
## 1715 1 80000004ft 0.000039300
## 1716 2 80000004ft 0.000003660
## 1717 1 803wyvt66d 0.000039300
## 1718 2 803wyvt66d 0.000003660
## 1719 1 8094 0.000039300
## 1720 2 8094 0.000003660
## 1721 1 80f 0.000003570
## 1722 2 80f 0.000040200
## 1723 1 80p 0.000074900
## 1724 2 80p 0.000003660
## 1725 1 80th 0.000039300
## 1726 2 80th 0.000003660
## 1727 1 8144 0.000003570
## 1728 2 8144 0.000040200
## 1729 1 820 0.000039300
## 1730 2 820 0.000003660
## 1731 1 822 0.000039300
## 1732 2 822 0.000003660
## 1733 1 828 0.000039300
## 1734 2 828 0.000003660
## 1735 1 82vhasxtvk 0.000039300
## 1736 2 82vhasxtvk 0.000003660
## 1737 1 83 0.000003570
## 1738 2 83 0.000040200
## 1739 1 830pm 0.000003570
## 1740 2 830pm 0.000040200
## 1741 1 84 0.000074900
## 1742 2 84 0.000003660
## 1743 1 85 0.000074900
## 1744 2 85 0.000003660
## 1745 1 850 0.000074900
## 1746 2 850 0.000003660
## 1747 1 8530764 0.000146301
## 1748 2 8530764 0.000040200
## 1749 1 854 0.000003570
## 1750 2 854 0.000040200
## 1751 1 856 0.000039300
## 1752 2 856 0.000003660
## 1753 1 8564826 0.000039300
## 1754 2 8564826 0.000003660
## 1755 1 8565881 0.000003570
## 1756 2 8565881 0.000040200
## 1757 1 85kg 0.000039300
## 1758 2 85kg 0.000003660
## 1759 1 85yo 0.000003570
## 1760 2 85yo 0.000040200
## 1761 1 86 0.000039300
## 1762 2 86 0.000003660
## 1763 1 86ublz1hm1 0.000003570
## 1764 2 86ublz1hm1 0.000040200
## 1765 1 86ubw00qgl 0.000039300
## 1766 2 86ubw00qgl 0.000003660
## 1767 1 86xzqyvkkp 0.000039300
## 1768 2 86xzqyvkkp 0.000003660
## 1769 1 871 0.000039300
## 1770 2 871 0.000003660
## 1771 1 880 0.000039300
## 1772 2 880 0.000003660
## 1773 1 8888 0.000003570
## 1774 2 8888 0.000040200
## 1775 1 88buigoexu 0.000003570
## 1776 2 88buigoexu 0.000040200
## 1777 1 893 0.000039300
## 1778 2 893 0.000003660
## 1779 1 8am 0.000003570
## 1780 2 8am 0.000040200
## 1781 1 8aqahuiz2a 0.000003570
## 1782 2 8aqahuiz2a 0.000040200
## 1783 1 8auycdjous 0.000003570
## 1784 2 8auycdjous 0.000040200
## 1785 1 8c 0.000003570
## 1786 2 8c 0.000040200
## 1787 1 8cccas37u6 0.000003570
## 1788 2 8cccas37u6 0.000040200
## 1789 1 8e2cjzxhfr 0.000003570
## 1790 2 8e2cjzxhfr 0.000040200
## 1791 1 8h8lutj387 0.000003570
## 1792 2 8h8lutj387 0.000040200
## 1793 1 8hpt5wp2mo 0.000003570
## 1794 2 8hpt5wp2mo 0.000040200
## 1795 1 8hr 0.000039300
## 1796 2 8hr 0.000003660
## 1797 1 8hvowalaqm 0.000003570
## 1798 2 8hvowalaqm 0.000040200
## 1799 1 8i 0.000003570
## 1800 2 8i 0.000040200
## 1801 1 8izi9qkbfp 0.000039300
## 1802 2 8izi9qkbfp 0.000003660
## 1803 1 8kn5xgifkh 0.000039300
## 1804 2 8kn5xgifkh 0.000003660
## 1805 1 8ljlgll0e8 0.000039300
## 1806 2 8ljlgll0e8 0.000003660
## 1807 1 8m2qbcnzpr 0.000039300
## 1808 2 8m2qbcnzpr 0.000003660
## 1809 1 8months 0.000039300
## 1810 2 8months 0.000003660
## 1811 1 8mslerkffh 0.000039300
## 1812 2 8mslerkffh 0.000003660
## 1813 1 8pm 0.000039300
## 1814 2 8pm 0.000003660
## 1815 1 8qmlnbeu6h 0.000003570
## 1816 2 8qmlnbeu6h 0.000040200
## 1817 1 8tdpckzsmm 0.000003570
## 1818 2 8tdpckzsmm 0.000040200
## 1819 1 8vgljzv3u2 0.000039300
## 1820 2 8vgljzv3u2 0.000003660
## 1821 1 8vsebhovmi 0.000039300
## 1822 2 8vsebhovmi 0.000003660
## 1823 1 8vzmchgbwp 0.000039300
## 1824 2 8vzmchgbwp 0.000003660
## 1825 1 8wslea1xgw 0.000039300
## 1826 2 8wslea1xgw 0.000003660
## 1827 1 8xltay2rrp 0.000039300
## 1828 2 8xltay2rrp 0.000003660
## 1829 1 8xweekly 0.000003570
## 1830 2 8xweekly 0.000040200
## 1831 1 8yr 0.000003570
## 1832 2 8yr 0.000040200
## 1833 1 9 0.001002698
## 1834 2 9 0.000003660
## 1835 1 9_0_2 0.000003570
## 1836 2 9_0_2 0.000040200
## 1837 1 9 0.000003570
## 1838 2 9 0.000040200
## 1839 1 9.15am 0.000003570
## 1840 2 9.15am 0.000040200
## 1841 1 9.25 0.000039300
## 1842 2 9.25 0.000003660
## 1843 1 9.4 0.000003570
## 1844 2 9.4 0.000040200
## 1845 1 90 0.000324717
## 1846 2 90 0.000003660
## 1847 1 900 0.000074900
## 1848 2 900 0.000003660
## 1849 1 91 0.000039300
## 1850 2 91 0.000003660
## 1851 1 91.107 0.000039300
## 1852 2 91.107 0.000003660
## 1853 1 91m2lhb8xq 0.000003570
## 1854 2 91m2lhb8xq 0.000040200
## 1855 1 91xiejrge1 0.000039300
## 1856 2 91xiejrge1 0.000003660
## 1857 1 92 0.000003570
## 1858 2 92 0.000040200
## 1859 1 920 0.000039300
## 1860 2 920 0.000003660
## 1861 1 924 0.000039300
## 1862 2 924 0.000003660
## 1863 1 927 0.000003570
## 1864 2 927 0.000040200
## 1865 1 928 0.000039300
## 1866 2 928 0.000003660
## 1867 1 930 0.000003570
## 1868 2 930 0.000076800
## 1869 1 932.66 0.000003570
## 1870 2 932.66 0.000040200
## 1871 1 93xrt 0.000003570
## 1872 2 93xrt 0.000040200
## 1873 1 94 0.000039300
## 1874 2 94 0.000003660
## 1875 1 940 0.000003570
## 1876 2 940 0.000040200
## 1877 1 9422677513 0.000003570
## 1878 2 9422677513 0.000040200
## 1879 1 9454 0.000003570
## 1880 2 9454 0.000040200
## 1881 1 95 0.000074900
## 1882 2 95 0.000003660
## 1883 1 950 0.000039300
## 1884 2 950 0.000003660
## 1885 1 952 0.000039300
## 1886 2 952 0.000003660
## 1887 1 9.57249E+12 0.000003570
## 1888 2 9.57249E+12 0.000040200
## 1889 1 95f 0.000003570
## 1890 2 95f 0.000040200
## 1891 1 96 0.000003570
## 1892 2 96 0.000040200
## 1893 1 97z4qsexws 0.000039300
## 1894 2 97z4qsexws 0.000003660
## 1895 1 98 0.000039300
## 1896 2 98 0.000003660
## 1897 1 99 0.000003570
## 1898 2 99 0.000076800
## 1899 1 997 0.000039300
## 1900 2 997 0.000003660
## 1901 1 9abe1vsmif 0.000039300
## 1902 2 9abe1vsmif 0.000003660
## 1903 1 9aiqvxbnqt 0.000003570
## 1904 2 9aiqvxbnqt 0.000040200
## 1905 1 9am 0.000110618
## 1906 2 9am 0.000003660
## 1907 1 9amo76evbp 0.000003570
## 1908 2 9amo76evbp 0.000040200
## 1909 1 9cm1ngfv1w 0.000039300
## 1910 2 9cm1ngfv1w 0.000003660
## 1911 1 9cyvfnl701 0.000003570
## 1912 2 9cyvfnl701 0.000040200
## 1913 1 9dlgqyvegv 0.000039300
## 1914 2 9dlgqyvegv 0.000003660
## 1915 1 9ejbnwen19 0.000003570
## 1916 2 9ejbnwen19 0.000040200
## 1917 1 9g3idnicby 0.000003570
## 1918 2 9g3idnicby 0.000040200
## 1919 1 9hzibttfjv 0.000003570
## 1920 2 9hzibttfjv 0.000040200
## 1921 1 9jl4ljlm0w 0.000003570
## 1922 2 9jl4ljlm0w 0.000040200
## 1923 1 9kf9ijmvjt 0.000003570
## 1924 2 9kf9ijmvjt 0.000040200
## 1925 1 9le050aknu 0.000039300
## 1926 2 9le050aknu 0.000003660
## 1927 1 9ljr4qigah 0.000039300
## 1928 2 9ljr4qigah 0.000003660
## 1929 1 9m6y0bloon 0.000003570
## 1930 2 9m6y0bloon 0.000040200
## 1931 1 9mfzyjjoct 0.000003570
## 1932 2 9mfzyjjoct 0.000040200
## 1933 1 9mmtmfpmsx 0.000003570
## 1934 2 9mmtmfpmsx 0.000040200
## 1935 1 9nitrwb67g 0.000039300
## 1936 2 9nitrwb67g 0.000003660
## 1937 1 9ozwnb5lt7 0.000003570
## 1938 2 9ozwnb5lt7 0.000040200
## 1939 1 9pm 0.000074900
## 1940 2 9pm 0.000076800
## 1941 1 9qpyupeqhf 0.000003570
## 1942 2 9qpyupeqhf 0.000040200
## 1943 1 9s 0.000003570
## 1944 2 9s 0.000040200
## 1945 1 9tajdkl4fv 0.000003570
## 1946 2 9tajdkl4fv 0.000040200
## 1947 1 9th 0.000039300
## 1948 2 9th 0.000003660
## 1949 1 9toql2twwh 0.000003570
## 1950 2 9toql2twwh 0.000040200
## 1951 1 9tpgr8wbni 0.000003570
## 1952 2 9tpgr8wbni 0.000040200
## 1953 1 9tvaphlwsm 0.000039300
## 1954 2 9tvaphlwsm 0.000003660
## 1955 1 9umkdwozp0 0.000003570
## 1956 2 9umkdwozp0 0.000040200
## 1957 1 9v8is7qnpa 0.000003570
## 1958 2 9v8is7qnpa 0.000040200
## 1959 1 9ykckrobnl 0.000039300
## 1960 2 9ykckrobnl 0.000003660
## 1961 1 9ykigailkr 0.000039300
## 1962 2 9ykigailkr 0.000003660
## 1963 1 9ytan90mp8 0.000003570
## 1964 2 9ytan90mp8 0.000040200
## 1965 1 à 0.000003570
## 1966 2 à 0.000698396
## 1967 1 a.k.a 0.000039300
## 1968 2 a.k.a 0.000003660
## 1969 1 a.m 0.000039300
## 1970 2 a.m 0.000003660
## 1971 1 a.s 0.000039300
## 1972 2 a.s 0.000003660
## 1973 1 a'dam 0.000003570
## 1974 2 a'dam 0.000040200
## 1975 1 a0rjxksawj 0.000003570
## 1976 2 a0rjxksawj 0.000040200
## 1977 1 a2 0.000003570
## 1978 2 a2 0.000040200
## 1979 1 a2dsrb2x93 0.000003570
## 1980 2 a2dsrb2x93 0.000040200
## 1981 1 a319 0.000039300
## 1982 2 a319 0.000076800
## 1983 1 a320 0.000003570
## 1984 2 a320 0.000186483
## 1985 1 a321 0.000003570
## 1986 2 a321 0.000040200
## 1987 1 a321neo 0.000003570
## 1988 2 a321neo 0.000040200
## 1989 1 a330 0.000003570
## 1990 2 a330 0.000186483
## 1991 1 a380 0.000431767
## 1992 2 a380 0.000259613
## 1993 1 a4 0.000039300
## 1994 2 a4 0.000003660
## 1995 1 a48gdv4vym 0.000039300
## 1996 2 a48gdv4vym 0.000003660
## 1997 1 a4xpzzjyqq 0.000039300
## 1998 2 a4xpzzjyqq 0.000003660
## 1999 1 a55ixbftwe 0.000003570
## 2000 2 a55ixbftwe 0.000040200
## 2001 1 a6 0.000146301
## 2002 2 a6 0.000003660
## 2003 1 a6q8vypcwf 0.000039300
## 2004 2 a6q8vypcwf 0.000003660
## 2005 1 a8ns7msfhl 0.000039300
## 2006 2 a8ns7msfhl 0.000003660
## 2007 1 a9 0.000003570
## 2008 2 a9 0.000149917
## 2009 1 aa 0.000003570
## 2010 2 aa 0.001320004
## 2011 1 aa1030 0.000039300
## 2012 2 aa1030 0.000003660
## 2013 1 aa1133 0.000003570
## 2014 2 aa1133 0.000040200
## 2015 1 aa1818 0.000039300
## 2016 2 aa1818 0.000003660
## 2017 1 aa262 0.000003570
## 2018 2 aa262 0.000040200
## 2019 1 aa266 0.000003570
## 2020 2 aa266 0.000040200
## 2021 1 aa274 0.000039300
## 2022 2 aa274 0.000003660
## 2023 1 aa3251 0.000039300
## 2024 2 aa3251 0.000003660
## 2025 1 aa4222 0.000039300
## 2026 2 aa4222 0.000003660
## 2027 1 aa6chthwqz 0.000003570
## 2028 2 aa6chthwqz 0.000040200
## 2029 1 aa978 0.000039300
## 2030 2 aa978 0.000003660
## 2031 1 aaaannnd 0.000003570
## 2032 2 aaaannnd 0.000040200
## 2033 1 aadkmalaysia 0.000003570
## 2034 2 aadkmalaysia 0.000040200
## 2035 1 aadvantage 0.000003570
## 2036 2 aadvantage 0.000149917
## 2037 1 aafail 0.000039300
## 2038 2 aafail 0.000003660
## 2039 1 aagaain 0.000039300
## 2040 2 aagaain 0.000003660
## 2041 1 aainda 0.000039300
## 2042 2 aainda 0.000003660
## 2043 1 aairlines 0.000003570
## 2044 2 aairlines 0.000040200
## 2045 1 aakeepsgettingworse 0.000039300
## 2046 2 aakeepsgettingworse 0.000003660
## 2047 1 aal 0.000074900
## 2048 2 aal 0.000003660
## 2049 1 aal87 0.000039300
## 2050 2 aal87 0.000003660
## 2051 1 aamiles 0.000003570
## 2052 2 aamiles 0.000040200
## 2053 1 aan 0.000253351
## 2054 2 aan 0.000149917
## 2055 1 aanbevolen 0.000003570
## 2056 2 aanbevolen 0.000040200
## 2057 1 aangeboden 0.000003570
## 2058 2 aangeboden 0.000040200
## 2059 1 aangezien 0.000039300
## 2060 2 aangezien 0.000003660
## 2061 1 aanheb 0.000003570
## 2062 2 aanheb 0.000040200
## 2063 1 aapromos1 0.000003570
## 2064 2 aapromos1 0.000040200
## 2065 1 aaramadhan 0.000039300
## 2066 2 aaramadhan 0.000003660
## 2067 1 aaron 0.000003570
## 2068 2 aaron 0.000113352
## 2069 1 aaronpauley 0.000003570
## 2070 2 aaronpauley 0.000113352
## 2071 1 aaronramsey 0.000003570
## 2072 2 aaronramsey 0.001027482
## 2073 1 aarr14 0.000003570
## 2074 2 aarr14 0.000040200
## 2075 1 ab 0.000074900
## 2076 2 ab 0.000003660
## 2077 1 abandon 0.000039300
## 2078 2 abandon 0.000003660
## 2079 1 abbydarkstar 0.000003570
## 2080 2 abbydarkstar 0.000040200
## 2081 1 abbydorsett 0.000039300
## 2082 2 abbydorsett 0.000003660
## 2083 1 abbywolensky 0.000003570
## 2084 2 abbywolensky 0.000040200
## 2085 1 abbyylew 0.000003570
## 2086 2 abbyylew 0.000040200
## 2087 1 abbyyyroos 0.000003570
## 2088 2 abbyyyroos 0.000040200
## 2089 1 abc 0.000003570
## 2090 2 abc 0.000076800
## 2091 1 aber 0.000039300
## 2092 2 aber 0.000003660
## 2093 1 abermz 0.000039300
## 2094 2 abermz 0.000003660
## 2095 1 abgemahnt 0.000003570
## 2096 2 abgemahnt 0.000040200
## 2097 1 abi 0.000039300
## 2098 2 abi 0.000003660
## 2099 1 abidin 0.000003570
## 2100 2 abidin 0.000040200
## 2101 1 abiertamente 0.000039300
## 2102 2 abiertamente 0.000003660
## 2103 1 abiertas 0.000039300
## 2104 2 abiertas 0.000003660
## 2105 1 abiertos 0.000003570
## 2106 2 abiertos 0.000040200
## 2107 1 abigail 0.000039300
## 2108 2 abigail 0.000003660
## 2109 1 ability 0.000003570
## 2110 2 ability 0.000113352
## 2111 1 abn 0.000003570
## 2112 2 abn 0.000040200
## 2113 1 abo_lobna2 0.000039300
## 2114 2 abo_lobna2 0.000003660
## 2115 1 aboard 0.000181984
## 2116 2 aboard 0.000040200
## 2117 1 abonde 0.000039300
## 2118 2 abonde 0.000003660
## 2119 1 abordar 0.000039300
## 2120 2 abordar 0.000003660
## 2121 1 aborted 0.000003570
## 2122 2 aborted 0.000040200
## 2123 1 aborts 0.000003570
## 2124 2 aborts 0.000040200
## 2125 1 aboveandbeyond 0.000074900
## 2126 2 aboveandbeyond 0.000003660
## 2127 1 abq 0.000146301
## 2128 2 abq 0.000003660
## 2129 1 abramjee 0.000003570
## 2130 2 abramjee 0.000040200
## 2131 1 abrazos 0.000039300
## 2132 2 abrazos 0.000003660
## 2133 1 abril 0.000039300
## 2134 2 abril 0.000003660
## 2135 1 abs13tube 0.000039300
## 2136 2 abs13tube 0.000003660
## 2137 1 absa 0.000003570
## 2138 2 absa 0.000149917
## 2139 1 absahara 0.000039300
## 2140 2 absahara 0.000003660
## 2141 1 absen 0.000039300
## 2142 2 absen 0.000003660
## 2143 1 absolutamente 0.000039300
## 2144 2 absolutamente 0.000003660
## 2145 1 absolute 0.000039300
## 2146 2 absolute 0.000223048
## 2147 1 absolutely 0.000039300
## 2148 2 absolutely 0.000296178
## 2149 1 absolvieron 0.000039300
## 2150 2 absolvieron 0.000003660
## 2151 1 absurd 0.000039300
## 2152 2 absurd 0.000003660
## 2153 1 abt 0.000003570
## 2154 2 abt 0.000076800
## 2155 1 abu 0.000003570
## 2156 2 abu 0.000040200
## 2157 1 abuse 0.000039300
## 2158 2 abuse 0.000003660
## 2159 1 abymarano 0.000003570
## 2160 2 abymarano 0.000040200
## 2161 1 ac 0.000396083
## 2162 2 ac 0.000003660
## 2163 1 ac104 0.000003570
## 2164 2 ac104 0.000040200
## 2165 1 ac1133 0.000003570
## 2166 2 ac1133 0.000040200
## 2167 1 ac214 0.000003570
## 2168 2 ac214 0.000040200
## 2169 1 ac7xrascvl 0.000039300
## 2170 2 ac7xrascvl 0.000003660
## 2171 1 ac851 0.000003570
## 2172 2 ac851 0.000040200
## 2173 1 acaba 0.000074900
## 2174 2 acaba 0.000003660
## 2175 1 acaban 0.000039300
## 2176 2 acaban 0.000040200
## 2177 1 acabando 0.000039300
## 2178 2 acabando 0.000003660
## 2179 1 acabar 0.000039300
## 2180 2 acabar 0.000003660
