Keener's method is a recursive technique based on Perron-Frobenius theorem. Let be the number of points, or any other relevant statistics, that scores against and be the strength of compared to . The strength can be interpreted as the probability that will defeat team in the future. For instance,
The Keener's rating is the solution of the following recursive equation:
This is in fact eigenfactor centrality applied to strength matrix . Assuming that matrix is nonnegative and irreducible (or equivalently that the graph of is connected), Perron-Frobenius theorem guarantees that a rating solution exists.
The following user-defined function keener computes the Keener's method:
# Keener
# ASSUMPTION: graph of A is strongly connected
# matches: matches data frame
# teams: team names
# r: Keener rating
# value = eigenvalue
# A: match matrix
# g: match graph
keener = function(matches, teams) {
# number of teams
n = length(teams)
# number of matches
m = dim(matches)[1]
# match matrix
A = matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)
# populate match matrix
for (i in 1:m) {
p = matches[i,"team1"]
q = matches[i,"team2"]
s1 = matches[i, "score1"]
s2 = matches[i, "score2"]
A[p,q] = (s1 + 1) / (s1 + s2 + 2);
A[q,p] = (s2 + 1) / (s1 + s2 + 2);
# check assumptions
g = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A, mode="directed", weighted=TRUE)
if (!is.connected(g, mode="strong")) {
cat("The graph is not strongly connected")
e = eigen(A)
v = e$values[1]
r = Re(e$vectors[,1])
if (r[1] < 0) {
r = -r
names(r) = teams
V(g)$teams = teams
return(list(r = r, value = v, A = A, g = g))