youtube video link with explanations for these examples

Easiest way to create Sankey diagram from your own data in ggplot.

Use the ggsankey package and create your own Data driven Sankey chart. Full customisation is available as the plot is a ggplot object and you can control the look and feel as you want it.

When you have to create a sankey diagram to use in your publications, MS Word document or a PowerPoint document, then this is the most practical and easy approach to use.

Create data labels with numbers and percentages at each node.

Just define the columns which you want to use, customise the colours using the themes and then save it as an image file on your desktop.

Packages used

This example uses the ggsankey package which I think is a great package and does it job effectively and easily.

As this package is not in CRAN that means you would have to install it from the author’s github.

Install the remotes package firstt. Then use the install_github command to install the package.




Create the sample data

Note that this data is not aggregated. Each record is for a patient and there is no need to do any aggregation, counting or summing up..

#Create data which can be used for Sankey

# Simple

t1 <- sample(x = c("Hosp A", "Hosp B", "Hosp C","Hosp D") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t2 <- sample(x = c("Male", "Female")   , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t3 <- sample(x = c("Survived", "Died") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)

d <- data.frame(cbind(t1,t2,t3))
names(d) <- c('Hospital', 'Gender',  'Outcome')

##   Hospital Gender  Outcome
## 1   Hosp B   Male Survived
## 2   Hosp C Female Survived
## 3   Hosp D   Male Survived
## 4   Hosp C   Male Survived
## 5   Hosp C   Male     Died
## 6   Hosp A   Male Survived

Transform the data to make it ready for the sankey chart creation

All you need to do is the make_long command ( from the ggsankey package). Provide the data columns which you would like to see in your sankey chart

# Step 1
df <- d %>%
  make_long(Hospital, Gender, Outcome)
FALSE # A tibble: 300 x 4
FALSE    x        node     next_x  next_node
FALSE    <fct>    <chr>    <fct>   <chr>    
FALSE  1 Hospital Hosp B   Gender  Male     
FALSE  2 Gender   Male     Outcome Survived 
FALSE  3 Outcome  Survived <NA>    <NA>     
FALSE  4 Hospital Hosp C   Gender  Female   
FALSE  5 Gender   Female   Outcome Survived 
FALSE  6 Outcome  Survived <NA>    <NA>     
FALSE  7 Hospital Hosp D   Gender  Male     
FALSE  8 Gender   Male     Outcome Survived 
FALSE  9 Outcome  Survived <NA>    <NA>     
FALSE 10 Hospital Hosp C   Gender  Male     
FALSE # ... with 290 more rows

Create the first sankey chart

# Chart 1
pl <- ggplot(df, aes(x = x
                     , next_x = next_x
                     , node = node
                     , next_node = next_node
                     , fill = factor(node)
                     , label = node)
pl <- pl +geom_sankey(flow.alpha = 0.5
                      , node.color = "black"
                      ,show.legend = FALSE)
pl <- pl +geom_sankey_label(size = 3, color = "black", fill= "white", hjust = -0.5)
pl <- pl +  theme_bw()
pl <- pl + theme(legend.position = "none")
pl <- pl +  theme(axis.title = element_blank()
                  , axis.text.y = element_blank()
                  , axis.ticks = element_blank()  
                  , panel.grid = element_blank())
pl <- pl + scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "inferno")
pl <- pl + labs(title = "Sankey diagram using ggplot")
pl <- pl + labs(subtitle = "using  David Sjoberg's ggsankey package")
pl <- pl + labs(caption = "@techanswers88")
pl <- pl + labs(fill = 'Nodes')

How to show the data labels with the values (count) of each node.

We create the count of the data grouped by node (dataset dagg)and then merge the data back to our dataset which has been created by using the make_long command ( dataset df).

#Create data which can be used for Sankey

# Simple

t1 <- sample(x = c("Hosp A", "Hosp B", "Hosp C","Hosp D") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t2 <- sample(x = c("Male", "Female")   , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t3 <- sample(x = c("Survived", "Died") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)

d <- data.frame(cbind(t1,t2,t3))
names(d) <- c('Hospital', 'Gender',  'Outcome')