## 2181 1 acabaron 0.000039300
## 2182 2 acabaron 0.000003660
## 2183 1 acabemos 0.000003570
## 2184 2 acabemos 0.000040200
## 2185 1 acabo 0.000039300
## 2186 2 acabo 0.000003660
## 2187 1 acabó 0.000003570
## 2188 2 acabó 0.000040200
## 2189 1 academy 0.000003570
## 2190 2 academy 0.000076800
## 2191 1 acaltitude 0.000074900
## 2192 2 acaltitude 0.000003660
## 2193 1 acara 0.000039300
## 2194 2 acara 0.000003660
## 2195 1 accelerate 0.000003570
## 2196 2 accelerate 0.000040200
## 2197 1 accept 0.000003570
## 2198 2 accept 0.000149917
## 2199 1 acceptable 0.000181984
## 2200 2 acceptable 0.000003660
## 2201 1 accepted 0.000039300
## 2202 2 accepted 0.000040200
## 2203 1 accepting 0.000039300
## 2204 2 accepting 0.000003660
## 2205 1 acces 0.000003570
## 2206 2 acces 0.000040200
## 2207 1 access 0.000217667
## 2208 2 access 0.000223048
## 2209 1 acciones 0.000039300
## 2210 2 acciones 0.000003660
## 2211 1 accommodate 0.000003570
## 2212 2 accommodate 0.000113352
## 2213 1 accommodated 0.000039300
## 2214 2 accommodated 0.000040200
## 2215 1 accommodating 0.000003570
## 2216 2 accommodating 0.000076800
## 2217 1 accommodations 0.000003570
## 2218 2 accommodations 0.000076800
## 2219 1 accontentati 0.000003570
## 2220 2 accontentati 0.000040200
## 2221 1 account 0.000003570
## 2222 2 account 0.000881222
## 2223 1 account.money 0.000003570
## 2224 2 account.money 0.000040200
## 2225 1 accountability 0.000003570
## 2226 2 accountability 0.000113352
## 2227 1 accountable 0.000181984
## 2228 2 accountable 0.000040200
## 2229 1 accounting 0.000003570
## 2230 2 accounting 0.000040200
## 2231 1 accra 0.000003570
## 2232 2 accra 0.000040200
## 2233 1 accurate 0.000003570
## 2234 2 accurate 0.000113352
## 2235 1 accurately 0.000003570
## 2236 2 accurately 0.000040200
## 2237 1 accused 0.000003570
## 2238 2 accused 0.000076800
## 2239 1 ace 0.000003570
## 2240 2 ace 0.000040200
## 2241 1 acelera 0.000039300
## 2242 2 acelera 0.000003660
## 2243 1 aceptan 0.000039300
## 2244 2 aceptan 0.000003660
## 2245 1 acesse 0.000003570
## 2246 2 acesse 0.000040200
## 2247 1 ach 0.000074900
## 2248 2 ach 0.000003660
## 2249 1 achar 0.000039300
## 2250 2 achar 0.000003660
## 2251 1 achievement 0.000074900
## 2252 2 achievement 0.000003660
## 2253 1 achterlijk 0.000039300
## 2254 2 achterlijk 0.000003660
## 2255 1 acieurope 0.000039300
## 2256 2 acieurope 0.000003660
## 2257 1 aciklama 0.000039300
## 2258 2 aciklama 0.000003660
## 2259 1 acinaeia 0.000003570
## 2260 2 acinaeia 0.000076800
## 2261 1 açılmadı 0.000003570
## 2262 2 açılmadı 0.000040200
## 2263 1 acknowledge 0.000003570
## 2264 2 acknowledge 0.000040200
## 2265 1 acknowledged 0.000039300
## 2266 2 acknowledged 0.000003660
## 2267 1 acnow 0.000003570
## 2268 2 acnow 0.000040200
## 2269 1 acolx7otte 0.000003570
## 2270 2 acolx7otte 0.000040200
## 2271 1 acquires 0.000039300
## 2272 2 acquires 0.000003660
## 2273 1 açsın 0.000039300
## 2274 2 açsın 0.000003660
## 2275 1 act 0.000181984
## 2276 2 act 0.000003660
## 2277 1 acted 0.000003570
## 2278 2 acted 0.000040200
## 2279 1 acteur 0.000039300
## 2280 2 acteur 0.000003660
## 2281 1 actie 0.000003570
## 2282 2 actie 0.000040200
## 2283 1 action 0.000110618
## 2284 2 action 0.000003660
## 2285 1 actionyadawry 0.000003570
## 2286 2 actionyadawry 0.000040200
## 2287 1 actively 0.000003570
## 2288 2 actively 0.000040200
## 2289 1 activision 0.000003570
## 2290 2 activision 0.000040200
## 2291 1 activities 0.000003570
## 2292 2 activities 0.000040200
## 2293 1 actor 0.000039300
## 2294 2 actor 0.000003660
## 2295 1 actores 0.000039300
## 2296 2 actores 0.000003660
## 2297 1 actors 0.000039300
## 2298 2 actors 0.000003660
## 2299 1 acts 0.000039300
## 2300 2 acts 0.000003660
## 2301 1 actuai 0.000039300
## 2302 2 actuai 0.000003660
## 2303 1 actual 0.000039300
## 2304 2 actual 0.000149917
## 2305 1 acuerdense 0.000039300
## 2306 2 acuerdense 0.000003660
## 2307 1 acuerdo 0.000003570
## 2308 2 acuerdo 0.000040200
## 2309 1 acv 0.000039300
## 2310 2 acv 0.000003660
## 2311 1 acwintheworld 0.000003570
## 2312 2 acwintheworld 0.000076800
## 2313 1 ad 0.000289034
## 2314 2 ad 0.000003660
## 2315 1 ad3z8ml5bz 0.000039300
## 2316 2 ad3z8ml5bz 0.000003660
## 2317 1 ada 0.000146301
## 2318 2 ada 0.000003660
## 2319 1 ada9j3exgm 0.000039300
## 2320 2 ada9j3exgm 0.000003660
## 2321 1 adage 0.000039300
## 2322 2 adage 0.000003660
## 2323 1 adam 0.000003570
## 2324 2 adam 0.000040200
## 2325 1 adamcarolla 0.000039300
## 2326 2 adamcarolla 0.000003660
## 2327 1 adamdevine 0.000074900
## 2328 2 adamdevine 0.000003660
## 2329 1 adamı 0.000003570
## 2330 2 adamı 0.000040200
## 2331 1 adamjonas 0.000039300
## 2332 2 adamjonas 0.000003660
## 2333 1 adamsgolf 0.000039300
## 2334 2 adamsgolf 0.000003660
## 2335 1 adapt 0.000039300
## 2336 2 adapt 0.000003660
## 2337 1 adaptable 0.000003570
## 2338 2 adaptable 0.000040200
## 2339 1 adbmwnoe0i 0.000003570
## 2340 2 adbmwnoe0i 0.000040200
## 2341 1 adcargohj1 0.000003570
## 2342 2 adcargohj1 0.000040200
## 2343 1 add 0.000503133
## 2344 2 add 0.000003660
## 2345 1 added 0.000003570
## 2346 2 added 0.000296178
## 2347 1 addin 0.000003570
## 2348 2 addin 0.000040200
## 2349 1 adding 0.000110618
## 2350 2 adding 0.000003660
## 2351 1 addis 0.000003570
## 2352 2 addis 0.000040200
## 2353 1 addition 0.000110618
## 2354 2 addition 0.000003660
## 2355 1 additional 0.000181984
## 2356 2 additional 0.000003660
## 2357 1 address 0.000003570
## 2358 2 address 0.000442439
## 2359 1 addressed 0.000003570
## 2360 2 addressed 0.000149917
## 2361 1 addressing 0.000003570
## 2362 2 addressing 0.000040200
## 2363 1 addvin 0.000003570
## 2364 2 addvin 0.000040200
## 2365 1 adelaide 0.000003570
## 2366 2 adelaide 0.000040200
## 2367 1 además 0.000003570
## 2368 2 además 0.000076800
## 2369 1 adequate 0.000039300
## 2370 2 adequate 0.000003660
## 2371 1 adhere 0.000003570
## 2372 2 adhere 0.000040200
## 2373 1 adicional 0.000039300
## 2374 2 adicional 0.000003660
## 2375 1 adidas 0.000003570
## 2376 2 adidas 0.000040200
## 2377 1 adinaindc 0.000039300
## 2378 2 adinaindc 0.000003660
## 2379 1 adios 0.000003570
## 2380 2 adios 0.002672917
## 2381 1 adiós 0.000146301
## 2382 2 adiós 0.000223048
## 2383 1 adiosamigos 0.000074900
## 2384 2 adiosamigos 0.000003660
## 2385 1 aditya_chaudry 0.000003570
## 2386 2 aditya_chaudry 0.000040200
## 2387 1 adjoining 0.000003570
## 2388 2 adjoining 0.000040200
## 2389 1 administra 0.000039300
## 2390 2 administra 0.000003660
## 2391 1 admirals 0.000003570
## 2392 2 admirals 0.000113352
## 2393 1 admiralsclub 0.000039300
## 2394 2 admiralsclub 0.000003660
## 2395 1 admit 0.000003570
## 2396 2 admit 0.000076800
## 2397 1 admitio 0.000039300
## 2398 2 admitio 0.000003660
## 2399 1 admitir 0.000039300
## 2400 2 admitir 0.000003660
## 2401 1 admitting 0.000003570
## 2402 2 admitting 0.000040200
## 2403 1 adolfosglez 0.000003570
## 2404 2 adolfosglez 0.000040200
## 2405 1 adorns 0.000003570
## 2406 2 adorns 0.000040200
## 2407 1 adress 0.000003570
## 2408 2 adress 0.000076800
## 2409 1 adrianeq 0.000039300
## 2410 2 adrianeq 0.000003660
## 2411 1 adrianklee 0.000039300
## 2412 2 adrianklee 0.000003660
## 2413 1 ads 0.000003570
## 2414 2 ads 0.000076800
## 2415 1 adtran 0.000039300
## 2416 2 adtran 0.000003660
## 2417 1 adult 0.000039300
## 2418 2 adult 0.000076800
## 2419 1 adults 0.000003570
## 2420 2 adults 0.000113352
## 2421 1 adv 0.000039300
## 2422 2 adv 0.000003660
## 2423 1 advance 0.000360400
## 2424 2 advance 0.000003660
## 2425 1 advanced 0.000039300
## 2426 2 advanced 0.000003660
## 2427 1 advantage 0.000003570
## 2428 2 advantage 0.000149917
## 2429 1 adventure 0.000003570
## 2430 2 adventure 0.000076800
## 2431 1 adventuregirl 0.000003570
## 2432 2 adventuregirl 0.000040200
## 2433 1 adventures 0.000039300
## 2434 2 adventures 0.000003660
## 2435 1 advert 0.000039300
## 2436 2 advert 0.000003660
## 2437 1 advice 0.000181984
## 2438 2 advice 0.000003660
## 2439 1 advise 0.000003570
## 2440 2 advise 0.000442439
## 2441 1 advised 0.000003570
## 2442 2 advised 0.000040200
## 2443 1 advisory 0.000074900
## 2444 2 advisory 0.000003660
## 2445 1 ae 0.000003570
## 2446 2 ae 0.000040200
## 2447 1 ae:p 0.000003570
## 2448 2 ae:p 0.000040200
## 2449 1 ae7uni4u2n 0.000003570
## 2450 2 ae7uni4u2n 0.000040200
## 2451 1 aeedalanaze 0.000003570
## 2452 2 aeedalanaze 0.000040200
## 2453 1 aefatjgrdl 0.000003570
## 2454 2 aefatjgrdl 0.000040200
## 2455 1 aefke 0.000003570
## 2456 2 aefke 0.000040200
## 2457 1 aegean 0.000039300
## 2458 2 aegean 0.000003660
## 2459 1 aegeanairlines 0.000431767
## 2460 2 aegeanairlines 0.000113352
## 2461 1 aenaaeropuertos 0.000003570
## 2462 2 aenaaeropuertos 0.000040200
## 2463 1 aérea 0.000003570
## 2464 2 aérea 0.000040200
## 2465 1 aéreas 0.000146301
## 2466 2 aéreas 0.000003660
## 2467 1 aéreos 0.000039300
## 2468 2 aéreos 0.000003660
## 2469 1 aérien 0.000003570
## 2470 2 aérien 0.000040200
## 2471 1 aérienne 0.000039300
## 2472 2 aérienne 0.000003660
## 2473 1 aerlingus 0.000110618
## 2474 2 aerlingus 0.000003660
## 2475 1 aeroflot 0.000039300
## 2476 2 aeroflot 0.000003660
## 2477 1 aerolinea 0.000003570
## 2478 2 aerolinea 0.000186483
## 2479 1 aerolínea 0.000003570
## 2480 2 aerolínea 0.000625265
## 2481 1 aerolíneas 0.000003570
## 2482 2 aerolíneas 0.000186483
## 2483 1 aerolineas_ar 0.000039300
## 2484 2 aerolineas_ar 0.000003660
## 2485 1 aeroméxico 0.000039300
## 2486 2 aeroméxico 0.000003660
## 2487 1 aeromexico_com 0.000003570
## 2488 2 aeromexico_com 0.000954352
## 2489 1 aeromexico.my 0.000003570
## 2490 2 aeromexico.my 0.000040200
## 2491 1 aeronáutica 0.000003570
## 2492 2 aeronáutica 0.000040200
## 2493 1 aeronaves 0.000003570
## 2494 2 aeronaves 0.000040200
## 2495 1 aeronewsworld 0.000003570
## 2496 2 aeronewsworld 0.000040200
## 2497 1 aeronoticias 0.000039300
## 2498 2 aeronoticias 0.000003660
## 2499 1 aeroportidiroma 0.000003570
## 2500 2 aeroportidiroma 0.000040200
## 2501 1 aeroportnice 0.000039300
## 2502 2 aeroportnice 0.000003660
## 2503 1 aeroporto 0.000039300
## 2504 2 aeroporto 0.000003660
## 2505 1 aéroports 0.000003570
## 2506 2 aéroports 0.000040200
## 2507 1 aeroportsparis 0.000003570
## 2508 2 aeroportsparis 0.000076800
## 2509 1 aeropuerto 0.000217667
## 2510 2 aeropuerto 0.000003660
## 2511 1 aeropuertobna 0.000039300
## 2512 2 aeropuertobna 0.000003660
## 2513 1 aeropuertocibao 0.000003570
## 2514 2 aeropuertocibao 0.000076800
## 2515 1 aeropuertodebio 0.000039300
## 2516 2 aeropuertodebio 0.000003660
## 2517 1 aeropuertosarg 0.000039300
## 2518 2 aeropuertosarg 0.000003660
## 2519 1 aerotrastornados 0.000003570
## 2520 2 aerotrastornados 0.000040200
## 2521 1 aerovlc 0.000039300
## 2522 2 aerovlc 0.000003660
## 2523 1 af 0.000110618
## 2524 2 af 0.000003660
## 2525 1 af011 0.000039300
## 2526 2 af011 0.000003660
## 2527 1 af0929 0.000039300
## 2528 2 af0929 0.000003660
## 2529 1 af1320 0.000039300
## 2530 2 af1320 0.000003660
## 2531 1 af1340 0.000039300
## 2532 2 af1340 0.000003660
## 2533 1 af6266 0.000003570
## 2534 2 af6266 0.000040200
## 2535 1 af7491 0.000003570
## 2536 2 af7491 0.000040200
## 2537 1 afbarron 0.000003570
## 2538 2 afbarron 0.000040200
## 2539 1 afbestandbeyond 0.000003570
## 2540 2 afbestandbeyond 0.000076800
## 2541 1 affect 0.000039300
## 2542 2 affect 0.000003660
## 2543 1 affected 0.000003570
## 2544 2 affected 0.000113352
## 2545 1 affects 0.000003570
## 2546 2 affects 0.000040200
## 2547 1 afford 0.000110618
## 2548 2 afford 0.000003660
## 2549 1 affordable 0.000003570
## 2550 2 affordable 0.000040200
## 2551 1 afgelopen 0.000003570
## 2552 2 afgelopen 0.000040200
## 2553 1 afíliate 0.000003570
## 2554 2 afíliate 0.000040200
## 2555 1 afraid 0.000003570
## 2556 2 afraid 0.000113352
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## 2558 2 africa 0.000003660
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## 2560 2 africaispower 0.000040200
## 2561 1 african 0.000146301
## 2562 2 african 0.000003660
## 2563 1 africans 0.000039300
## 2564 2 africans 0.000003660
## 2565 1 africasacountry 0.000039300
## 2566 2 africasacountry 0.000003660
## 2567 1 afronden 0.000003570
## 2568 2 afronden 0.000040200
## 2569 1 afta 0.000039300
## 2570 2 afta 0.000003660
## 2571 1 afternoon 0.000003570
## 2572 2 afternoon 0.000186483
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## 2574 2 aga 0.000003660
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## 2576 2 agarren 0.000040200
## 2577 1 agbs 0.000003570
## 2578 2 agbs 0.000040200
## 2579 1 agcarney 0.000039300
## 2580 2 agcarney 0.000003660
## 2581 1 age 0.000146301
## 2582 2 age 0.000003660
## 2583 1 aged 0.000039300
## 2584 2 aged 0.000040200
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## 2586 2 agencia 0.000003660
## 2587 1 agency 0.000074900
## 2588 2 agency 0.000003660
## 2589 1 agenda 0.000074900
## 2590 2 agenda 0.000003660
## 2591 1 agent 0.001930461
## 2592 2 agent 0.000003660
## 2593 1 agentes 0.000039300
## 2594 2 agentes 0.000003660
## 2595 1 agents 0.000967014
## 2596 2 agents 0.000003660
## 2597 1 ages 0.000039300
## 2598 2 ages 0.000003660
## 2599 1 aggravating 0.000039300
## 2600 2 aggravating 0.000003660
## 2601 1 aggressive 0.000039300
## 2602 2 aggressive 0.000076800
## 2603 1 agindre 0.000003570
## 2604 2 agindre 0.000040200
## 2605 1 aglvggm7da 0.000003570
## 2606 2 aglvggm7da 0.000040200
## 2607 1 agnt 0.000039300
## 2608 2 agnt 0.000003660
## 2609 1 ago 0.001609312
## 2610 2 ago 0.000003660
## 2611 1 agora 0.000003570
## 2612 2 agora 0.000113352
## 2613 1 agosto 0.000003570
## 2614 2 agosto 0.000113352
## 2615 1 agrawitaka 0.000003570
## 2616 2 agrawitaka 0.000040200
## 2617 1 agree 0.000431767
## 2618 2 agree 0.000113352
## 2619 1 agreed 0.000003570
## 2620 2 agreed 0.000223048
## 2621 1 agreement 0.000003570
## 2622 2 agreement 0.000076800
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## 2624 2 agresión 0.000040200
