Hide circleShow circle Hide or show testing circle if circle exists.
Create circle Create new circle in the middle of graphics view and delete old circle if it exists. Button Show circle must be checked to see created circle. If you accidentally delete the circle, with that button you can create a new circle.
Delete Voronoi Delete existing Voronoi and gets blank graphics view.
Draw missing lines When three or more points are collinear and Voronoi is not visible, click on this button to draw Voronoi diagram.
Draw points on the grid and explore how Voronoi-diagrams are created.
You can move existing points around and see how the diagram changes.
Find a nice surprising pattern with a set of points and describe why you have chosen that particular diagram.
With three points almost always the Voronoi-diagram has a "three-land point".
What is the characteristic of this point?
In which case do you not have such a point?
Explore what patterns you can get with 4 points moving around.
Describe each 'type' of Voronoi diagram and its characteristics.
Draw missing lines
There is not at least three blue points. This button is only useful when points are collinear and Voronoi diagram is not visible.
Draw missing lines
Points are not collinear. This button is only useful when points are collinear and Voronoi diagram is not visible.