# Step 1
df <- d %>%
  make_long(Hospital, Gender, Outcome)

# Step 2
dagg <- df%>%

# Step 3
df2 <- merge(df, dagg, by.x = 'node', by.y = 'node', all.x = TRUE)

# Chart 2
pl <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = x
                      , next_x = next_x
                      , node = node
                      , next_node = next_node
                      , fill = factor(node)
                      , label = paste0(node," n=", n)
pl <- pl +geom_sankey(flow.alpha = 0.5,  color = "gray40", show.legend = TRUE)
pl <- pl +geom_sankey_label(size = 3, color = "white", fill= "gray40", hjust = -0.2)

pl <- pl +  theme_bw()
pl <- pl + theme(legend.position = "none")
pl <- pl +  theme(axis.title = element_blank()
                  , axis.text.y = element_blank()
                  , axis.ticks = element_blank()  
                  , panel.grid = element_blank())
pl <- pl + scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "inferno")
pl <- pl + labs(title = "Sankey diagram using ggplot")
pl <- pl + labs(subtitle = "using  David Sjoberg's ggsankey package")
pl <- pl + labs(caption = "@techanswers88")
pl <- pl + labs(fill = 'Nodes')


Sankey with bit more complicated data

See how it performs when our data is bit more complicated. Now we have 26 different hospitals. We also have the age of the patients and we would create different age-groups for the patients. We also have a discarge facility to where the patients will go after they get discharged from their hospital. In this example we will use the geom_sankey_text to create our label instead of the geom_sankey_label option.

t1 <- sample(paste("Hosp", letters), size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t2 <- sample(x = c("Male", "Female")   , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t3 <- floor(runif(100, min = 0, max = 110))
t4 <- sample(x = c("Survived", "Died") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t5  <- sample(paste("Facility ", letters), size = 100, replace=TRUE)

d <- data.frame(cbind(t1,t2,t3,t4, t5))
names(d) <- c('Hospital', 'Gender', 'AgeYears', 'Outcome', 'Dischargeto')

d$AgeYears <- as.integer(d$AgeYears)
d$AgeGroup <- cut(d$AgeYears, 
                  breaks = c(-Inf
                             ,5 ,10 ,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60 ,65,70,75,80,85
                             , Inf), 
                  labels = c("0-4 years"
                             ,"5-9 years","10-14 years","15-19 years","20-24 years"
                             ,"25-29 years","30-34 years","35-39 years","40-44 years"
                             ,"45-49 years","50-54 years","55-59 years","60-64 years"
                             ,"65-69 years","70-74 years","75-79 years","80-84 years"
                             ,"85+ years"),
                  right = FALSE)

# Step 1
df <- d %>%
  make_long(Hospital, Gender,AgeGroup, Outcome,Dischargeto)

# Step 2
dagg <- df%>%

# Step 3
df2 <- merge(df, dagg, by.x = 'node', by.y = 'node', all.x = TRUE)

# Chart
pl <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = x
                      , next_x = next_x
                      , node = node
                      , next_node = next_node
                      , fill = factor(node)
                      , label = paste0(node," n=", n)
pl <- pl +geom_sankey(flow.alpha = 0.5, node.color = "black",show.legend = TRUE)
pl <- pl +geom_sankey_text(size = 2, color = "blue", hjust = -0.5)
#pl <- pl +geom_sankey_label(size = 2, color = "black", fill= "white", hjust = -0.1)
pl <- pl +  theme_bw()
pl <- pl + theme_sankey(base_size = 16) 
pl <- pl + theme(legend.position = "none")
pl <- pl + labs(title = "Sankey diagram using ggplot")
pl <- pl + labs(subtitle = "using David Sjoberg's ggsankey package")
pl <- pl + labs(caption = "@techanswers88")
pl <- pl + labs(fill = 'Nodes')

pl <- pl +  theme(axis.title = element_blank()
                  , axis.text.y = element_blank()
                  , axis.ticks = element_blank()  
                  , panel.grid = element_blank())

pl <- pl + scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "inferno")

How to show percentage in the data labels

t1 <- sample(x = c("Hosp A", "Hosp B", "Hosp C","Hosp D") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t2 <- sample(x = c("Male", "Female")   , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t3 <- sample(x = c("Survived", "Died") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)

d <- data.frame(cbind(t1,t2,t3))
names(d) <- c('Hospital', 'Gender',  'Outcome')

TotalCount = nrow(d)
# Step 1
df <- d %>%
  make_long(Hospital, Gender, Outcome)

# Step 2
dagg <- df%>%

dagg <- dagg%>%
  dplyr::mutate(pct = n/TotalCount)