## 2625 1 agua 0.000039300
## 2626 2 agua 0.000003660
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## 2628 2 aguanta 0.000003660
## 2629 1 aguantar 0.000003570
## 2630 2 aguantar 0.000040200
## 2631 1 aguantarse 0.000003570
## 2632 2 aguantarse 0.000040200
## 2633 1 aguante 0.000074900
## 2634 2 aguante 0.000003660
## 2635 1 aguanteargentina 0.000039300
## 2636 2 aguanteargentina 0.000003660
## 2637 1 aguanten 0.000039300
## 2638 2 aguanten 0.000003660
## 2639 1 aguardando 0.000039300
## 2640 2 aguardando 0.000040200
## 2641 1 aguardarei 0.000003570
## 2642 2 aguardarei 0.000040200
## 2643 1 aguardo 0.000039300
## 2644 2 aguardo 0.000003660
## 2645 1 aguas 0.000003570
## 2646 2 aguas 0.000040200
## 2647 1 agujtj13es 0.000003570
## 2648 2 agujtj13es 0.000040200
## 2649 1 agustus 0.000003570
## 2650 2 agustus 0.000040200
## 2651 1 ah 0.000003570
## 2652 2 ah 0.000149917
## 2653 1 ah2dwa8518 0.000039300
## 2654 2 ah2dwa8518 0.000003660
## 2655 1 ah7zoqgxj5 0.000003570
## 2656 2 ah7zoqgxj5 0.000040200
## 2657 1 ahd 0.000039300
## 2658 2 ahd 0.000003660
## 2659 1 ahead 0.000467450
## 2660 2 ahead 0.000003660
## 2661 1 ahem 0.000039300
## 2662 2 ahem 0.000003660
## 2663 1 ahhhh 0.000074900
## 2664 2 ahhhh 0.000003660
## 2665 1 ahhliboedu 0.000039300
## 2666 2 ahhliboedu 0.000003660
## 2667 1 ahí 0.000074900
## 2668 2 ahí 0.000003660
## 2669 1 ahmad_noorani 0.000003570
## 2670 2 ahmad_noorani 0.000076800
## 2671 1 ahold 0.000003570
## 2672 2 ahold 0.000040200
## 2673 1 ahora 0.000003570
## 2674 2 ahora 0.000405874
## 2675 1 ahorrarse 0.000039300
## 2676 2 ahorrarse 0.000003660
## 2677 1 ahpm6wzwon 0.000003570
## 2678 2 ahpm6wzwon 0.000040200
## 2679 1 ai 0.000039300
## 2680 2 ai 0.000003660
## 2681 1 aiding 0.000039300
## 2682 2 aiding 0.000003660
## 2683 1 aimeawards 0.000039300
## 2684 2 aimeawards 0.000003660
## 2685 1 aiming 0.000074900
## 2686 2 aiming 0.000003660
## 2687 1 aims 0.000039300
## 2688 2 aims 0.000003660
## 2689 1 aimst2u 0.000003570
## 2690 2 aimst2u 0.000040200
## 2691 1 ainda 0.000003570
## 2692 2 ainda 0.000040200
## 2693 1 aint 0.000003570
## 2694 2 aint 0.000076800
## 2695 1 aintnobodygottimeforthis 0.000039300
## 2696 2 aintnobodygottimeforthis 0.000003660
## 2697 1 aintthatthedamntruth 0.000039300
## 2698 2 aintthatthedamntruth 0.000003660
## 2699 1 aiobhe 0.000003570
## 2700 2 aiobhe 0.000040200
## 2701 1 air 0.000039300
## 2702 2 air 0.002416960
## 2703 1 air_cotedivoire 0.000039300
## 2704 2 air_cotedivoire 0.000003660
## 2705 1 airandspace 0.000039300
## 2706 2 airandspace 0.000003660
## 2707 1 airasia 0.002537075
## 2708 2 airasia 0.000003660
## 2709 1 airasia.com 0.000074900
## 2710 2 airasia.com 0.000003660
## 2711 1 airasiaid 0.000003570
## 2712 2 airasiaid 0.000040200
## 2713 1 airasiain 0.000003570
## 2714 2 airasiain 0.000113352
## 2715 1 airasiajp 0.000039300
## 2716 2 airasiajp 0.000003660
## 2717 1 airasiaph 0.000003570
## 2718 2 airasiaph 0.000040200
## 2719 1 airasiax 0.000003570
## 2720 2 airasiax 0.000076800
## 2721 1 airasiax's 0.000003570
## 2722 2 airasiax's 0.000040200
## 2723 1 airbaltic 0.000003570
## 2724 2 airbaltic 0.000332743
## 2725 1 airberlin 0.000110618
## 2726 2 airberlin 0.000003660
## 2727 1 airbournecowboys 0.000003570
## 2728 2 airbournecowboys 0.000040200
## 2729 1 airbus 0.000003570
## 2730 2 airbus 0.000625265
## 2731 1 airbus380 0.000003570
## 2732 2 airbus380 0.000040200
## 2733 1 aircanada’s 0.000003570
## 2734 2 aircanada’s 0.000076800
## 2735 1 aircanadafail 0.000003570
## 2736 2 aircanadafail 0.000040200
## 2737 1 aircanadaproblems 0.000003570
## 2738 2 aircanadaproblems 0.000040200
## 2739 1 aircanadarouge 0.000039300
## 2740 2 aircanadarouge 0.000003660
## 2741 1 airclaimhelp 0.000039300
## 2742 2 airclaimhelp 0.000003660
## 2743 1 aircon 0.000039300
## 2744 2 aircon 0.000003660
## 2745 1 aircraft 0.000681549
## 2746 2 aircraft 0.000003660
## 2747 1 aircraft_photos 0.000039300
## 2748 2 aircraft_photos 0.000040200
## 2749 1 aircraft_porn 0.000003570
## 2750 2 aircraft_porn 0.000040200
## 2751 1 aircraft32 0.000039300
## 2752 2 aircraft32 0.000003660
## 2753 1 aircraftcrash 0.000003570
## 2754 2 aircraftcrash 0.000040200
## 2755 1 aircraftretweet 0.000110618
## 2756 2 aircraftretweet 0.000003660
## 2757 1 aircrafts 0.000039300
## 2758 2 aircrafts 0.000003660
## 2759 1 aircrewbuzz 0.000003570
## 2760 2 aircrewbuzz 0.000040200
## 2761 1 aire 0.000003570
## 2762 2 aire 0.000040200
## 2763 1 aireorg 0.000039300
## 2764 2 aireorg 0.000003660
## 2765 1 aires 0.000039300
## 2766 2 aires 0.000076800
## 2767 1 airfare 0.000074900
## 2768 2 airfare 0.000003660
## 2769 1 airfare911 0.000039300
## 2770 2 airfare911 0.000003660
## 2771 1 airfarewatchdog 0.000003570
## 2772 2 airfarewatchdog 0.000076800
## 2773 1 airfrance 0.000003570
## 2774 2 airfrance 0.000661830
## 2775 1 airfrancees 0.000003570
## 2776 2 airfrancees 0.000040200
## 2777 1 airfranceexhibit 0.000003570
## 2778 2 airfranceexhibit 0.000040200
## 2779 1 airfranceexpo 0.000146301
## 2780 2 airfranceexpo 0.000003660
## 2781 1 airfranceit 0.000074900
## 2782 2 airfranceit 0.000003660
## 2783 1 airfrancetravel 0.000039300
## 2784 2 airfrancetravel 0.000003660
## 2785 1 airfranceus 0.000467450
## 2786 2 airfranceus 0.000003660
## 2787 1 airline 0.000217667
## 2788 2 airline 0.005963786
## 2789 1 airline_ratings 0.000003570
## 2790 2 airline_ratings 0.000040200
## 2791 1 airline_staff 0.000039300
## 2792 2 airline_staff 0.000003660
## 2793 1 airline's 0.000039300
## 2794 2 airline's 0.000003660
## 2795 1 airlinebs 0.000039300
## 2796 2 airlinebs 0.000003660
## 2797 1 airlinefails 0.000003570
## 2798 2 airlinefails 0.000040200
## 2799 1 airlineflyer 0.000003570
## 2800 2 airlineflyer 0.000332743
## 2801 1 airlinegeeks 0.000003570
## 2802 2 airlinegeeks 0.000113352
## 2803 1 airlinegossip 0.000003570
## 2804 2 airlinegossip 0.000040200
## 2805 1 airlineguys 0.000003570
## 2806 2 airlineguys 0.000076800
## 2807 1 airlinenews 0.000003570
## 2808 2 airlinenews 0.000040200
## 2809 1 airlinepics 0.000039300
## 2810 2 airlinepics 0.000003660
## 2811 1 airlinepicss 0.000003570
## 2812 2 airlinepicss 0.000076800
## 2813 1 airliner 0.000074900
## 2814 2 airliner 0.000003660
## 2815 1 airlinereporter 0.000039300
## 2816 2 airlinereporter 0.000003660
## 2817 1 airliners 0.000039300
## 2818 2 airliners 0.000003660
## 2819 1 airlinerworld 0.000039300
## 2820 2 airlinerworld 0.000003660
## 2821 1 airlines 0.000003570
## 2822 2 airlines 0.003660178
## 2823 1 airlinetrends 0.000039300
## 2824 2 airlinetrends 0.000003660
## 2825 1 airlivenet 0.000074900
## 2826 2 airlivenet 0.000003660
## 2827 1 airmaxthea 0.000003570
## 2828 2 airmaxthea 0.000040200
## 2829 1 airnewzealand 0.000039300
## 2830 2 airnewzealand 0.000003660
## 2831 1 airnz 0.000074900
## 2832 2 airnz 0.000003660
## 2833 1 airnzfairy 0.000110618
## 2834 2 airnzfairy 0.000003660
## 2835 1 airnzsexism 0.000003570
## 2836 2 airnzsexism 0.000040200
## 2837 1 airnzshareme 0.000039300
## 2838 2 airnzshareme 0.000003660
## 2839 1 airplane 0.000538816
## 2840 2 airplane 0.000003660
## 2841 1 airplanegeeks 0.000003570
## 2842 2 airplanegeeks 0.000040200
## 2843 1 airplanemode 0.000039300
## 2844 2 airplanemode 0.000003660
## 2845 1 airplanes 0.000110618
## 2846 2 airplanes 0.000003660
## 2847 1 airport 0.004463967
## 2848 2 airport 0.000003660
## 2849 1 airports 0.000003570
## 2850 2 airports 0.000296178
## 2851 1 airside 0.000039300
## 2852 2 airside 0.000003660
## 2853 1 airsmolik 0.000039300
## 2854 2 airsmolik 0.000003660
## 2855 1 airspace 0.000039300
## 2856 2 airspace 0.000003660
## 2857 1 airtran 0.000003570
## 2858 2 airtran 0.000296178
## 2859 1 airtravel 0.000003570
## 2860 2 airtravel 0.000040200
## 2861 1 airways 0.000645866
## 2862 2 airways 0.000003660
## 2863 1 airwaysmagazine 0.000003570
## 2864 2 airwaysmagazine 0.000076800
## 2865 1 aisle 0.000074900
## 2866 2 aisle 0.000149917
## 2867 1 aitajprfq4 0.000039300
## 2868 2 aitajprfq4 0.000003660
## 2869 1 aiuto 0.000003570
## 2870 2 aiuto 0.000040200
## 2871 1 això 0.000074900
## 2872 2 això 0.000003660
## 2873 1 aja 0.000003570
## 2874 2 aja 0.000040200
## 2875 1 ajaybhandari18 0.000039300
## 2876 2 ajaybhandari18 0.000003660
## 2877 1 ajcampos01 0.000074900
## 2878 2 ajcampos01 0.000003660
## 2879 1 ajs 0.000003570
## 2880 2 ajs 0.000076800
## 2881 1 ajudar 0.000110618
## 2882 2 ajudar 0.000003660
## 2883 1 ak 0.000003570
## 2884 2 ak 0.000040200
## 2885 1 ak719 0.000039300
## 2886 2 ak719 0.000003660
## 2887 1 aka 0.000003570
## 2888 2 aka 0.000040200
## 2889 1 akan 0.000003570
## 2890 2 akan 0.000076800
## 2891 1 akelafilms 0.000003570
## 2892 2 akelafilms 0.000040200
## 2893 1 akibahara 0.000039300
## 2894 2 akibahara 0.000003660
## 2895 1 akinoyedele 0.000039300
## 2896 2 akinoyedele 0.000003660
## 2897 1 akıllı 0.000039300
## 2898 2 akıllı 0.000003660
## 2899 1 ako 0.000146301
## 2900 2 ako 0.000003660
## 2901 1 akobahara 0.000039300
## 2902 2 akobahara 0.000003660
## 2903 1 akoyhjidka 0.000003570
## 2904 2 akoyhjidka 0.000040200
## 2905 1 akses 0.000003570
## 2906 2 akses 0.000040200
## 2907 1 aku 0.000074900
## 2908 2 aku 0.000003660
## 2909 1 akuh 0.000039300
## 2910 2 akuh 0.000003660
## 2911 1 akurapopo 0.000039300
## 2912 2 akurapopo 0.000003660
## 2913 1 al 0.000003570
## 2914 2 al 0.001429700
## 2915 1 alafoss 0.000003570
## 2916 2 alafoss 0.000040200
## 2917 1 alali_faisal 0.000039300
## 2918 2 alali_faisal 0.000003660
## 2919 1 alam 0.000003570
## 2920 2 alam 0.000040200
## 2921 1 alamat 0.000039300
## 2922 2 alamat 0.000003660
## 2923 1 alanjoyce 0.000039300
## 2924 2 alanjoyce 0.000003660
## 2925 1 alaska 0.000074900
## 2926 2 alaska 0.000076800
## 2927 1 alaskaair.com 0.000074900
## 2928 2 alaskaair.com 0.000003660
## 2929 1 alaskaairlines 0.000039300
## 2930 2 alaskaairlines 0.000003660
## 2931 1 alastairjam 0.000003570
## 2932 2 alastairjam 0.000040200
## 2933 1 alastairwjt 0.000003570
## 2934 2 alastairwjt 0.000040200
## 2935 1 alb 0.000003570
## 2936 2 alb 0.000113352
## 2937 1 albany 0.000039300
## 2938 2 albany 0.000003660
## 2939 1 albatross 0.000039300
## 2940 2 albatross 0.000003660
## 2941 1 albertopajaroto 0.000003570
## 2942 2 albertopajaroto 0.000040200
## 2943 1 albertoravell 0.000003570
## 2944 2 albertoravell 0.000040200
## 2945 1 albtophl 0.000039300
## 2946 2 albtophl 0.000003660
## 2947 1 album 0.000074900
## 2948 2 album 0.000003660
## 2949 1 alc 0.000039300
## 2950 2 alc 0.000003660
## 2951 1 alc_airport 0.000003570
## 2952 2 alc_airport 0.000040200
## 2953 1 alcanza 0.000003570
## 2954 2 alcanza 0.000040200
## 2955 1 alcmdqgv4n 0.000003570
## 2956 2 alcmdqgv4n 0.000040200
## 2957 1 alcohol 0.000003570
## 2958 2 alcohol 0.000149917
## 2959 1 alcoholic 0.000039300
## 2960 2 alcoholic 0.000003660
## 2961 1 aldocomet 0.000003570
## 2962 2 aldocomet 0.000040200
## 2963 1 aldunsmuir 0.000003570
## 2964 2 aldunsmuir 0.000040200
## 2965 1 ale 0.000039300
## 2966 2 ale 0.000040200
## 2967 1 alecbaldwin 0.000003570
## 2968 2 alecbaldwin 0.000040200
## 2969 1 aleggiant 0.000003570
## 2970 2 aleggiant 0.000040200
## 2971 1 alegre 0.000003570
## 2972 2 alegre 0.000040200
## 2973 1 aleluya 0.000039300
## 2974 2 aleluya 0.000003660
## 2975 1 alemanes 0.000039300
## 2976 2 alemanes 0.000003660
## 2977 1 alemania 0.000003570
## 2978 2 alemania 0.000040200
## 2979 1 alemaniavsportugal 0.000003570
## 2980 2 alemaniavsportugal 0.000040200
## 2981 1 alenirem1905 0.000039300
## 2982 2 alenirem1905 0.000003660
## 2983 1 alert 0.000074900
## 2984 2 alert 0.000003660
## 2985 1 alerte 0.000003570
## 2986 2 alerte 0.000040200
## 2987 1 alerter 0.000039300
## 2988 2 alerter 0.000003660
## 2989 1 alex_cruz 0.000003570
## 2990 2 alex_cruz 0.000040200
## 2991 1 alex_mcp 0.000003570
## 2992 2 alex_mcp 0.000040200
## 2993 1 alexagsmd 0.000003570
## 2994 2 alexagsmd 0.000040200
## 2995 1 alexandernl 0.000074900
## 2996 2 alexandernl 0.000003660
## 2997 1 alexandraa_mor 0.000003570
## 2998 2 alexandraa_mor 0.000040200
## 2999 1 alexandramcholt 0.000003570
## 3000 2 alexandramcholt 0.000040200
## 3001 1 alexborstein 0.000003570
## 3002 2 alexborstein 0.000040200
## 3003 1 alexdfeder 0.000039300
## 3004 2 alexdfeder 0.000003660
## 3005 1 alexdmitchell 0.000003570
## 3006 2 alexdmitchell 0.000040200
## 3007 1 alexesarria 0.000039300
## 3008 2 alexesarria 0.000003660
## 3009 1 alexgstone 0.000039300
## 3010 2 alexgstone 0.000003660
## 3011 1 alexhofford 0.000039300
## 3012 2 alexhofford 0.000003660
## 3013 1 alexilalas 0.000039300
## 3014 2 alexilalas 0.000003660
## 3015 1 alexmasica 0.000039300
## 3016 2 alexmasica 0.000003660
## 3017 1 alexmrdm 0.000003570
## 3018 2 alexmrdm 0.000040200
## 3019 1 alexsteinherr 0.000003570
## 3020 2 alexsteinherr 0.000040200
## 3021 1 alexstone7 0.000039300
## 3022 2 alexstone7 0.000003660
## 3023 1 aleyhimize 0.000003570
## 3024 2 aleyhimize 0.000040200
## 3025 1 alfinahawaii 0.000003570
## 3026 2 alfinahawaii 0.000040200
## 3027 1 alfortner 0.000039300
## 3028 2 alfortner 0.000003660
## 3029 1 alfredpineapple 0.000039300
## 3030 2 alfredpineapple 0.000003660
## 3031 1 algo 0.000003570
## 3032 2 algo 0.000149917
## 3033 1 alguien 0.000003570
## 3034 2 alguien 0.000076800
## 3035 1 alguma 0.000003570
## 3036 2 alguma 0.000040200
## 3037 1 algun 0.000039300
## 3038 2 algun 0.000003660
## 3039 1 algún 0.000003570
## 3040 2 algún 0.000149917
## 3041 1 alguna 0.000074900
## 3042 2 alguna 0.000040200
## 3043 1 algunos 0.000003570
## 3044 2 algunos 0.000040200
## 3045 1 alhafeeedzy 0.000039300
## 3046 2 alhafeeedzy 0.000003660
## 3047 1 ali 0.000039300
## 3048 2 ali 0.000003660
## 3049 1 ali7aywy3r 0.000039300
## 3050 2 ali7aywy3r 0.000003660
## 3051 1 alialhumaid 0.000039300
## 3052 2 alialhumaid 0.000003660
## 3053 1 alicante 