In some circumstances centrality - the quality of being connected to central ones - has limited utility in predicting the locus of power in networks. Consider exchange networks, where the relationship in the network involves the transfer of valued items (i.e., information, time, money, energy). A set of exchange relations is positive if exchange in one relation promotes exchange in others and negative if exchange in one relation inhibits exchange in others. In negative exchange networks, power comes from being connected to those who have few options. Being connected to those who have many possibilities reduces one's power.
Think, for instance, to a social network in which time is the exchanged value. Imagine that every actor has a limited time to listen to others and that each actor divides its time between its neighbors. Clearly, exchange of time in one relation precludes the exchange of the same time in other relations. What are the actors that receive most attention? These are the nodes that are connected to many neighbors with few options, since they receive almost full attention from all their neighbors. On the other hand, actors connected to few neighbors with a lot of possibilities receive little consideration, since their neighbors are mostly busy with others.
The power thesis is as follows:
A node is powerful if it is connected with powerless nodes.Power of node is given by:
Power can be computed with the following iterative process. Let , where is the vector of all 1's. For :
By Sinkhorn-Knopp theorem (on symmetric matrices), power exists, and the corresponding iterative method converges, if and only if matrix the corresponding graph is regularizable. The regularizability problem is equivalent to the following linear programming feasibility problem:
The following user-defined function regularify checks is a graph is regularizable and in case gives the regularization solution. It uses the lpSolve and lpSolveAPI packages for solving linear, integer and mixed integer programs. In order to find a positive solution , the program solves the linear problem , with , where is the incidence matrix with one additional column , is a vector with node degrees, and is a vector with weight variables and an additional variable for the regularization degree. Setting , the problem corresponds to , with the constrain that .
regularify = function (g) {
n = vcount(g)
m = ecount(g)
E = get.edges(g, E(g))
B = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m)
# build incidence matrix
for (i in 1:m) {
B[E[i,1], i] = 1
B[E[i,2], i] = 1
# objective function
obj = rep(0, m + 1)
# constraint matrix
con = cbind(B, rep(-1, n))
# direction of constraints
dir = rep("=", n)
# right hand side terms
rhs = -degree(g)
# solve the LP problem
sol = lp("max", obj, con, dir, rhs)
# get solution
if (sol$status == 0) {
s = sol$solution
# weights
w = s[1:m] + 1
# weighted degree
d = s[m+1]
# return the solution
if (sol$status == 0) return(list(weights = w, degree = d)) else return(NULL)
The following user-defined function power computes power using a direct computation on a regularizable adjacency matrix A:
# Compute power x = (1/x) A
# A = graph adjacency matrix
# t = precision
# A list with:
# vector = power vector
# iter = number of iterations
power = function(A, t) {
n = dim(A)[1];
# x_2k
x0 = rep(0, n);
# x_2k+1
x1 = rep(1, n);
# x_2k+2
x2 = rep(1, n);
diff = 1
eps = 1/10^t;
iter = 0;
while (diff > eps) {
x0 = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = (1/x2) %*% A;
diff = sum(abs(x2 - x0));
iter = iter + 1;
# it holds now: alpha x2 = (1/x2) A
alpha = ((1/x2) %*% A[,1]) / x2[1];
# hence sqrt(alpha) * x2 = (1/(sqrt(alpha) * x2)) A
x2 = sqrt(alpha) %*% x2;
return(list(vector = as.vector(x2), iter = iter))