# Step 3
df2 <- merge(df, dagg, by.x = 'node', by.y = 'node', all.x = TRUE)

pl <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = x
                      , next_x = next_x
                      , node = node
                      , next_node = next_node
                      , fill = factor(node)
                      , label = paste0(node," n=", n, '(',  round(pct* 100,1), '%)' ))
pl <- pl +geom_sankey(flow.alpha = 0.5,  color = "gray40", show.legend = TRUE)
  pl <- pl +geom_sankey_label(size = 2, color = "black", fill= "white", hjust = -0.1)

pl <- pl +  theme_bw()
pl <- pl + theme(legend.position = "none")
pl <- pl +  theme(axis.title = element_blank()
                  , axis.text.y = element_blank()
                  , axis.ticks = element_blank()  
                  , panel.grid = element_blank())
pl <- pl + scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "inferno")
pl <- pl + labs(title = "Sankey diagram using ggplot")
pl <- pl + labs(subtitle = "using  David Sjoberg's ggsankey package")
pl <- pl + labs(caption = "@techanswers88")
pl <- pl + labs(fill = 'Nodes')
pl <- pl + scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "inferno")

How to control the colours of each node manually

You can create a colour for each node manually using the scale_fill_manual If you do not provide a colour for a node then it will be shown by default in grey colour.

t1 <- sample(x = c("Hosp A", "Hosp B", "Hosp C","Hosp D") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t2 <- sample(x = c("Male", "Female")   , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t3 <- sample(x = c("Survived", "Died") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)

d <- data.frame(cbind(t1,t2,t3))
names(d) <- c('Hospital', 'Gender',  'Outcome')

TotalCount = nrow(d)
# Step 1
df <- d %>%
  make_long(Hospital, Gender, Outcome)

# Step 2
dagg <- df%>%

dagg <- dagg%>%
  dplyr::mutate(pct = n/TotalCount)

# Step 3
df2 <- merge(df, dagg, by.x = 'node', by.y = 'node', all.x = TRUE)

pl <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = x
                      , next_x = next_x
                      , node = node
                      , next_node = next_node
                      , fill = factor(node)
                      , label = paste0(node," n=", n, '(',  round(pct* 100,1), '%)' ))
pl <- pl +geom_sankey(flow.alpha = 0.5,  color = "gray40", show.legend = TRUE)
  pl <- pl +geom_sankey_label(size = 2, color = "black", fill= "white", hjust = -0.1)

pl <- pl +  theme_bw()
pl <- pl + theme(legend.position = "none")
pl <- pl +  theme(axis.title = element_blank()
                  , axis.text.y = element_blank()
                  , axis.ticks = element_blank()  
                  , panel.grid = element_blank())
pl <- pl + scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "inferno")
pl <- pl + labs(title = "Sankey diagram using ggplot")
pl <- pl + labs(subtitle = "using  David Sjoberg's ggsankey package")
pl <- pl + labs(caption = "@techanswers88")
pl <- pl + labs(fill = 'Nodes')

pl <- pl + scale_fill_manual(values = c('Died'    = "black"
                                        ,'Female'  ="red"
                                        ,'Hosp A'  = "green"
                                        ,'Hosp B'  = "blue"
                                        ,'Hosp C'  = "orange"
                                        ,'Hosp D'  = "yellow"
                                        ,'Survived'=  "green"
) )


How to highlight a node manually

Sometimes you would want to highlight a particular node. In this case we have provide the colour in scale_fill_manual for only those nodes which we want to highlight, all remaining nodes appear in grey colour by default.

t1 <- sample(x = c("Hosp A", "Hosp B", "Hosp C","Hosp D") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t2 <- sample(x = c("Male", "Female")   , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t3 <- sample(x = c("Survived", "Died") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)

d <- data.frame(cbind(t1,t2,t3))
names(d) <- c('Hospital', 'Gender',  'Outcome')

TotalCount = nrow(d)
# Step 1
df <- d %>%
  make_long(Hospital, Gender, Outcome)

# Step 2
dagg <- df%>%

dagg <- dagg%>%
  dplyr::mutate(pct = n/TotalCount)