0.000003570
## 3054 2 alicante 0.000149917
## 3055 1 alicante_city 0.000039300
## 3056 2 alicante_city 0.000003660
## 3057 1 alicebatesy 0.000003570
## 3058 2 alicebatesy 0.000040200
## 3059 1 alimentação 0.000003570
## 3060 2 alimentação 0.000040200
## 3061 1 alina_lubov 0.000003570
## 3062 2 alina_lubov 0.000040200
## 3063 1 alineando 0.000039300
## 3064 2 alineando 0.000003660
## 3065 1 alisabancı 0.000039300
## 3066 2 alisabancı 0.000003660
## 3067 1 alitalia 0.000003570
## 3068 2 alitalia 0.000113352
## 3069 1 alittlelate 0.000003570
## 3070 2 alittlelate 0.000040200
## 3071 1 alive 0.000146301
## 3072 2 alive 0.000003660
## 3073 1 alınan 0.000003570
## 3074 2 alınan 0.000040200
## 3075 1 alırım 0.000003570
## 3076 2 alırım 0.000076800
## 3077 1 alkışlar 0.000003570
## 3078 2 alkışlar 0.000040200
## 3079 1 all's 0.000039300
## 3080 2 all's 0.000003660
## 3081 1 allan05 0.000003570
## 3082 2 allan05 0.000040200
## 3083 1 allanbrauer 0.000003570
## 3084 2 allanbrauer 0.000040200
## 3085 1 allanjswan 0.000039300
## 3086 2 allanjswan 0.000003660
## 3087 1 alle 0.000039300
## 3088 2 alle 0.000003660
## 3089 1 alleen 0.000003570
## 3090 2 alleen 0.000076800
## 3091 1 allegianttravel 0.000003570
## 3092 2 allegianttravel 0.000040200
## 3093 1 allemaal 0.000003570
## 3094 2 allemaal 0.000040200
## 3095 1 allen 0.000039300
## 3096 2 allen 0.000003660
## 3097 1 allergy 0.000039300
## 3098 2 allergy 0.000003660
## 3099 1 alles 0.000039300
## 3100 2 alles 0.000003660
## 3101 1 alley 0.000003570
## 3102 2 alley 0.000040200
## 3103 1 allez 0.000039300
## 3104 2 allez 0.000003660
## 3105 1 alliance 0.000003570
## 3106 2 alliance 0.000149917
## 3107 1 allie 0.000003570
## 3108 2 allie 0.000040200
## 3109 1 alliedeese 0.000003570
## 3110 2 alliedeese 0.000040200
## 3111 1 alljeff'up 0.000039300
## 3112 2 alljeff'up 0.000003660
## 3113 1 alllacqueredup 0.000003570
## 3114 2 alllacqueredup 0.000040200
## 3115 1 allmighty 0.000039300
## 3116 2 allmighty 0.000003660
## 3117 1 allocated 0.000039300
## 3118 2 allocated 0.000003660
## 3119 1 allocating 0.000003570
## 3120 2 allocating 0.000040200
## 3121 1 allowance 0.000003570
## 3122 2 allowance 0.000076800
## 3123 1 allowances 0.000039300
## 3124 2 allowances 0.000003660
## 3125 1 allowed 0.000431767
## 3126 2 allowed 0.000003660
## 3127 1 allowing 0.000110618
## 3128 2 allowing 0.000003660
## 3129 1 allready 0.000039300
## 3130 2 allready 0.000003660
## 3131 1 allright 0.000039300
## 3132 2 allright 0.000003660
## 3133 1 allthatmakesyou 0.000003570
## 3134 2 allthatmakesyou 0.000040200
## 3135 1 allthetravelispayingoff 0.000039300
## 3136 2 allthetravelispayingoff 0.000003660
## 3137 1 allthingsasian 0.000039300
## 3138 2 allthingsasian 0.000003660
## 3139 1 alltid 0.000003570
## 3140 2 alltid 0.000040200
## 3141 1 alltimegreat 0.000039300
## 3142 2 alltimegreat 0.000003660
## 3143 1 alltimegreats 0.000039300
## 3144 2 alltimegreats 0.000003660
## 3145 1 alltimelow 0.000003570
## 3146 2 alltimelow 0.000040200
## 3147 1 allybrown2 0.000003570
## 3148 2 allybrown2 0.000040200
## 3149 1 allynicolee 0.000003570
## 3150 2 allynicolee 0.000040200
## 3151 1 allyouneedislove 0.000003570
## 3152 2 allyouneedislove 0.000040200
## 3153 1 allyvest 0.000039300
## 3154 2 allyvest 0.000003660
## 3155 1 alma 0.000039300
## 3156 2 alma 0.000003660
## 3157 1 almak 0.000039300
## 3158 2 almak 0.000003660
## 3159 1 almoqhem 0.000003570
## 3160 2 almoqhem 0.000040200
## 3161 1 alnassralkayan 0.000003570
## 3162 2 alnassralkayan 0.000040200
## 3163 1 alô 0.000003570
## 3164 2 alô 0.000040200
## 3165 1 aloha 0.000003570
## 3166 2 aloha 0.000076800
## 3167 1 alot 0.000003570
## 3168 2 alot 0.000040200
## 3169 1 alqaeda 0.000003570
## 3170 2 alqaeda 0.000040200
## 3171 1 alrajhibank 0.000003570
## 3172 2 alrajhibank 0.000040200
## 3173 1 alright 0.000003570
## 3174 2 alright 0.000186483
## 3175 1 als 0.000324717
## 3176 2 als 0.000003660
## 3177 1 alsnog 0.000039300
## 3178 2 alsnog 0.000003660
## 3179 1 alsof 0.000003570
## 3180 2 alsof 0.000040200
## 3181 1 alt 0.000003570
## 3182 2 alt 0.000040200
## 3183 1 alt18 0.000003570
## 3184 2 alt18 0.000040200
## 3185 1 altar 0.000039300
## 3186 2 altar 0.000003660
## 3187 1 alte 0.000039300
## 3188 2 alte 0.000003660
## 3189 1 alteração 0.000003570
## 3190 2 alteração 0.000040200
## 3191 1 altercation 0.000003570
## 3192 2 altercation 0.000040200
## 3193 1 alternatief 0.000003570
## 3194 2 alternatief 0.000040200
## 3195 1 alternativas 0.000003570
## 3196 2 alternativas 0.000040200
## 3197 1 alternative 0.000003570
## 3198 2 alternative 0.000186483
## 3199 1 alternatives 0.000039300
## 3200 2 alternatives 0.000003660
## 3201 1 alternativo 0.000003570
## 3202 2 alternativo 0.000040200
## 3203 1 alti 0.000003570
## 3204 2 alti 0.000040200
## 3205 1 altijd 0.000003570
## 3206 2 altijd 0.000040200
## 3207 1 altnation 0.000003570
## 3208 2 altnation 0.000040200
## 3209 1 alto 0.000003570
## 3210 2 alto 0.000040200
## 3211 1 altrejo 0.000039300
## 3212 2 altrejo 0.000040200
## 3213 1 altura 0.000003570
## 3214 2 altura 0.000040200
## 3215 1 alvaroenrigue 0.000181984
## 3216 2 alvaroenrigue 0.000003660
## 3217 1 alvarolario 0.000003570
## 3218 2 alvarolario 0.000040200
## 3219 1 alvast 0.000003570
## 3220 2 alvast 0.000076800
## 3221 1 alwaysanadventure 0.000039300
## 3222 2 alwaysanadventure 0.000003660
## 3223 1 alwaysforgettocheckin 0.000039300
## 3224 2 alwaysforgettocheckin 0.000003660
## 3225 1 alweer 0.000039300
## 3226 2 alweer 0.000003660
## 3227 1 alxnes0bt5 0.000003570
## 3228 2 alxnes0bt5 0.000040200
## 3229 1 alzvalz 0.000003570
## 3230 2 alzvalz 0.000040200
## 3231 1 ama 0.000110618
## 3232 2 ama 0.000040200
## 3233 1 amalfi 0.000003570
## 3234 2 amalfi 0.000040200
## 3235 1 amanda 0.000039300
## 3236 2 amanda 0.000003660
## 3237 1 amandacq 0.000003570
## 3238 2 amandacq 0.000040200
## 3239 1 amandadeibert 0.000003570
## 3240 2 amandadeibert 0.000040200
## 3241 1 amanha 0.000003570
## 3242 2 amanha 0.000040200
## 3243 1 amar 0.000003570
## 3244 2 amar 0.000040200
## 3245 1 amateurhour 0.000003570
## 3246 2 amateurhour 0.000040200
## 3247 1 amaze 0.000074900
## 3248 2 amaze 0.000003660
## 3249 1 amazed 0.000003570
## 3250 2 amazed 0.000040200
## 3251 1 amazes 0.000003570
## 3252 2 amazes 0.000076800
## 3253 1 amazing 0.000003570
## 3254 2 amazing 0.001393135
## 3255 1 amazon 0.000039300
## 3256 2 amazon 0.000003660
## 3257 1 amazzzzzzzzzing 0.000039300
## 3258 2 amazzzzzzzzzing 0.000003660
## 3259 1 amb 0.000039300
## 3260 2 amb 0.000003660
## 3261 1 ambas 0.000039300
## 3262 2 ambas 0.000003660
## 3263 1 amber 0.000003570
## 3264 2 amber 0.000040200
## 3265 1 amber_raynexxx 0.000003570
## 3266 2 amber_raynexxx 0.000040200
## 3267 1 amberariate 0.000039300
## 3268 2 amberariate 0.000003660
## 3269 1 ambisi 0.000039300
## 3270 2 ambisi 0.000003660
## 3271 1 ambivalence 0.000003570
## 3272 2 ambivalence 0.000040200
## 3273 1 amejean 0.000039300
## 3274 2 amejean 0.000003660
## 3275 1 amelialilynewsingle 0.000003570
## 3276 2 amelialilynewsingle 0.000040200
## 3277 1 amélioration 0.000039300
## 3278 2 amélioration 0.000003660
## 3279 1 amend 0.000003570
## 3280 2 amend 0.000040200
## 3281 1 amendment 0.000003570
## 3282 2 amendment 0.000040200
## 3283 1 amenities 0.000039300
## 3284 2 amenities 0.000003660
## 3285 1 america 0.000324717
## 3286 2 america 0.000040200
## 3287 1 america's 0.000039300
## 3288 2 america's 0.000003660
## 3289 1 american 0.000003570
## 3290 2 american 0.000881222
## 3291 1 american's 0.000039300
## 3292 2 american's 0.000003660
## 3293 1 americanair's 0.000003570
## 3294 2 americanair's 0.000040200
## 3295 1 americanairbr 0.000003570
## 3296 2 americanairbr 0.000076800
## 3297 1 americanairlines 0.000003570
## 3298 2 americanairlines 0.000076800
## 3299 1 americanexpress 0.000146301
## 3300 2 americanexpress 0.000003660
## 3301 1 americanopera 0.000003570
## 3302 2 americanopera 0.000040200
## 3303 1 americanview 0.000003570
## 3304 2 americanview 0.000076800
## 3305 1 amerika 0.000003570
## 3306 2 amerika 0.000040200
## 3307 1 amerikanen 0.000003570
## 3308 2 amerikanen 0.000076800
## 3309 1 amerikansk 0.000003570
## 3310 2 amerikansk 0.000040200
## 3311 1 amersterdam 0.000039300
## 3312 2 amersterdam 0.000003660
## 3313 1 amessagetoaircanada 0.000074900
## 3314 2 amessagetoaircanada 0.000003660
## 3315 1 amex 0.000110618
## 3316 2 amex 0.000003660
## 3317 1 amex_uk 0.000039300
## 3318 2 amex_uk 0.000003660
## 3319 1 amico 0.000003570
## 3320 2 amico 0.000040200
## 3321 1 amigo 0.000003570
## 3322 2 amigo 0.000149917
## 3323 1 amigos 0.000003570
## 3324 2 amigos 0.002709482
## 3325 1 amiri 0.000003570
## 3326 2 amiri 0.000040200
## 3327 1 amis 0.000003570
## 3328 2 amis 0.000040200
## 3329 1 amjjm8nq0d 0.000003570
## 3330 2 amjjm8nq0d 0.000040200
## 3331 1 amjolitrds 0.000003570
## 3332 2 amjolitrds 0.000040200
## 3333 1 ammaf 0.000003570
## 3334 2 ammaf 0.000040200
## 3335 1 amman 0.000003570
## 3336 2 amman 0.000076800
## 3337 1 amnesia_ibiza 0.000003570
## 3338 2 amnesia_ibiza 0.000040200
## 3339 1 amor 0.000003570
## 3340 2 amor 0.000040200
## 3341 1 amount 0.000003570
## 3342 2 amount 0.000076800
## 3343 1 ampangtv 0.000039300
## 3344 2 ampangtv 0.000003660
## 3345 1 ams 0.000253351
## 3346 2 ams 0.000003660
## 3347 1 amsterdam 0.000467450
## 3348 2 amsterdam 0.000003660
## 3349 1 amtrak 0.000003570
## 3350 2 amtrak 0.000076800
## 3351 1 amusing 0.000003570
## 3352 2 amusing 0.000040200
## 3353 1 amy 0.000039300
## 3354 2 amy 0.000003660
## 3355 1 amykctv5 0.000039300
## 3356 2 amykctv5 0.000003660
## 3357 1 amywhiggins 0.000039300
## 3358 2 amywhiggins 0.000003660
## 3359 1 an9zhaa1dp 0.000003570
## 3360 2 an9zhaa1dp 0.000040200
## 3361 1 ana 0.000039300
## 3362 2 ana 0.000003660
## 3363 1 anac 0.000039300
## 3364 2 anac 0.000003660
## 3365 1 ananda 0.000003570
## 3366 2 ananda 0.000040200
## 3367 1 anaphylactic 0.000003570
## 3368 2 anaphylactic 0.000040200
## 3369 1 anaplan 0.000003570
## 3370 2 anaplan 0.000040200
## 3371 1 anàs 0.000003570
## 3372 2 anàs 0.000040200
## 3373 1 anatomy 0.000039300
## 3374 2 anatomy 0.000003660
## 3375 1 anauribelima 0.000003570
## 3376 2 anauribelima 0.000040200
## 3377 1 anc 0.000074900
## 3378 2 anc 0.000003660
## 3379 1 anchorage 0.000039300
## 3380 2 anchorage 0.000003660
## 3381 1 ancient 0.000003570
## 3382 2 ancient 0.000076800
## 3383 1 anda 0.000003570
## 3384 2 anda 0.000149917
## 3385 1 andan 0.000003570
## 3386 2 andan 0.000040200
## 3387 1 andere 0.000003570
## 3388 2 andere 0.000040200
## 3389 1 andersom 0.000003570
## 3390 2 andersom 0.000040200
## 3391 1 anderson 0.000074900
## 3392 2 anderson 0.000003660
## 3393 1 andiusteijgeler 0.000003570
## 3394 2 andiusteijgeler 0.000040200
## 3395 1 andon 0.000003570
## 3396 2 andon 0.000040200
## 3397 1 andre 0.000003570
## 3398 2 andre 0.000076800
## 3399 1 andreana 0.000039300
## 3400 2 andreana 0.000003660
## 3401 1 andrew 0.000074900
## 3402 2 andrew 0.000003660
## 3403 1 andrewslack 0.000039300
## 3404 2 andrewslack 0.000003660
## 3405 1 android 0.000003570
## 3406 2 android 0.000040200
## 3407 1 ands 0.000003570
## 3408 2 ands 0.000040200
## 3409 1 andun 0.000003570
## 3410 2 andun 0.000040200
## 3411 1 andy 0.000039300
## 3412 2 andy 0.000003660
## 3413 1 andyglockner 0.000003570
## 3414 2 andyglockner 0.000040200
## 3415 1 anecdótico 0.000003570
## 3416 2 anecdótico 0.000040200
## 3417 1 anfxiat7hc 0.000003570
## 3418 2 anfxiat7hc 0.000040200
## 3419 1 ang 0.000003570
## 3420 2 ang 0.000149917
## 3421 1 angel 0.000003570
## 3422 2 angel 0.000076800
## 3423 1 angel_demett 0.000039300
## 3424 2 angel_demett 0.000003660
## 3425 1 angel_jkgirl 0.000003570
## 3426 2 angel_jkgirl 0.000040200
## 3427 1 angela 0.000039300
## 3428 2 angela 0.000003660
## 3429 1 angeles 0.000039300
## 3430 2 angeles 0.000040200
## 3431 1 angeliquecabral 0.000039300
## 3432 2 angeliquecabral 0.000003660
## 3433 1 angelocampione 0.000039300
## 3434 2 angelocampione 0.000003660
## 3435 1 angels 0.000003570
## 3436 2 angels 0.000040200
## 3437 1 angelsanddemons 0.000039300
## 3438 2 angelsanddemons 0.000003660
## 3439 1 anger 0.000074900
## 3440 2 anger 0.000003660
## 3441 1 angle 0.000039300
## 3442 2 angle 0.000003660
## 3443 1 angry 0.000324717
## 3444 2 angry 0.000003660
## 3445 1 angrymexican 0.000039300
## 3446 2 angrymexican 0.000003660
## 3447 1 angrywithryaniar 0.000039300
## 3448 2 angrywithryaniar 0.000003660
## 3449 1 anguilla 0.000003570
## 3450 2 anguilla 0.000040200
## 3451 1 animal 0.000074900
## 3452 2 animal 0.000003660
## 3453 1 animals 0.000074900
## 3454 2 animals 0.000003660
## 3455 1 animated 0.000003570
## 3456 2 animated 0.000040200
## 3457 1 animation 0.000003570
## 3458 2 animation 0.000040200
## 3459 1 animo 0.000003570
## 3460 2 animo 0.000076800
## 3461 1 anjahazekamp 0.000003570
## 3462 2 anjahazekamp 0.000040200
## 3463 1 anjanavp 0.000003570
## 3464 2 anjanavp 0.000040200
## 3465 1 ank 0.000003570
## 3466 2 ank 0.000040200
## 3467 1 ankaraya 0.000003570
## 3468 2 ankaraya 0.000040200
## 3469 1 ann 0.000039300
## 3470 2 ann 0.000003660
## 3471 1 annabelle_dt01 0.000003570
## 3472 2 annabelle_dt01 0.000040200
## 3473 1 annapolis 0.000003570
## 3474 2 annapolis 0.000040200
## 3475 1 annat 0.000039300
## 3476 2 annat 0.000003660
## 3477 1 anne 0.000039300
## 3478 2 anne 0.000003660
## 3479 1 annecurtissmith 0.000039300
## 3480 2 annecurtissmith 0.000003660
## 3481 1 annekevdvliet 0.000003570
## 3482 2 annekevdvliet 0.000040200
## 3483 1 annemiz 0.000039300
## 3484 2 annemiz 0.000003660
## 3485 1 anni80 0.000003570
## 3486 2 anni80 0.000040200
## 3487 1 annie 0.000039300
## 3488 2 annie 0.000003660
## 3489 1 anniebwansford 0.000003570
## 3490 2 anniebwansford 0.000040200
## 3491 1 anniversary 0.000003570
## 3492 2 anniversary 0.000149917
## 3493 1 announce 0.000181984
## 3494 2 announce 0.000003660
## 3495 1 announced 0.000003570
## 3496 2 announced 0.000259613
## 3497 1 announcement 0.000003570
## 3498 2 announcement 0.000040200
## 3499 1 announcements 0.000003570
## 3500 2 announcements 0.000076800
## 3501 1 announces 0.000146301
## 3502 2 announces 0.000003660
## 3503 1 annoyed 0.000253351
## 3504 2 annoyed 0.000003660
## 3505 1 annoying 0.000074900
## 3506 2 annoying 0.000186483
## 3507 1 anntran_ 0.000039300
## 3508 2 anntran_ 0.000003660
## 3509 1 annual 0.000003570
## 3510 2 annual 0.000076800
## 3511 1 annulé 0.000146301
## 3512 2 annulé 0.000003660
## 3513 1 annuler 0.000003570
## 3514 2 annuler 0.000040200
## 3515 1 annyversary 0.000003570
## 3516 2 annyversary 0.000040200
## 3517 1 ano 0.000039300
## 3518 2 ano 0.000003660
## 3519 1 anons 0.000039300
## 3520 2 anons 0.000003660
## 3521 1 anonsu 0.000003570
## 3522 2 anonsu 0.000040200
## 3523 1 anonsundan 0.000003570
## 3524 2 anonsundan 0.000040200
## 3525 1 anos 0.000039300
## 3526 2 anos 0.000003660
## 3527 1 años 0.000146301
## 3528 2 años 0.000003660
## 3529 1 anreise 0.000039300
## 3530 2 anreise 0.000003660
## 3531 1 answer 0.000431767
## 3532 2 answer 0.000771526
## 3533 1 answered 0.000003570
## 3534 2 answered 0.000113352
## 3535 1 answering 0.000253351
## 3536 2 answering 0.000003660
## 3537 1 answers 0.000181984
## 3538 2 answers 0.000003660
## 3539 1 ant550044 0.000039300
## 3540 2 ant550044 0.000003660
## 3541 1 antalya 0.000039300
## 3542 2 antalya 0.000003660
## 3543 1 ante 0.000003570
## 3544 2 ante 0.000076800
## 3545 1 antecipar 0.000039300
## 3546 2 antecipar 0.000003660
## 3547 1 anthem 0.000003570
## 3548 2 anthem 0.000040200
## 3549 1 anthonybir 0.000039300
## 3550 2 anthonybir 0.000003660
## 3551 1 anthonyraneri 0.000003570
## 3552 2 anthonyraneri 0.000040200
## 3553 1 anthr 0.000039300
## 3554 2 anthr 0.000003660
## 3555 1 anticipation 0.000003570
## 3556 2 anticipation 0.000040200
## 3557 1 antwerpairport 0.000003570
## 3558 2 antwerpairport 0.000040200
## 3559 1 antwoord 0.000074900
## 3560 2 antwoord 0.000003660
## 3561 1 anuncia 0.000003570
## 3562 2 anuncia 0.000040200
## 3563 1 anxiety 0.000039300
## 3564 2 anxiety 0.000076800
## 3565 1 anxious 0.000003570
## 3566 2 anxious 0.000040200
## 3567 1 anxiously 0.000003570
## 3568 2 anxiously 0.000040200
## 3569 1 anychanceofsomeluggageplease 0.000039300
## 3570 2 anychanceofsomeluggageplease 0.000003660
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## 3572 2 anymore 0.000003660
## 3573 1 anyones 0.000039300
## 3574 2 anyones 0.000003660
## 3575 1 anythingonastick 0.000039300
## 3576 2 anythingonastick 0.000003660
## 3577 1 anytime 0.000003570
## 3578 2 anytime 0.000113352
## 3579 1 anz 0.000003570
## 3580 2 anz 0.000076800
## 3581 1 ao 0.000003570
## 3582 2 ao 0.000076800
## 3583 1 aoi 0.000003570
## 3584 2 aoi 0.000040200
## 3585 1 aoibhedevlin 0.000039300
## 3586 2 aoibhedevlin 0.000003660
## 3587 1 aooaoo121 0.000003570
## 3588 2 aooaoo121 0.000040200
## 3589 1 aparece 0.000003570
## 3590 2 aparece 0.000113352
## 3591 1 apartment 0.000003570
## 3592 2 apartment 0.000040200
## 3593 1 aperto 0.000003570
## 3594 2 aperto 0.000040200
## 3595 1 apgtnwfhwl 0.000003570
## 3596 2 apgtnwfhwl 0.000040200
## 3597 1 aplicado 0.000003570
## 3598 2 aplicado 0.000040200
## 3599 1 aplicando 0.000003570
## 3600 2 aplicando 0.000040200
## 3601 1 aplicaron 0.000039300
## 3602 2 aplicaron 0.000003660
## 3603 1 aplicó 0.000039300
## 3604 2 aplicó 0.000003660
## 3605 1 apocalypse 0.000039300
## 3606 2 apocalypse 0.000003660
## 3607 1 apologies 0.000003570
## 3608 2 apologies 0.000296178
## 3609 1 apologies.let's 0.000003570
## 3610 2 apologies.let's 0.000040200
## 3611 1 apologise 0.000003570
## 3612 2 apologise 0.000076800
## 3613 1 apologize 0.000003570
## 3614 2 apologize 0.000186483
## 3615 1 apologized 0.000003570
## 3616 2 apologized 0.000040200
## 3617 1 apologizes 0.000074900
## 3618 2 apologizes 0.000003660
## 3619 1 apologizing 0.000003570
## 3620 2 apologizing 0.000040200
## 3621 1 apology 0.000610183
## 3622 2 apology 0.000003660
## 3623 1 após 0.000039300
## 3624 2 após 0.000003660
## 3625 1 apoya 0.000003570
## 3626 2 apoya 0.000040200
## 3627 1 app 0.000003570
## 3628 2 app 0.000844656
## 3629 1 appaling 0.000003570
## 3630 2 appaling 0.000040200
## 3631 1 appalled 0.000110618
## 3632 2 appalled 0.000003660
## 3633 1 appalling 0.000110618
## 3634 2 appalling 0.000003660
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## 3636 2 apparently 0.000625265
## 3637 1 apparentlycommonsensedontnotmatter 0.000039300
## 3638 2 apparentlycommonsensedontnotmatter 0.000003660
## 3639 1 appeared 0.000074900
## 3640 2 appeared 0.000003660
## 3641 1 appears 0.000003570
## 3642 2 appears 0.000076800
## 3643 1 appeasing 0.000003570
## 3644 2 appeasing 0.000040200
## 3645 1 appen 0.000003570
## 3646 2 appen 0.000040200
## 3647 1 applause 0.000003570
## 3648 2 applause 0.000040200
## 3649 1 applebee's 0.000003570
## 3650 2 applebee's 0.000040200
## 3651 1 applebees 0.000039300
## 3652 2 applebees 0.000003660
## 3653 1 applicable 0.000039300
## 3654 2 applicable 0.000003660
## 3655 1 applications 0.000039300
## 3656 2 applications 0.000003660
## 3657 1 applied 0.000039300
## 3658 2 applied 0.000003660
## 3659 1 apply 0.000146301
## 3660 2 apply 0.000076800
## 3661 1 applying 0.000003570
## 3662 2 applying 0.000040200
## 3663 1 appointment 0.000003570
## 3664 2 appointment 0.000076800
## 3665 1 appointments 0.000003570
## 3666 2 appointments 0.000040200
## 3667 1 appreciated 0.000003570
## 3668 2 appreciated 0.000149917
## 3669 1 appreciates 0.000003570
## 3670 2 appreciates 0.000040200
## 3671 1 appreciation 0.000039300
## 3672 2 appreciation 0.000003660
## 3673 1 appreciative 0.000003570
## 3674 2 appreciative 0.000040200
## 3675 1 approaching 0.000003570
## 3676 2 approaching 0.000113352
## 3677 1 appropriately 0.000039300
## 3678 2 appropriately 0.000003660
## 3679 1 approval 0.000074900
## 3680 2 approval 0.000003660
## 3681 1 approved 0.000003570
## 3682 2 approved 0.000113352
## 3683 1 approx 0.000003570
## 3684 2 approx 0.000040200
## 3685 1 approximately 0.000003570
## 3686 2 approximately 0.000040200
## 3687 1 apreció 0.000039300
## 3688 2 apreció 0.000003660
## 3689 1 aprende 0.000003570
## 3690 2 aprende 0.000076800
## 3691 1 aprendieron 0.000003570
## 3692 2 aprendieron 0.000040200
## 3693 1 apresiasi 0.000003570
## 3694 2 apresiasi 0.000040200
## 3695 1 april 0.000074900
## 3696 2 april 0.000003660
## 3697 1 apriljervis 0.000039300
## 3698 2 apriljervis 0.000003660
## 3699 1 aprovechan 0.000003570
## 3700 2 aprovechan 0.000040200
## 3701 1 aprovecharme 0.000003570
## 3702 2 aprovecharme 0.000040200
## 3703 1 aptlombardi 0.000003570
## 3704 2 aptlombardi 0.000040200
## 3705 1 apunta 0.000003570
## 3706 2 apunta 0.000040200
## 3707 1 aq 0.000003570
## 3708 2 aq 0.000076800
## 3709 1 aqfhudckuw 0.000003570
## 3710 2 aqfhudckuw 0.000040200
## 3711 1 aqifz5afvb 0.000003570
## 3712 2 aqifz5afvb 0.000040200
## 3713 1 aqm1tt77d0 0.000003570
## 3714 2 aqm1tt77d0 0.000040200
## 3715 1 aquel 0.000003570
## 3716 2 aquel 0.000040200
## 3717 1 aqui 0.000003570
## 3718 2 aqui 0.000149917
## 3719 1 aquí 0.000217667
## 3720 2 aquí 0.000003660
## 3721 1 ar 0.000003570
## 3722 2 ar 0.000040200
## 3723 1 är 0.000003570
## 3724 2 är 0.000076800
## 3725 1 ar2fv0zmbf 0.000003570
## 3726 2 ar2fv0zmbf 0.000040200
## 3727 1 ara 0.000003570
## 3728 2 ara 0.000040200
## 3729 1 arab 0.000039300
## 3730 2 arab 0.000003660
## 3731 1 arabella 0.000074900
## 3732 2 arabella 0.000003660
## 3733 1 arabianbusiness 0.000039300
## 3734 2 arabianbusiness 0.000003660
## 3735 1 aracılığıyla 0.000039300
## 3736 2 aracılığıyla 0.000003660
## 3737 1 aracına 0.000003570
## 3738 2 aracına 0.000040200
## 3739 1 arafael_santos 0.000039300
## 3740 2 arafael_santos 0.000003660
## 3741 1 arap 0.000003570
## 3742 2 arap 0.000040200
## 3743 1 arasi 0.000003570
## 3744 2 arasi 0.000040200
## 3745 1 arbeiterdüse 0.000039300
## 3746 2 arbeiterdüse 0.000003660
## 3747 1 arbitraje 0.000039300
## 3748 2 arbitraje 0.000003660
## 3749 1 arbitrarias 0.000003570
## 3750 2 arbitrarias 0.000040200
## 3751 1 arbitrators 0.000039300
## 3752 2 arbitrators 0.000003660
## 3753 1 arbys 0.000039300
## 3754 2 arbys 0.000003660
## 3755 1 arc2014lon 0.000039300
## 3756 2 arc2014lon 0.000003660
## 3757 1 arch_viz 0.000039300
## 3758 2 arch_viz 0.000003660
## 3759 1 archives 0.000003570
## 3760 2 archives 0.000040200
## 3761 1 ardan 0.000003570
## 3762 2 ardan 0.000076800
## 3763 1 ardí 0.000039300
## 3764 2 ardí 0.000003660
## 3765 1 ardido 0.000039300
## 3766 2 ardido 0.000003660
## 3767 1 ardpb 0.000039300
## 3768 2 ardpb 0.000003660
## 3769 1 arena 0.000039300
## 3770 2 arena 0.000003660
## 3771 1 arenapadelc 0.000003570
## 3772 2 arenapadelc 0.000040200
## 3773 1 ares 0.000003570
## 3774 2 ares 0.000040200
## 3775 1 areynolds10 0.000039300
## 3776 2 areynolds10 0.000003660
## 3777 1 areyouserious 0.000003570
## 3778 2 areyouserious 0.000040200
## 3779 1 areyousurecan 0.000039300
## 3780 2 areyousurecan 0.000003660
## 3781 1 arg 0.000074900
## 3782 2 arg 0.000003660
## 3783 1 argentina 0.001002698
## 3784 2 argentina 0.000003660
## 3785 1 argentinaski 0.000039300
## 3786 2 argentinaski 0.000003660
## 3787 1 argentine 0.000003570
## 3788 2 argentine 0.000040200
## 3789 1 argentinië 0.000003570
## 3790 2 argentinië 0.000040200
## 3791 1 argh 0.000039300
## 3792 2 argh 0.000003660
## 3793 1 argned 0.000039300
## 3794 2 argned 0.000003660
## 3795 1 arguing 0.000003570
## 3796 2 arguing 0.000040200
## 3797 1 argument 0.000003570
## 3798 2 argument 0.000076800
## 3799 1 argvsned 0.000003570
## 3800 2 argvsned 0.000040200
## 3801 1 ari 0.000039300
## 3802 2 ari 0.000003660
## 3803 1 arianuchis 0.000039300
## 3804 2 arianuchis 0.000003660
## 3805 1 ariestazhaida 0.000003570
## 3806 2 ariestazhaida 0.000040200
## 3807 1 arip 0.000039300
## 3808 2 arip 0.000003660
## 3809 1 arizona 0.000039300
## 3810 2 arizona 0.000003660
## 3811 1 arjinyildirim 0.000039300
## 3812 2 arjinyildirim 0.000003660
## 3813 1 ark 0.000039300
## 3814 2 ark 0.000003660
## 3815 1 arkadas 0.000039300
## 3816 2 arkadas 0.000003660
## 3817 1 arkadaşımın 0.000003570
## 3818 2 arkadaşımın 0.000040200
## 3819 1 arkansas 0.000003570
## 3820 2 arkansas 0.000076800
## 3821 1 arkefly 0.000003570
## 3822 2 arkefly 0.000040200
## 3823 1 arknl10453 0.000039300
## 3824 2 arknl10453 0.000003660
## 3825 1 arlanda 0.000003570
## 3826 2 arlanda 0.000040200
## 3827 1 arm 0.000039300
## 3828 2 arm 0.000003660
## 3829 1 armaghdebs 0.000039300
## 3830 2 armaghdebs 0.000003660
## 3831 1 armas 0.000003570
## 3832 2 armas 0.000040200
## 3833 1 armó 0.000003570
## 3834 2 armó 0.000040200
## 3835 1 armour 0.000039300
## 3836 2 armour 0.000003660
## 3837 1 armrests 0.000003570
## 3838 2 armrests 0.000040200
## 3839 1 arms 0.000110618
## 3840 2 arms 0.000003660
## 3841 1 armstrong 0.000003570
## 3842 2 armstrong 0.000040200
## 3843 1 army 0.000003570
## 3844 2 army 0.000040200
## 3845 1 arnett 0.000039300
## 3846 2 arnett 0.000003660
## 3847 1 arnkl 0.000039300
## 3848 2 arnkl 0.000003660
## 3849 1 arnomac 0.000003570
## 3850 2 arnomac 0.000040200
## 3851 1 arrange 0.000074900
## 3852 2 arrange 0.000003660
## 3853 1 arrangement 0.000003570
## 3854 2 arrangement 0.000040200
## 3855 1 arrangements 0.000003570
## 3856 2 arrangements 0.000149917
## 3857 1 arranging 0.000003570
## 3858 2 arranging 0.000040200
## 3859 1 arreglen 0.000039300
## 3860 2 arreglen 0.000003660
## 3861 1 arrested 0.000003570
## 3862 2 arrested 0.000040200
## 3863 1 arriba 0.000003570
## 3864 2 arriba 0.000040200
## 3865 1 arribada 0.000003570
## 3866 2 arribada 0.000040200
## 3867 1 arribar 0.000039300
## 3868 2 arribar 0.000003660
## 3869 1 arrival 0.000574499
## 3870 2 arrival 0.000003660
## 3871 1 arrive 0.000396083
## 3872 2 arrive 0.000003660
## 3873 1 arrived 0.000752915
## 3874 2 arrived 0.000003660
## 3875 1 arrives 0.000110618
## 3876 2 arrives 0.000003660
## 3877 1 arriving 0.000217667
## 3878 2 arriving 0.000003660
## 3879 1 arsenal 0.000003570
## 3880 2 arsenal 0.001100613
## 3881 1 arsène 0.000003570
## 3882 2 arsène 0.000040200
## 3883 1 arseniohall 0.000039300
## 3884 2 arseniohall 0.000003660
## 3885 1 art 0.000110618
## 3886 2 art 0.000003660
## 3887 1 artduservice 0.000039300
## 3888 2 artduservice 0.000003660
## 3889 1 arthur 0.000003570
## 3890 2 arthur 0.000113352
## 3891 1 article 0.000003570
## 3892 2 article 0.000076800
## 3893 1 articles 0.000039300
## 3894 2 articles 0.000003660
## 3895 1 articulo 0.000003570
## 3896 2 articulo 0.000040200
## 3897 1 artículo 0.000074900
## 3898 2 artículo 0.000223048
## 3899 1 artik 0.000003570
## 3900 2 artik 0.000040200
## 3901 1 artist 0.000003570
## 3902 2 artist 0.000040200
## 3903 1 artykcqw88 0.000003570
## 3904 2 artykcqw88 0.000040200
## 3905 1 aruba 0.000110618
## 3906 2 aruba 0.000003660
## 3907 1 asa_jed 0.000003570
## 3908 2 asa_jed 0.000040200
## 3909 1 asaadelsalawi 0.000039300
## 3910 2 asaadelsalawi 0.000003660
## 3911 1 asabfb 0.000003570
## 3912 2 asabfb 0.000113352
## 3913 1 asakusa 0.000039300
## 3914 2 asakusa 0.000003660
## 3915 1 asap 0.000003570
## 3916 2 asap 0.000405874
## 3917 1 asawa 0.000039300
## 3918 2 asawa 0.000003660
## 3919 1 asco 0.000003570
## 3920 2 asco 0.000040200
## 3921 1 asdfghjkara 0.000003570
## 3922 2 asdfghjkara 0.000040200
## 3923 1 asdi 0.000003570
## 3924 2 asdi 0.000040200
## 3925 1 aseefabz 0.000003570
## 3926 2 aseefabz 0.000040200
## 3927 1 aseguro 0.000039300
## 3928 2 aseguro 0.000003660
## 3929 1 asercaairlines 0.000003570
## 3930 2 asercaairlines 0.000515569
## 3931 1 asercaairlines.com 0.000003570
## 3932 2 asercaairlines.com 0.000040200
## 3933 1 asgae0qr47 0.000039300
## 3934 2 asgae0qr47 0.000003660
## 3935 1 ash_kamath 