# Step 3
df2 <- merge(df, dagg, by.x = 'node', by.y = 'node', all.x = TRUE)

pl <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = x
                      , next_x = next_x
                      , node = node
                      , next_node = next_node
                      , fill = factor(node)
                      , label = paste0(node," n=", n, '(',  round(pct* 100,1), '%)' ))
pl <- pl +geom_sankey(flow.alpha = 0.5,  color = "gray40", show.legend = TRUE)
  pl <- pl +geom_sankey_label(size = 2, color = "black", fill= "white", hjust = -0.1)

pl <- pl +  theme_bw()
pl <- pl + theme(legend.position = "none")
pl <- pl +  theme(axis.title = element_blank()
                  , axis.text.y = element_blank()
                  , axis.ticks = element_blank()  
                  , panel.grid = element_blank())

pl <- pl + labs(title = "Sankey diagram using ggplot")
pl <- pl + labs(subtitle = "using  David Sjoberg's ggsankey package")
pl <- pl + labs(caption = "@techanswers88")
pl <- pl + labs(fill = 'Nodes')

pl <- pl + scale_fill_manual(values = c('Died'    = "red"
                                        ,'Female'  ="red"
                                        ,'Hosp A'  = "red"
) )


How to highlight a node manually

Sometimes you would want to highlight a particular node. In this case we have provide the colour in scale_fill_manual for only those nodes which we want to highlight, all remaining nodes appear in grey colour by default.

t1 <- sample(x = c("Hosp A", "Hosp B", "Hosp C","Hosp D") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t2 <- sample(x = c("Male", "Female")   , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t3 <- sample(x = c("Survived", "Died") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)

d <- data.frame(cbind(t1,t2,t3))
names(d) <- c('Hospital', 'Gender',  'Outcome')

TotalCount = nrow(d)
# Step 1
df <- d %>%
  make_long(Hospital, Gender, Outcome)

# Step 2
dagg <- df%>%

dagg <- dagg%>%
  dplyr::mutate(pct = n/TotalCount)

# Step 3
df2 <- merge(df, dagg, by.x = 'node', by.y = 'node', all.x = TRUE)

pl <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = x
                      , next_x = next_x
                      , node = node
                      , next_node = next_node
                      , fill = factor(node)
                      , label = paste0(node," n=", n, '(',  round(pct* 100,1), '%)' ))
pl <- pl +geom_sankey(flow.alpha = 0.5,  color = "gray40", show.legend = TRUE)
pl <- pl +geom_sankey_label(size = 2, color = "black", fill= "white", hjust = -0.1)

pl <- pl +  theme_bw()
pl <- pl + theme(legend.position = "none")
pl <- pl +  theme(axis.title = element_blank()
                  , axis.text.y = element_blank()
                  , axis.ticks = element_blank()  
                  , panel.grid = element_blank())

pl <- pl + labs(title = "Sankey diagram using ggplot")
pl <- pl + labs(subtitle = "using  David Sjoberg's ggsankey package")
pl <- pl + labs(caption = "@techanswers88")
pl <- pl + labs(fill = 'Nodes')

pl <- pl + scale_fill_manual(values = c('Died'    = "red"
                                        ,'Female'  ="red"
                                        ,'Hosp A'  = "red"
) )


Node and Node Connection colours can also be controlled independently

Using the

t1 <- sample(x = c("Hosp A", "Hosp B", "Hosp C","Hosp D") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t2 <- sample(x = c("Male", "Female")   , size = 100, replace=TRUE)
t3 <- sample(x = c("Survived", "Died") , size = 100, replace=TRUE)

d <- data.frame(cbind(t1,t2,t3))
names(d) <- c('Hospital', 'Gender',  'Outcome')

TotalCount = nrow(d)
# Step 1
df <- d %>%
  make_long(Hospital, Gender, Outcome)

# Step 2
dagg <- df%>%

dagg <- dagg%>%
  dplyr::mutate(pct = n/TotalCount)

# Step 3
df2 <- merge(df, dagg, by.x = 'node', by.y = 'node', all.x = TRUE)

pl <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = x
                      , next_x = next_x
                      , node = node
                      , next_node = next_node
                      , fill = factor(node)
                      , label = paste0(node," n=", n, '(',  round(pct* 100,1), '%)' ))
pl <- pl +geom_sankey(flow.alpha = 0.5, node.color = "blue",show.legend = TRUE, node.fill = "yellow")
pl <- pl +geom_sankey_label(size = 2, color = "black", fill= "white", hjust = -0.1)

pl <- pl +  theme_bw()
pl <- pl + theme(legend.position = "none")
pl <- pl +  theme(axis.title = element_blank()
                  , axis.text.y = element_blank()
                  , axis.ticks = element_blank()  
                  , panel.grid = element_blank())

pl <- pl + labs(title = "Sankey diagram using ggplot")
pl <- pl + labs(subtitle = "using  David Sjoberg's ggsankey package")
pl <- pl + labs(caption = "@techanswers88")


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