0.000039300
## 3936 2 ash_kamath 0.000003660
## 3937 1 ashamed 0.000003570
## 3938 2 ashamed 0.000113352
## 3939 1 ashauri 0.000003570
## 3940 2 ashauri 0.000040200
## 3941 1 asholles 0.000003570
## 3942 2 asholles 0.000040200
## 3943 1 asi 0.000110618
## 3944 2 asi 0.000003660
## 3945 1 así 0.000253351
## 3946 2 así 0.000003660
## 3947 1 asia 0.000110618
## 3948 2 asia 0.000003660
## 3949 1 asian 0.000110618
## 3950 2 asian 0.000003660
## 3951 1 asianaairlines 0.000181984
## 3952 2 asianaairlines 0.000003660
## 3953 1 asicseurope 0.000003570
## 3954 2 asicseurope 0.000040200
## 3955 1 asiento 0.000074900
## 3956 2 asiento 0.000040200
## 3957 1 asientos 0.000003570
## 3958 2 asientos 0.000040200
## 3959 1 asik 0.000039300
## 3960 2 asik 0.000003660
## 3961 1 askairasia 0.000074900
## 3962 2 askairasia 0.000003660
## 3963 1 askcomenity 0.000003570
## 3964 2 askcomenity 0.000040200
## 3965 1 askja 0.000039300
## 3966 2 askja 0.000003660
## 3967 1 askpamelagail 0.000039300
## 3968 2 askpamelagail 0.000003660
## 3969 1 askrambo 0.000181984
## 3970 2 askrambo 0.000954352
## 3971 1 askryanair 0.000039300
## 3972 2 askryanair 0.000003660
## 3973 1 asla 0.000003570
## 3974 2 asla 0.000040200
## 3975 1 asleep 0.000039300
## 3976 2 asleep 0.000003660
## 3977 1 asmfinlw9c 0.000039300
## 3978 2 asmfinlw9c 0.000003660
## 3979 1 asparagusquiche 0.000003570
## 3980 2 asparagusquiche 0.000040200
## 3981 1 aspenyogamats 0.000039300
## 3982 2 aspenyogamats 0.000003660
## 3983 1 aspiratas 0.000039300
## 3984 2 aspiratas 0.000003660
## 3985 1 asquerosa 0.000039300
## 3986 2 asquerosa 0.000003660
## 3987 1 ass 0.000503133
## 3988 2 ass 0.000003660
## 3989 1 assaulted 0.000039300
## 3990 2 assaulted 0.000003660
## 3991 1 assembly 0.000039300
## 3992 2 assembly 0.000003660
## 3993 1 assentos 0.000039300
## 3994 2 assentos 0.000003660
## 3995 1 asses 0.000003570
## 3996 2 asses 0.000040200
## 3997 1 assess 0.000003570
## 3998 2 assess 0.000040200
## 3999 1 asset 0.000003570
## 4000 2 asset 0.000040200
## 4001 1 asshats 0.000039300
## 4002 2 asshats 0.000003660
## 4003 1 assholes 0.000003570
## 4004 2 assholes 0.000113352
## 4005 1 assigned 0.000146301
## 4006 2 assigned 0.000003660
## 4007 1 assignment 0.000074900
## 4008 2 assignment 0.000003660
## 4009 1 assignments.bye 0.000003570
## 4010 2 assignments.bye 0.000040200
## 4011 1 assist 0.000003570
## 4012 2 assist 0.000332743
## 4013 1 assistance 0.000003570
## 4014 2 assistance 0.000661830
## 4015 1 assisted 0.000039300
## 4016 2 assisted 0.000003660
## 4017 1 assistentie 0.000003570
## 4018 2 assistentie 0.000040200
## 4019 1 assortment 0.000039300
## 4020 2 assortment 0.000003660
## 4021 1 assume 0.000003570
## 4022 2 assume 0.000113352
## 4023 1 assuming 0.000074900
## 4024 2 assuming 0.000003660
## 4025 1 assumptions 0.000039300
## 4026 2 assumptions 0.000003660
## 4027 1 assuré 0.000039300
## 4028 2 assuré 0.000003660
## 4029 1 assures 0.000039300
## 4030 2 assures 0.000003660
## 4031 1 assuring 0.000039300
## 4032 2 assuring 0.000003660
## 4033 1 astavek 0.000003570
## 4034 2 astavek 0.000040200
## 4035 1 astonishing 0.000039300
## 4036 2 astonishing 0.000003660
## 4037 1 astronomical 0.000039300
## 4038 2 astronomical 0.000003660
## 4039 1 asu 0.000039300
## 4040 2 asu 0.000003660
## 4041 1 asylum 0.000003570
## 4042 2 asylum 0.000040200
## 4043 1 atac 0.000039300
## 4044 2 atac 0.000003660
## 4045 1 atas 0.000074900
## 4046 2 atas 0.000003660
## 4047 1 atasarmi 0.000039300
## 4048 2 atasarmi 0.000003660
## 4049 1 atau 0.000074900
## 4050 2 atau 0.000003660
## 4051 1 atbestsummerever 0.000039300
## 4052 2 atbestsummerever 0.000003660
## 4053 1 atc 0.000039300
## 4054 2 atc 0.000076800
## 4055 1 atcela 0.000039300
## 4056 2 atcela 0.000003660
## 4057 1 atd 0.000003570
## 4058 2 atd 0.000040200
## 4059 1 atdo3xkfkt 0.000003570
## 4060 2 atdo3xkfkt 0.000040200
## 4061 1 ate 0.000003570
## 4062 2 ate 0.000040200
## 4063 1 até 0.000003570
## 4064 2 até 0.000186483
## 4065 1 atenas 0.000039300
## 4066 2 atenas 0.000003660
## 4067 1 atención 0.000110618
## 4068 2 atención 0.000113352
## 4069 1 atendido 0.000003570
## 4070 2 atendido 0.000040200
## 4071 1 ateyflhw8r 0.000039300
## 4072 2 ateyflhw8r 0.000003660
## 4073 1 ath 0.000039300
## 4074 2 ath 0.000003660
## 4075 1 atikam 0.000003570
## 4076 2 atikam 0.000040200
## 4077 1 atis2014 0.000181984
## 4078 2 atis2014 0.000003660
## 4079 1 atl 0.000324717
## 4080 2 atl 0.000771526
## 4081 1 atlanta 0.000289034
## 4082 2 atlanta 0.000003660
## 4083 1 atlanta_airport 0.000003570
## 4084 2 atlanta_airport 0.000113352
## 4085 1 atlantaaira 0.000003570
## 4086 2 atlantaaira 0.000040200
## 4087 1 atlantic 0.000003570
## 4088 2 atlantic 0.000113352
## 4089 1 atlas 0.000039300
## 4090 2 atlas 0.000003660
## 4091 1 atlasjet 0.000146301
## 4092 2 atlasjet 0.000003660
## 4093 1 atleast 0.000110618
## 4094 2 atleast 0.000003660
## 4095 1 atm 0.000003570
## 4096 2 atm 0.000040200
## 4097 1 atmosphere 0.000039300
## 4098 2 atmosphere 0.000003660
## 4099 1 atomsk_ 0.000003570
## 4100 2 atomsk_ 0.000040200
## 4101 1 atpakalreisa 0.000003570
## 4102 2 atpakalreisa 0.000040200
## 4103 1 atr 0.000003570
## 4104 2 atr 0.000040200
## 4105 1 atrain 0.000003570
## 4106 2 atrain 0.000040200
## 4107 1 atraso 0.000003570
## 4108 2 atraso 0.000040200
## 4109 1 atrocious 0.000074900
## 4110 2 atrocious 0.000003660
## 4111 1 att 0.000003570
## 4112 2 att 0.000076800
## 4113 1 attached 0.000003570
## 4114 2 attached 0.000040200
## 4115 1 attack 0.000181984
## 4116 2 attack 0.000003660
## 4117 1 attacked 0.000003570
## 4118 2 attacked 0.000040200
## 4119 1 attacking 0.000039300
## 4120 2 attacking 0.000003660
## 4121 1 attempt 0.000003570
## 4122 2 attempt 0.000076800
## 4123 1 attempted 0.000039300
## 4124 2 attempted 0.000003660
## 4125 1 attend 0.000039300
## 4126 2 attend 0.000003660
## 4127 1 attendant 0.000324717
## 4128 2 attendant 0.001100613
## 4129 1 attendant's 0.000003570
## 4130 2 attendant's 0.000040200
## 4131 1 attendants 0.000788599
## 4132 2 attendants 0.000003660
## 4133 1 attendre 0.000039300
## 4134 2 attendre 0.000003660
## 4135 1 attentato 0.000003570
## 4136 2 attentato 0.000040200
## 4137 1 attention 0.000003570
## 4138 2 attention 0.000223048
## 4139 1 atterraggio 0.000039300
## 4140 2 atterraggio 0.000003660
## 4141 1 attitude 0.000324717
## 4142 2 attitude 0.000003660
## 4143 1 attitudes 0.000003570
## 4144 2 attitudes 0.000040200
## 4145 1 attı 0.000039300
## 4146 2 attı 0.000003660
## 4147 1 attn 0.000039300
## 4148 2 attn 0.000003660
## 4149 1 attraktiv 0.000003570
## 4150 2 attraktiv 0.000040200
## 4151 1 atwxf562qs 0.000003570
## 4152 2 atwxf562qs 0.000040200
## 4153 1 au 0.000074900
## 4154 2 au 0.000223048
## 4155 1 au9xutdbc9 0.000003570
## 4156 2 au9xutdbc9 0.000040200
## 4157 1 aub 0.000074900
## 4158 2 aub 0.000003660
## 4159 1 aucio 0.000003570
## 4160 2 aucio 0.000040200
## 4161 1 auckland 0.000003570
## 4162 2 auckland 0.000040200
## 4163 1 auction 0.000003570
## 4164 2 auction 0.000040200
## 4165 1 aucune 0.000003570
## 4166 2 aucune 0.000040200
## 4167 1 audible_com 0.000039300
## 4168 2 audible_com 0.000003660
## 4169 1 audio 0.000003570
## 4170 2 audio 0.000040200
## 4171 1 audiobility 0.000003570
## 4172 2 audiobility 0.000040200
## 4173 1 aue 0.000003570
## 4174 2 aue 0.000040200
## 4175 1 auflsf48j2 0.000003570
## 4176 2 auflsf48j2 0.000040200
## 4177 1 aug 0.000110618
## 4178 2 aug 0.000003660
## 4179 1 august 0.000324717
## 4180 2 august 0.000003660
## 4181 1 augusta_buzz 0.000003570
## 4182 2 augusta_buzz 0.000040200
## 4183 1 aujourd 0.000003570
## 4184 2 aujourd 0.000040200
## 4185 1 aujourd'hui 0.000039300
## 4186 2 aujourd'hui 0.000003660
## 4187 1 auldh 0.000039300
## 4188 2 auldh 0.000003660
## 4189 1 aun 0.000146301
## 4190 2 aun 0.000003660
## 4191 1 aún 0.000003570
## 4192 2 aún 0.000040200
## 4193 1 aunque 0.000110618
## 4194 2 aunque 0.000003660
## 4195 1 aunquenosrobben 0.000146301
## 4196 2 aunquenosrobben 0.000040200
## 4197 1 aunt 0.000003570
## 4198 2 aunt 0.000076800
## 4199 1 aups 0.000039300
## 4200 2 aups 0.000003660
## 4201 1 aur 0.000003570
## 4202 2 aur 0.000040200
## 4203 1 aureylian 0.000003570
## 4204 2 aureylian 0.000076800
## 4205 1 aus 0.000003570
## 4206 2 aus 0.000040200
## 4207 1 ausgelost 0.000039300
## 4208 2 ausgelost 0.000003660
## 4209 1 ausned 0.000110618
## 4210 2 ausned 0.000003660
## 4211 1 aussi 0.000146301
## 4212 2 aussi 0.000003660
## 4213 1 austin 0.000146301
## 4214 2 austin 0.000003660
## 4215 1 austinvintageguitars 0.000003570
## 4216 2 austinvintageguitars 0.000040200
## 4217 1 australia 0.000003570
## 4218 2 australia 0.000259613
## 4219 1 australian 0.000003570
## 4220 2 australian 0.000076800
## 4221 1 australië 0.000039300
## 4222 2 australië 0.000003660
## 4223 1 austrian 0.000003570
## 4224 2 austrian 0.000040200
## 4225 1 author 0.000003570
## 4226 2 author 0.000040200
## 4227 1 authorities 0.000003570
## 4228 2 authorities 0.000040200
## 4229 1 authority 0.000003570
## 4230 2 authority 0.000040200
## 4231 1 autism 0.000039300
## 4232 2 autism 0.000003660
## 4233 1 auto 0.000074900
## 4234 2 auto 0.000003660
## 4235 1 autocorrecting 0.000039300
## 4236 2 autocorrecting 0.000003660
## 4237 1 automated 0.000003570
## 4238 2 automated 0.000149917
## 4239 1 automatic 0.000003570
## 4240 2 automatic 0.000076800
## 4241 1 automatically 0.000074900
## 4242 2 automatically 0.000040200
## 4243 1 automātiski 0.000003570
## 4244 2 automātiski 0.000040200
## 4245 1 autorisé 0.000003570
## 4246 2 autorisé 0.000040200
## 4247 1 autorização 0.000003570
## 4248 2 autorização 0.000040200
## 4249 1 autre 0.000003570
## 4250 2 autre 0.000040200
## 4251 1 autumn 0.000003570
## 4252 2 autumn 0.000040200
## 4253 1 aux 0.000039300
## 4254 2 aux 0.000003660
## 4255 1 avail 0.000003570
## 4256 2 avail 0.000186483
## 4257 1 availability 0.000039300
## 4258 2 availability 0.000003660
## 4259 1 avatar 0.000003570
## 4260 2 avatar 0.000040200
## 4261 1 avec 0.000003570
## 4262 2 avec 0.000369309
## 4263 1 avenida 0.000003570
## 4264 2 avenida 0.000040200
## 4265 1 aver 0.000003570
## 4266 2 aver 0.000076800
## 4267 1 average 0.000074900
## 4268 2 average 0.000003660
## 4269 1 averted 0.000039300
## 4270 2 averted 0.000003660
## 4271 1 averts 0.000003570
## 4272 2 averts 0.000040200
## 4273 1 averybritishairline 0.000003570
## 4274 2 averybritishairline 0.000186483
## 4275 1 avez 0.000003570
## 4276 2 avez 0.000040200
## 4277 1 avgeek 0.000074900
## 4278 2 avgeek 0.000698396
## 4279 1 avgeek1701 0.000003570
## 4280 2 avgeek1701 0.000040200
## 4281 1 avgeekworldcup 0.000003570
## 4282 2 avgeekworldcup 0.000040200
## 4283 1 aviacion_civil 0.000039300
## 4284 2 aviacion_civil 0.000003660
## 4285 1 avianca 0.000003570
## 4286 2 avianca 0.000040200
## 4287 1 avião 0.000003570
## 4288 2 avião 0.000040200
## 4289 1 aviateaddict 0.000003570
## 4290 2 aviateaddict 0.000040200
## 4291 1 aviation 0.000003570
## 4292 2 aviation 0.000552135
## 4293 1 aviation_news 0.000039300
## 4294 2 aviation_news 0.000003660
## 4295 1 aviationafrica 0.000039300
## 4296 2 aviationafrica 0.000003660
## 4297 1 aviationnews 0.000003570
## 4298 2 aviationnews 0.000040200
## 4299 1 aviationretweet 0.000003570
## 4300 2 aviationretweet 0.000040200
## 4301 1 aviatop 0.000039300
## 4302 2 aviatop 0.000003660
## 4303 1 avió 0.000003570
## 4304 2 avió 0.000076800
## 4305 1 avion 0.000039300
## 4306 2 avion 0.000003660
## 4307 1 avión 0.000217667
## 4308 2 avión 0.000040200
## 4309 1 avioncitos 0.000039300
## 4310 2 avioncitos 0.000003660
## 4311 1 aviones 0.000003570
## 4312 2 aviones 0.000149917
## 4313 1 avions 0.000003570
## 4314 2 avions 0.000040200
## 4315 1 avior 0.000074900
## 4316 2 avior 0.000003660
## 4317 1 aviorairlines 0.000289034
## 4318 2 aviorairlines 0.000259613
## 4319 1 avios 0.000110618
## 4320 2 avios 0.000003660
## 4321 1 avis 0.000074900
## 4322 2 avis 0.000003660
## 4323 1 aviso 0.000039300
## 4324 2 aviso 0.000003660
## 4325 1 aviv 0.000039300
## 4326 2 aviv 0.000040200
## 4327 1 avl2jtfguz 0.000003570
## 4328 2 avl2jtfguz 0.000040200
## 4329 1 avml 0.000003570
## 4330 2 avml 0.000113352
## 4331 1 avoid 0.000003570
## 4332 2 avoid 0.000369309
## 4333 1 avoided 0.000039300
## 4334 2 avoided 0.000003660
## 4335 1 avoiding 0.000003570
## 4336 2 avoiding 0.000149917
## 4337 1 avphotoin 0.000039300
## 4338 2 avphotoin 0.000003660
## 4339 1 avresan 0.000039300
## 4340 2 avresan 0.000003660
## 4341 1 avro’dan 0.000003570
## 4342 2 avro’dan 0.000040200
## 4343 1 avweekleeann 0.000003570
## 4344 2 avweekleeann 0.000040200
## 4345 1 aw 0.000003570
## 4346 2 aw 0.000076800
## 4347 1 awaiting 0.000146301
## 4348 2 awaiting 0.000003660
## 4349 1 awaits 0.000039300
## 4350 2 awaits 0.000003660
## 4351 1 awake 0.000003570
## 4352 2 awake 0.000076800
## 4353 1 awakeningaimee 0.000039300
## 4354 2 awakeningaimee 0.000003660
## 4355 1 award 0.000003570
## 4356 2 award 0.000259613
## 4357 1 awarding 0.000039300
## 4358 2 awarding 0.000003660
## 4359 1 awards 0.000110618
## 4360 2 awards 0.000003660
## 4361 1 aware 0.000181984
## 4362 2 aware 0.000003660
## 4363 1 awareness 0.000003570
## 4364 2 awareness 0.000040200
## 4365 1 awbg7e 0.000039300
## 4366 2 awbg7e 0.000003660
## 4367 1 awe 0.000003570
## 4368 2 awe 0.000040200
## 4369 1 aweeeee 0.000003570
## 4370 2 aweeeee 0.000040200
## 4371 1 aweeeeebo 0.000039300
## 4372 2 aweeeeebo 0.000003660
## 4373 1 awehjozi 0.000039300
## 4374 2 awehjozi 0.000003660
## 4375 1 awesome 0.001466579
## 4376 2 awesome 0.000003660
## 4377 1 awex1egumw 0.000039300
## 4378 2 awex1egumw 0.000003660
## 4379 1 awfish 0.000039300
## 4380 2 awfish 0.000003660
## 4381 1 awful 0.000003570
## 4382 2 awful 0.000698396
## 4383 1 awh 0.000003570
## 4384 2 awh 0.000040200
## 4385 1 awhile 0.000039300
## 4386 2 awhile 0.000003660
## 4387 1 awk 0.000003570
## 4388 2 awk 0.000040200
## 4389 1 awklihnq84 0.000039300
## 4390 2 awklihnq84 0.000003660
## 4391 1 awkward 0.000003570
## 4392 2 awkward 0.000113352
## 4393 1 awol 0.000003570
## 4394 2 awol 0.000040200
## 4395 1 awsome 0.000074900
## 4396 2 awsome 0.000003660
## 4397 1 aww 0.000003570
## 4398 2 aww 0.000149917
## 4399 1 awww 0.000003570
## 4400 2 awww 0.000076800
## 4401 1 awwww 0.000039300
## 4402 2 awwww 0.000003660
## 4403 1 axater9yc9 0.000003570
## 4404 2 axater9yc9 0.000040200
## 4405 1 axnegmvf8h 0.000003570
## 4406 2 axnegmvf8h 0.000040200
## 4407 1 ay 0.000003570
## 4408 2 ay 0.000040200
## 4409 1 ay1ry3tudr 0.000003570
## 4410 2 ay1ry3tudr 0.000040200
## 4411 1 ayar 0.000003570
## 4412 2 ayar 0.000040200
## 4413 1 aye 0.000003570
## 4414 2 aye 0.000040200
## 4415 1 ayer 0.000039300
## 4416 2 ayer 0.000003660
## 4417 1 ayhriw0knq 0.000039300
## 4418 2 ayhriw0knq 0.000003660
## 4419 1 ayip 0.000039300
## 4420 2 ayip 0.000003660
## 4421 1 ayında 0.000003570
## 4422 2 ayında 0.000040200
## 4423 1 ayıp 0.000039300
## 4424 2 ayıp 0.000003660
## 4425 1 ayırt 0.000003570
## 4426 2 ayırt 0.000040200
## 4427 1 aylalejla 0.000003570
## 4428 2 aylalejla 0.000040200
## 4429 1 ayo 0.000003570
## 4430 2 ayo 0.000040200
## 4431 1 ayoko 0.000003570
## 4432 2 ayoko 0.000040200
## 4433 1 aysst1pter 0.000039300
## 4434 2 aysst1pter 0.000003660
## 4435 1 ayuda 0.000003570
## 4436 2 ayuda 0.000076800
## 4437 1 ayudais 0.000039300
## 4438 2 ayudais 0.000003660
## 4439 1 ayyywade 0.000003570
## 4440 2 ayyywade 0.000040200
## 4441 1 az 0.000003570
## 4442 2 az 0.000076800
## 4443 1 azsteve7 0.000003570
## 4444 2 azsteve7 0.000040200
## 4445 1 azucar 0.000039300
## 4446 2 azucar 0.000003660
## 4447 1 b_wisch 0.000039300
## 4448 2 b_wisch 0.000003660
## 4449 1 b0fmuchro4 0.000003570
## 4450 2 b0fmuchro4 0.000040200
## 4451 1 b24 0.000003570
## 4452 2 b24 0.000040200
## 4453 1 b3 0.000003570
## 4454 2 b3 0.000040200
## 4455 1 b3ptbm54ev 0.000003570
## 4456 2 b3ptbm54ev 0.000040200
## 4457 1 b4 0.000074900
## 4458 2 b4 0.000003660
## 4459 1 b4gla9h2lh 0.000039300
## 4460 2 b4gla9h2lh 0.000003660
## 4461 1 b4nbwng2rv 0.000003570
## 4462 2 b4nbwng2rv 0.000040200
## 4463 1 b5euguttmv 0.000039300
## 4464 2 b5euguttmv 0.000003660
## 4465 1 b6 0.000039300
## 4466 2 b6 0.000003660
## 4467 1 b6tr3cnd08 0.000039300
## 4468 2 b6tr3cnd08 0.000003660
## 4469 1 b737 0.000039300
## 4470 2 b737 0.000003660
## 4471 1 b738 0.000039300
## 4472 2 b738 0.000003660
## 4473 1 b739 0.000003570
## 4474 2 b739 0.000040200
## 4475 1 b747 0.000003570
## 4476 2 b747 0.000040200
## 4477 1 b767 0.000074900
## 4478 2 b767 0.000003660
## 4479 1 b777 0.000003570
## 4480 2 b777 0.000223048
## 4481 1 b787 0.000074900
## 4482 2 b787 0.000003660
## 4483 1 b787fans 0.000039300
## 4484 2 b787fans 0.000003660
## 4485 1 b7nv7mjgkj 0.000003570
## 4486 2 b7nv7mjgkj 0.000040200
## 4487 1 b7syzbxz27 0.000039300
## 4488 2 b7syzbxz27 0.000003660
## 4489 1 b8ju5tckhw 0.000039300
## 4490 2 b8ju5tckhw 0.000003660
## 4491 1 ba 0.000003570
## 4492 2 ba 0.001466265
## 4493 1 ba's 0.000039300
## 4494 2 ba's 0.000003660
## 4495 1 ba0094 0.000003570
## 4496 2 ba0094 0.000040200
## 4497 1 ba0aimyszb 0.000003570
## 4498 2 ba0aimyszb 0.000040200
## 4499 1 ba12 0.000039300
## 4500 2 ba12 0.000003660
## 4501 1 ba1420 0.000039300
## 4502 2 ba1420 0.000003660
## 4503 1 ba16 0.000003570
## 4504 2 ba16 0.000040200
## 4505 1 ba175 0.000039300
## 4506 2 ba175 0.000003660
## 4507 1 ba209 0.000003570
## 4508 2 ba209 0.000040200
## 4509 1 ba2625 0.000039300
## 4510 2 ba2625 0.000003660
## 4511 1 ba269 0.000039300
## 4512 2 ba269 0.000003660
## 4513 1 ba285 0.000003570
## 4514 2 ba285 0.000040200
## 4515 1 ba3 0.000039300
## 4516 2 ba3 0.000003660
## 4517 1 ba355 0.000003570
## 4518 2 ba355 0.000040200
## 4519 1 ba775 0.000039300
## 4520 2 ba775 0.000003660
## 4521 1 ba853 0.000003570
## 4522 2 ba853 0.000040200
## 4523 1 babak 0.000003570
## 4524 2 babak 0.000040200
## 4525 1 babbalmittal 0.000039300
## 4526 2 babbalmittal 0.000003660
## 4527 1 babe 0.000181984
## 4528 2 babe 0.000003660
## 4529 1 babies 0.000003570
## 4530 2 babies 0.000076800
## 4531 1 babosos 0.000039300
## 4532 2 babosos 0.000003660
## 4533 1 baby 0.000003570
## 4534 2 baby 0.000552135
## 4535 1 babylyssac 0.000003570
## 4536 2 babylyssac 0.000040200
## 4537 1 backatone000 0.000039300
## 4538 2 backatone000 0.000003660
## 4539 1 background 0.000003570
## 4540 2 background 0.000076800
## 4541 1 backpack 0.000146301
## 4542 2 backpack 0.000003660
## 4543 1 bacolod 0.000039300
## 4544 2 bacolod 0.000003660
## 4545 1 bad 0.002251609
## 4546 2 bad 0.000003660
## 4547 1 badaboum 0.000039300
## 4548 2 badaboum 0.000003660
## 4549 1 badairline 0.000039300
## 4550 2 badairline 0.000003660
## 4551 1 badbusiness 0.000074900
## 4552 2 badbusiness 0.000003660
## 4553 1 badcustomerservice 0.000110618
## 4554 2 badcustomerservice 0.000003660
## 4555 1 baddass 0.000003570
## 4556 2 baddass 0.000040200
## 4557 1 baddy 0.000039300
## 4558 2 baddy 0.000003660
## 4559 1 badexperience 0.000039300
## 4560 2 badexperience 0.000003660
## 4561 1 badform 0.000003570
## 4562 2 badform 0.000040200
## 4563 1 badges 0.000110618
## 4564 2 badges 0.000003660
## 4565 1 badly 0.000003570
## 4566 2 badly 0.000149917
## 4567 1 badservice 0.000039300
## 4568 2 badservice 0.000149917
## 4569 1 bae 0.000039300
## 4570 2 bae 0.000003660
## 4571 1 baervenezuela 0.000074900
## 4572 2 baervenezuela 0.000003660
## 4573 1 bafail 0.000039300
## 4574 2 bafail 0.000003660
## 4575 1 baffled 0.000039300
## 4576 2 baffled 0.000003660
## 4577 1 bag 0.004428284
## 4578 2 bag 0.000003660
## 4579 1 bagage 0.000003570
## 4580 2 bagage 0.000296178
## 4581 1 bagagem 0.000003570
## 4582 2 bagagem 0.000040200
## 4583 1 bagages 0.000039300
## 4584 2 bagages 0.000003660
## 4585 1 bagagli 0.000003570
## 4586 2 bagagli 0.000040200
## 4587 1 bagaglio 0.000074900
## 4588 2 bagaglio 0.000003660
## 4589 1 bagaj 0.000003570
## 4590 2 bagaj 0.000076800
## 4591 1 bagajları 0.000003570
## 4592 2 bagajları 0.000040200
## 4593 1 bagasi 0.000039300
## 4594 2 bagasi 0.000003660
## 4595 1 baggage 0.000074900
## 4596 2 baggage 0.002014743
## 4597 1 baggagefriends 0.000039300
## 4598 2 baggagefriends 0.000003660
## 4599 1 baggages 0.000074900
## 4600 2 baggages 0.000003660
## 4601 1 baggin 0.000039300
## 4602 2 baggin 0.000003660
## 4603 1 baghu 0.000039300
## 4604 2 baghu 0.000003660
## 4605 1 bagi 0.000003570
## 4606 2 bagi 0.000040200
## 4607 1 bagless 0.000039300
## 4608 2 bagless 0.000003660
## 4609 1 bags 0.002572758
## 4610 2 bags 0.000003660
## 4611 1 bagus 0.000039300
## 4612 2 bagus 0.000003660
## 4613 1 bah 0.000003570
## 4614 2 bah 0.000040200
## 4615 1 bahahahaha 0.000003570
## 4616 2 bahahahaha 0.000040200
## 4617 1 bahhahe 0.000039300
## 4618 2 bahhahe 0.000003660
## 4619 1 bahrain 0.000074900
## 4620 2 bahrain 0.000003660
## 4621 1 baik 0.000003570
## 4622 2 baik 0.000040200
## 4623 1 bait 0.000074900
## 4624 2 bait 0.000003660
## 4625 1 bakehouse 0.000039300
## 4626 2 bakehouse 0.000003660
## 4627 1 bakit 0.000039300
## 4628 2 bakit 0.000003660
## 4629 1 balance 0.000074900
## 4630 2 balance 0.000003660
## 4631 1 baldwin 0.000003570
## 4632 2 baldwin 0.000040200
## 4633 1 bale 0.000003570
## 4634 2 bale 0.000040200
## 4635 1 bali 0.000039300
## 4636 2 bali 0.000040200
## 4637 1 balikan 0.000039300
## 4638 2 balikan 0.000003660
## 4639 1 balikpapan 0.000003570
## 4640 2 balikpapan 0.000076800
## 4641 1 balıkesir 0.000003570
## 4642 2 balıkesir 0.000296178
## 4643 1 ball 0.000003570
## 4644 2 ball 0.000113352
## 4645 1 baller 0.000003570
## 4646 2 baller 0.000076800
## 4647 1 balloon 0.000003570
## 4648 2 balloon 0.000040200
## 4649 1 ballos 0.000039300
## 4650 2 ballos 0.000003660
## 4651 1 balls 0.000003570
## 4652 2 balls 0.000113352
## 4653 1 balpapilots 0.000039300
## 4654 2 balpapilots 0.000003660
## 4655 1 baltimore 0.000146301
## 4656 2 baltimore 0.000040200
## 4657 1 baltimorewashingtoninternationalairport 0.000039300
## 4658 2 baltimorewashingtoninternationalairport 0.000003660
## 4659 1 bamachilld28 0.000003570
## 4660 2 bamachilld28 0.000040200
## 4661 1 bamboo 0.000039300
## 4662 2 bamboo 0.000003660
## 4663 1 banco 0.000003570
## 4664 2 banco 0.000076800
## 4665 1 band 0.000003570
## 4666 2 band 0.000040200
## 4667 1 bandiera 0.000039300
## 4668 2 bandiera 0.000003660
## 4669 1 bandung 0.000039300
## 4670 2 bandung 0.000003660
## 4671 1 bandwidth 0.000039300
## 4672 2 bandwidth 0.000003660
## 4673 1 bang 0.000003570
## 4674 2 bang 0.000040200
## 4675 1 bangalore 0.000039300
## 4676 2 bangalore 0.000040200
## 4677 1 bangkok 0.000003570
## 4678 2 bangkok 0.000076800
## 4679 1 bangladesh 0.000003570
## 4680 2 bangladesh 0.000040200
## 4681 1 bangun 0.000003570
## 4682 2 bangun 0.000040200
## 4683 1 banjarmasin 0.000074900
## 4684 2 banjarmasin 0.000003660
## 4685 1 bank 0.000074900
## 4686 2 bank 0.000003660
## 4687 1 bankrupt 0.000074900
## 4688 2 bankrupt 0.000003660
## 4689 1 banned 0.000039300
## 4690 2 banned 0.000003660
## 4691 1 banseaworld 0.000039300
## 4692 2 banseaworld 0.000003660
## 4693 1 banter 0.000003570
## 4694 2 banter 0.000040200
## 4695 1 bantu 0.000003570
## 4696 2 bantu 0.000040200
## 4697 1 banunited 0.000039300
## 4698 2 banunited 0.000003660
## 4699 1 banyuwangi 0.000074900
## 4700 2 banyuwangi 0.000003660
## 4701 1 bar 0.000253351
## 4702 2 bar 0.000003660
## 4703 1 barato 0.000074900
## 4704 2 barato 0.000003660
## 4705 1 barbarossansal 0.000039300
## 4706 2 barbarossansal 0.000003660
## 4707 1 barber 0.000039300
## 4708 2 barber 0.000003660
## 4709 1 barca 0.000039300
## 4710 2 barca 0.000003660
## 4711 1 barcelona 0.000003570
## 4712 2 barcelona 0.000479004
## 4713 1 barcodes 0.000039300
## 4714 2 barcodes 0.000003660
## 4715 1 bare 0.000039300
## 4716 2 bare 0.000003660
## 4717 1 barefare 0.000003570
## 4718 2 barefare 0.000076800
## 4719 1 barefoot 0.000039300
## 4720 2 barefoot 0.000003660
## 4721 1 barely 0.000074900
## 4722 2 barely 0.000003660
## 4723 1 bargain 0.000003570
## 4724 2 bargain 0.000040200
## 4725 1 barger 0.000003570
## 4726 2 barger 0.000040200
## 4727 1 bari 0.000003570
## 4728 2 bari 0.000113352
## 4729 1 baron 0.000003570
## 4730 2 baron 0.000040200
## 4731 1 barracas 0.000039300
## 4732 2 barracas 0.000003660
## 4733 1 barrel 0.000003570
## 4734 2 barrel 0.000040200
## 4735 1 barriers 0.000039300
## 4736 2 barriers 0.000003660
## 4737 1 barstoolboston 0.000039300
## 4738 2 barstoolboston 0.000003660
## 4739 1 bart 0.000003570
## 4740 2 bart 0.000040200
## 4741 1 bartlett 0.000003570
## 4742 2 bartlett 0.000040200
## 4743 1 bartvanmerwijk_ 0.000003570
## 4744 2 bartvanmerwijk_ 0.000040200
## 4745 1 baru 0.000003570
## 4746 2 baru 0.000076800
## 4747 1 bas 0.000039300
## 4748 2 bas 0.000003660
## 4749 1 basa 0.000003570
## 4750 2 basa 0.000040200
## 4751 1 basarsiniz.dunyanin 0.000003570
## 4752 2 basarsiniz.dunyanin 0.000040200
## 4753 1 base 0.000003570
## 4754 2 base 0.000040200
## 4755 1 based 0.000003570
## 4756 2 based 0.000259613
## 4757 1 basement 0.000039300
## 4758 2 basement 0.000003660
## 4759 1 bash 0.000003570
## 4760 2 bash 0.000442439
## 4761 1 basi 0.000003570
## 4762 2 basi 0.000040200
## 4763 1 basic 0.000003570
## 4764 2 basic 0.000076800
## 4765 1 basically 0.000003570
## 4766 2 basically 0.000076800
## 4767 1 basics 0.000003570
## 4768 2 basics 0.000113352
## 4769 1 basis 0.000003570
## 4770 2 basis 0.000040200
## 4771 1 basket 0.000039300
## 4772 2 basket 0.000003660
## 4773 1 basketball 0.000003570
## 4774 2 basketball 0.000040200
## 4775 1 başlıyor 0.000003570
## 4776 2 başlıyor 0.000040200
## 4777 1 basque 0.000039300
## 4778 2 basque 0.000003660
## 4779 1 basseyworld 0.000039300
## 4780 2 basseyworld 0.000003660
## 4781 1 bassinets 0.000039300
## 4782 2 bassinets 0.000003660
## 4783 1 basta 0.000003570
## 4784 2 basta 0.000040200
## 4785 1 bastards 0.000039300
## 4786 2 bastards 0.000003660
## 4787 1 bathing 0.000003570
## 4788 2 bathing 0.000040200
## 4789 1 bathroom 0.000003570
## 4790 2 bathroom 0.000149917
## 4791 1 bathrooms 0.000003570
## 4792 2 bathrooms 0.000076800
## 4793 1 battle 0.000217667
## 4794 2 battle 0.000003660
## 4795 1 baubau 0.000003570
## 4796 2 baubau 0.000040200
## 4797 1 bautizar 0.000003570
## 4798 2 bautizar 0.000040200
## 4799 1 bavula 0.000039300
## 4800 2 bavula 0.000003660
## 4801 1 bawian 0.000003570
## 4802 2 bawian 0.000040200
## 4803 1 bawling 0.000039300
## 4804 2 bawling 0.000003660
## 4805 1 bay 0.000003570
## 4806 2 bay 0.000149917
## 4807 1 bay_staatsoper 0.000039300
## 4808 2 bay_staatsoper 0.000003660
## 4809 1 bayanmo 0.000003570
## 4810 2 bayanmo 0.000040200
## 4811 1 bayar 0.000039300
## 4812 2 bayar 0.000003660
## 4813 1 bayaran 0.000003570
## 4814 2 bayaran 0.000040200
## 4815 1 bayi 0.000003570
## 4816 2 bayi 0.000040200
## 4817 1 bayiri 0.000039300
## 4818 2 bayiri 0.000003660
## 4819 1 baytrust 0.000003570
## 4820 2 baytrust 0.000040200
## 4821 1 bbb 0.000039300
## 4822 2 bbb 0.000003660
## 4823 1 bbb_media 0.000039300
## 4824 2 bbb_media 0.000003660
## 4825 1 bbc 0.000003570
## 4826 2 bbc 0.000149917
## 4827 1 bbclooknorth 0.000039300
## 4828 2 bbclooknorth 0.000003660
## 4829 1 bbcnews 0.000039300
## 4830 2 bbcnews 0.000003660
## 4831 1 bbi1kegvgi 0.000039300
## 4832 2 bbi1kegvgi 0.000003660
## 4833 1 bbishopairport 0.000039300
## 4834 2 bbishopairport 0.000003660
## 4835 1 bboy 0.000039300
## 4836 2 bboy 0.000003660
## 4837 1 bbq 0.000146301
## 4838 2 bbq 0.000003660
## 4839 1 bbrp 0.000039300
## 4840 2 bbrp 0.000003660
## 4841 1 bbva 0.000003570
## 4842 2 bbva 0.000040200
## 4843 1 bbzpedti7w 0.000003570
## 4844 2 bbzpedti7w 0.000040200
## 4845 1 bc 0.000003570
## 4846 2 bc 0.000771526
## 4847 1 bc9xoyj5sl 0.000003570
## 4848 2 bc9xoyj5sl 0.000040200
## 4849 1 bca 0.000003570
## 4850 2 bca 0.000040200
## 4851 1 bccma 0.000003570
## 4852 2 bccma 0.000040200
## 4853 1 bcn 0.000039300
## 4854 2 bcn 0.000296178
## 4855 1 bcoz 0.000039300
## 4856 2 bcoz 0.000003660
## 4857 1 bcreighton 0.000003570
## 4858 2 bcreighton 0.000040200
## 4859 1 bcus61rfel 0.000003570
## 4860 2 bcus61rfel 0.000040200
## 4861 1 bcwomensfdn 0.000003570
## 4862 2 bcwomensfdn 0.000040200
## 4863 1 bcylgcqhlg 0.000039300
## 4864 2 bcylgcqhlg 0.000003660
## 4865 1 bday 0.000074900
## 4866 2 bday 0.000003660
## 4867 1 bdcwuzxcvx 0.000003570
## 4868 2 bdcwuzxcvx 0.000040200
## 4869 1 bdjjaqwxhs 0.000039300
## 4870 2 bdjjaqwxhs 0.000003660
## 4871 1 bdkd3umqwc 0.000003570
## 4872 2 bdkd3umqwc 0.000040200
## 4873 1 bdl 0.000110618
## 4874 2 bdl 0.000003660
## 4875 1 beach 0.000396083
## 4876 2 beach 0.000003660
## 4877 1 beachbumatt 0.000003570
## 4878 2 beachbumatt 0.000040200
## 4879 1 beacons 0.000003570
## 4880 2 beacons 0.000040200
## 4881 1 bearable 0.000003570
## 4882 2 bearable 0.000040200
## 4883 1 bears 0.000003570
## 4884 2 bears 0.000040200
## 4885 1 beast 0.000039300
## 4886 2 beast 0.000003660
## 4887 1 beat 0.000003570
## 4888 2 beat 0.000259613
## 4889 1 beating 0.000003570
## 4890 2 beating 0.000040200
## 4891 1 beaucoup 0.000003570
## 4892 2 beaucoup 0.000040200
## 4893 1 beaumont 0.000039300
## 4894 2 beaumont 0.000003660
## 4895 1 beauties 0.000039300
## 4896 2 beauties 0.000003660
## 4897 1 beautiful 0.000396083
## 4898 2 beautiful 0.000223048
## 4899 1 beauty 0.000003570
## 4900 2 beauty 0.000076800
## 4901 1 beauvais 0.000003570
## 4902 2 beauvais 0.000040200
## 4903 1 bebas 0.000039300
## 4904 2 bebas 0.000003660
## 4905 1 bebê 0.000003570
## 4906 2 bebê 0.000040200
## 4907 1 beberapa 0.000039300
## 4908 2 beberapa 0.000003660
## 4909 1 bec 0.000110618
## 4910 2 bec 0.000003660
## 4911 1 bec7ford 0.000003570
## 4912 2 bec7ford 0.000040200
## 4913 1 beccamex 0.000003570
## 4914 2 beccamex 0.000040200
## 4915 1 beckys 0.000003570
## 4916 2 beckys 0.000040200
## 4917 1 becoz 0.000039300
## 4918 2 becoz 0.000003660
## 4919 1 bed 0.000146301
## 4920 2 bed 0.000003660
## 4921 1 bedankt 0.000003570
## 4922 2 bedankt 0.000332743
## 4923 1 bedava 0.000039300
## 4924 2 bedava 0.000003660
## 4925 1 bedding 0.000003570
## 4926 2 bedding 0.000040200
## 4927 1 bedoelde 0.000003570
## 4928 2 bedoelde 0.000040200
## 4929 1 bedoeling 0.000003570
## 4930 2 bedoeling 0.000040200
## 4931 1 bee_ruud 0.000003570
## 4932 2 bee_ruud 0.000040200
## 4933 1 beef 0.000003570
## 4934 2 beef 0.000113352
## 4935 1 beeheintzskol 0.000039300
## 4936 2 beeheintzskol 0.000003660
## 4937 1 beelineconf 0.000003570
## 4938 2 beelineconf 0.000040200
## 4939 1 beer 0.000039300
## 4940 2 beer 0.000003660
## 4941 1 beers 0.000003570
## 4942 2 beers 0.000040200
## 4943 1 beetje 0.000003570
## 4944 2 beetje 0.000076800
## 4945 1 begging 0.000039300
## 4946 2 begging 0.000003660
## 4947 1 begin 0.000003570
## 4948 2 begin 0.000113352
## 4949 1 beginnen 0.000003570
## 4950 2 beginnen 0.000040200
## 4951 1 beginning 0.000146301
## 4952 2 beginning 0.000003660
## 4953 1 begins 0.000110618
## 4954 2 begins 0.000003660
## 4955 1 begrijp 0.000003570
## 4956 2 begrijp 0.000040200
## 4957 1 behalf 0.000003570
## 4958 2 behalf 0.000113352
## 4959 1 behandeling 0.000003570
## 4960 2 behandeling 0.000040200
## 4961 1 behave 0.000039300
## 4962 2 behave 0.000003660
## 4963 1 behavior 0.000039300
## 4964 2 behavior 0.000076800
## 4965 1 behoorlijk 0.000039300
## 4966 2 behoorlijk 0.000003660
## 4967 1 behulpzame 0.000003570
## 4968 2 behulpzame 0.000040200
## 4969 1 bei 0.000003570
## 4970 2 bei 0.000113352
## 4971 1 beken 0.000003570
## 4972 2 beken 0.000040200
## 4973 1 bekend 0.000003570
## 4974 2 bekend 0.000076800
## 4975 1 bekleme 0.000003570
## 4976 2 bekleme 0.000040200
## 4977 1 beklesin 0.000003570
## 4978 2 beklesin 0.000040200
## 4979 1 bekliyoruz 0.000039300
## 4980 2 bekliyoruz 0.000076800
## 4981 1 bekrompen 0.000003570
## 4982 2 bekrompen 0.000040200
## 4983 1 bel 0.000074900
## 4984 2 bel 0.000003660
## 4985 1 belachelijk 0.000074900
## 4986 2 belachelijk 0.000003660
## 4987 1 belang 0.000039300
## 4988 2 belang 0.000003660
## 4989 1 belarg 0.000039300
## 4990 2 belarg 0.000003660
## 4991 1 belavia_by 0.000039300
## 4992 2 belavia_by 0.000003660
## 4993 1 beleid 0.000003570
## 4994 2 beleid 0.000040200
## 4995 1 belfast 0.000003570
## 4996 2 belfast 0.000186483
## 4997 1 belgian 0.000039300
## 4998 2 belgian 0.000003660
## 4999 1 bélgica 0.000003570
## 5000 2 bélgica 0.000040200
## 5001 1 belgien 0.000039300
## 5002 2 belgien 0.000003660
## 5003 1 belgijskie 0.000039300
## 5004 2 belgijskie 0.000003660
## 5005 1 belgium 0.000146301
## 5006 2 belgium 0.000003660
## 5007 1 belgiumreddevils 0.000003570
## 5008 2 belgiumreddevils 0.000040200
## 5009 1 belgrade 0.000039300
## 5010 2 belgrade 0.000003660
## 5011 1 beli 0.000003570
## 5012 2 beli 0.000149917
## 5013 1 belice 0.000074900
## 5014 2 belice 0.000040200
## 5015 1 belitung 0.000039300
## 5016 2 belitung 0.000003660
## 5017 1 belize 0.000039300
## 5018 2 belize 0.000003660
## 5019 1 belk 0.000039300
## 5020 2 belk 0.000003660
## 5021 1 bella 0.000003570
## 5022 2 bella 0.000040200
## 5023 1 belly 0.000039300
## 5024 2 belly 0.000003660
## 5025 1 belmaxo 0.000003570
## 5026 2 belmaxo 0.000040200
## 5027 1 beloftes 0.000003570
## 5028 2 beloftes 0.000040200
## 5029 1 belongings 0.000003570
## 5030 2 belongings 0.000040200
## 5031 1 belongs 0.000039300
## 5032 2 belongs 0.000003660
## 5033 1 beloofde 0.000003570
## 5034 2 beloofde 0.000040200
## 5035 1 belt 0.000003570
## 5036 2 belt 0.000223048
## 5037 1 beltcom 0.000074900
## 5038 2 beltcom 0.000003660
## 5039 1 beltrew 0.000039300
## 5040 2 beltrew 0.000003660
## 5041 1 belusa 0.000074900
## 5042 2 belusa 0.000003660
## 5043 1 bem 0.000003570
## 5044 2 bem 0.000040200
## 5045 1 bémol 0.000003570
## 5046 2 bémol 0.000040200
## 5047 1 ben 0.000003570
## 5048 2 ben 0.000405874
## 5049 1 ben's 0.000003570
## 5050 2 ben's 0.000040200
## 5051 1 benar 0.000039300
## 5052 2 benar 0.000003660
## 5053 1 bence 0.000039300
## 5054 2 bence 0.000040200
## 5055 1 bench 0.000039300
## 5056 2 bench 0.000003660
## 5057 1 benchmark 0.000003570
## 5058 2 benchmark 0.000040200
## 5059 1 bendable 0.000039300
## 5060 2 bendable 0.000003660
## 5061 1 beneficiosprivilege 0.000003570
## 5062 2 beneficiosprivilege 0.000040200
## 5063 1 benefit 0.000003570
## 5064 2 benefit 0.000040200
## 5065 1 benefits 0.000039300
## 5066 2 benefits 0.000113352
## 5067 1 benetton 0.000003570
## 5068 2 benetton 0.000040200
## 5069 1 benfits 0.000003570
## 5070 2 benfits 0.000040200
## 5071 1 benflaim 0.000039300
## 5072 2 benflaim 0.000003660
## 5073 1 bengafaro 0.000039300
## 5074 2 bengafaro 0.000003660
## 5075 1 beni 0.000003570
## 5076 2 beni 0.000040200
## 5077 1 beni̇ 0.000003570
## 5078 2 beni̇ 0.000040200
## 5079 1 benieuwd 0.000074900
## 5080 2 benieuwd 0.000040200
## 5081 1 benim 0.000003570
## 5082 2 benim 0.000040200
## 5083 1 benja 0.000003570
## 5084 2 benja 0.000040200
## 5085 1 benjaminharvey 0.000003570
## 5086 2 benjaminharvey 0.000040200
## 5087 1 bennyaziz 0.000039300
## 5088 2 bennyaziz 0.000003660
## 5089 1 benparr 0.000003570
## 5090 2 benparr 0.000040200
## 5091 1 benson_eu 0.000039300
## 5092 2 benson_eu 0.000003660
## 5093 1 bent 0.000003570
## 5094 2 bent 0.000113352
## 5095 1 bentobox 0.000039300
## 5096 2 bentobox 0.000003660
## 5097 1 bentomomma 0.000039300
## 5098 2 bentomomma 0.000003660
## 5099 1 benwinston 0.000181984
## 5100 2 benwinston 0.000003660
## 5101 1 beperkt 0.000003570
## 5102 2 beperkt 0.000040200
## 5103 1 berapa 0.000003570
## 5104 2 berapa 0.000113352
## 5105 1 bereiken 0.000003570
## 5106 2 bereiken 0.000040200
## 5107 1 berggo 0.000003570
## 5108 2 berggo 0.000040200
## 5109 1 berlin 0.000003570
## 5110 2 berlin 0.000113352
## 5111 1 bermuda 0.000003570
## 5112 2 bermuda 0.000040200
## 5113 1 bernam 0.000039300
## 5114 2 bernam 0.000003660
## 5115 1 berns 0.000039300
## 5116 2 berns 0.000003660
## 5117 1 bersama 0.000039300
## 5118 2 bersama 0.000003660
## 5119 1 bertine83 0.000003570
## 5120 2 bertine83 0.000040200
## 5121 1 bertorui 0.000039300
## 5122 2 bertorui 0.000003660
## 5123 1 besoin 0.000039300
## 5124 2 besoin 0.000003660
## 5125 1 bessiejking 0.000003570
## 5126 2 bessiejking 0.000040200
## 5127 1 beste 0.000003570
## 5128 2 beste 0.000040200
## 5129 1 bestemming 0.000003570
## 5130 2 bestemming 0.000040200
## 5131 1 bestewerkgevers 0.000003570
## 5132 2 bestewerkgevers 0.000076800
## 5133 1 bestfare 0.000039300
## 5134 2 bestfare 0.000003660
## 5135 1 bestmanless 0.000039300
## 5136 2 bestmanless 0.000003660
## 5137 1 bestsummerever 0.000110618
## 5138 2 bestsummerever 0.000003660
## 5139 1 bestuurder 0.000003570
## 5140 2 bestuurder 0.000040200
## 5141 1 bet 0.000039300
## 5142 2 bet 0.000186483
## 5143 1 beta 0.000074900
## 5144 2 beta 0.000003660
## 5145 1 betaald 0.000003570
## 5146 2 betaald 0.000040200
## 5147 1 betalen 0.000110618
## 5148 2 betalen 0.000003660
## 5149 1 betalings 0.000003570
## 5150 2 betalings 0.000040200
## 5151 1 betekenen 0.000074900
## 5152 2 betekenen 0.000003660
## 5153 1 betere 0.000039300
## 5154 2 betere 0.000003660
## 5155 1 beth 0.000146301
## 5156 2 beth 0.000003660
## 5157 1 bethany 0.000039300
## 5158 2 bethany 0.000003660
## 5159 1 bethany's 0.000074900
## 5160 2 bethany's 0.000003660
## 5161 1 bethanymota 0.000003570
## 5162 2 bethanymota 0.001027482
## 5163 1 bethanymota's 0.000003570
## 5164 2 bethanymota's 0.000040200
## 5165 1 bethanyng 0.000039300
## 5166 2 bethanyng 0.000003660
## 5167 1 bettemidler 0.000003570
## 5168 2 bettemidler 0.000040200
## 5169 1 bettermakemyconnectingflightdfw 0.000039300
## 5170 2 bettermakemyconnectingflightdfw 0.000003660
## 5171 1 betterthanfirstclass 0.000074900
## 5172 2 betterthanfirstclass 0.000003660
## 5173 1 betwixt 0.000003570
## 5174 2 betwixt 0.000040200
## 5175 1 beuhhh 0.000003570
## 5176 2 beuhhh 0.000040200
## 5177 1 bev 0.000003570
## 5178 2 bev 0.000040200
## 5179 1 beverage 0.000110618
## 5180 2 beverage 0.000003660
## 5181 1 beverages 0.000074900
## 5182 2 beverages 0.000003660
## 5183 1 beverlywilshire 0.000039300
## 5184 2 beverlywilshire 0.000003660
## 5185 1 beware 0.000003570
## 5186 2 beware 0.000076800
## 5187 1 beyondthesuit14 0.000003570
## 5188 2 beyondthesuit14 0.000040200
## 5189 1 bez 0.000039300
## 5190 2 bez 0.000003660
## 5191 1 bezig 0.000039300
## 5192 2 bezig 0.000003660
## 5193 1 bezoek 0.000110618
## 5194 2 bezoek 0.000003660
## 5195 1 bf 0.000003570
## 5196 2 bf 0.000076800
## 5197 1 bffy8kwxzt 0.000003570
## 5198 2 bffy8kwxzt 0.000040200
## 5199 1 bfjqvy8bw9 0.000003570
## 5200 2 bfjqvy8bw9 0.000040200
## 5201 1 bfosvmlnqr 0.000003570
## 5202 2 bfosvmlnqr 0.000040200
## 5203 1 bggyhfto9g 0.000039300
## 5204 2 bggyhfto9g 0.000003660
## 5205 1 bgm 0.000003570
## 5206 2 bgm 0.000040200
## 5207 1 bh_social 0.000003570
## 5208 2 bh_social 0.000040200
## 5209 1 bhaijaan 0.000003570
## 5210 2 bhaijaan 0.000040200
## 5211 1 bhamairport 0.000039300
## 5212 2 bhamairport 0.000003660
## 5213 1 bharris901 0.000003570
## 5214 2 bharris901 0.000040200
## 5215 1 bharu 0.000003570
## 5216 2 bharu 0.000040200
## 5217 1 bhbrowne 0.000003570
## 5218 2 bhbrowne 0.000040200
## 5219 1 bhrnfxizur 0.000003570
## 5220 2 bhrnfxizur 0.000040200
## 5221 1 bhx 0.000003570
## 5222 2 bhx 0.000040200
## 5223 1 bi 0.000110618
## 5224 2 bi 0.000003660
## 5225 1 bianca 0.000039300
## 5226 2 bianca 0.000003660
## 5227 1 biaq 0.000039300
## 5228 2 biaq 0.000003660
## 5229 1 biarritz 0.000003570
## 5230 2 biarritz 0.000040200
## 5231 1 biased 0.000003570
## 5232 2 biased 0.000040200
## 5233 1 biaya 0.000039300
## 5234 2 biaya 0.000003660
## 5235 1 bibliophile4lyf 0.000003570
## 5236 2 bibliophile4lyf 0.000040200
## 5237 1 biceps 0.000003570
## 5238 2 biceps 0.000040200
## 5239 1 bicos 0.000039300
## 5240 2 bicos 0.000003660
## 5241 1 bid 0.000039300
## 5242 2 bid 0.000003660
## 5243 1 bidaha 0.000039300
## 5244 2 bidaha 0.000003660
## 5245 1 bie 0.000003570
## 5246 2 bie 0.000040200
## 5247 1 bien 0.000360400
## 5248 2 bien 0.000003660
## 5249 1 bigger 0.000146301
## 5250 2 bigger 0.000003660
## 5251 1 biggest 0.000181984
## 5252 2 biggest 0.000003660
## 5253 1 biggie 0.000039300
## 5254 2 biggie 0.000003660
## 5255 1 biggold 0.000003570
## 5256 2 biggold 0.000040200
## 5257 1 biggovt 0.000003570
## 5258 2 biggovt 0.000040200
## 5259 1 bigjosh797 0.000039300
## 5260 2 bigjosh797 0.000003660
## 5261 1 biglietteria 0.000003570
## 5262 2 biglietteria 0.000040200
## 5263 1 bigreds_iolsc 0.000039300
## 5264 2 bigreds_iolsc 0.000003660
## 5265 1 bigtime 0.000003570
## 5266 2 bigtime 0.000040200
## 5267 1 bigtopps00d 0.000003570
## 5268 2 bigtopps00d 0.000040200
## 5269 1 bij 0.000003570
## 5270 2 bij 0.000552135
## 5271 1 bijbetaald 0.000003570
## 5272 2 bijbetaald 0.000040200
## 5273 1 bijbetalen 0.000003570
## 5274 2 bijbetalen 0.000040200
## 5275 1 bijgeschreven 0.000039300
## 5276 2 bijgeschreven 0.000003660
## 5277 1 bijna 0.000003570
## 5278 2 bijna 0.000040200
## 5279 1 bike 0.000039300
## 5280 2 bike 0.000040200
## 5281 1 bikes 0.000110618
## 5282 2 bikes 0.000003660
## 5283 1 bila 0.000039300
## 5284 2 bila 0.000003660
## 5285 1 bilbao 0.000039300
## 5286 2 bilbao 0.000040200
## 5287 1 bild 0.000039300
## 5288 2 bild 0.000003660
## 5289 1 bile 0.000110618
## 5290 2 bile 0.000003660
## 5291 1 bilen 0.000039300
## 5292 2 bilen 0.000003660
## 5293 1 bilet 0.000003570
## 5294 2 bilet 0.000113352
## 5295 1 bileti 0.000039300
## 5296 2 bileti 0.000003660
## 5297 1 biletimi 0.000039300
## 5298 2 biletimi 0.000003660
## 5299 1 bilgi 0.000003570
## 5300 2 bilgi 0.000040200
## 5301 1 bilhete 0.000039300
## 5302 2 bilhete 0.000040200
## 5303 1 biliosunuz 0.000039300
## 5304 2